Wednesday, May 11, 2011


We have been out enjoying the weather as much as we can. The neighborhood park is one of the main reasons we bought in this subdivision. We are so grateful for the park's convenience and all the friends we get to enjoy it with :).

Look at that cute face!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Made my day.

In the program at church today there was an insert of responses the primary kids gave when asked, "What do you like about your mom?" Connor's response was "Because she is pretty." No joke (i will post proof later.) That made my day. What a little sweetie pie.

We are dorks!


I know you've all been waiting with bated breath to see what the kids rooms look like. Actually, I am just posting these pictures as proof that my kids rooms were cleaned, once. Also, I plan to use these pictures as guidelines of what I expect their rooms to look like when they start to clean their own room. Is that too much too ask?

It's been a slow process but both kiddos room's are pretty much done. Connor's room still needs pictures hung and I need to sew panels to the bottom of the white curtains, and we need to cut in the blue paint at the ceiling. Sadie's room is complete :).

I had a lot of help in this room. My mom made the bed skirt, and pillows and bought the adorable oval mirror.

I love to just sit in her cute room and rock her!

Ryan's mom made the birth sampler for Sadie, it turned out so cute. My little sister made the "I am a child of God" sign and printed it on canvas! And the Beatrix Potter thing is a box of books that my grandma Carol gave to me when I was a little girl; it has all the little books like Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny in it.

I still haven't decided where and what I am going to hang in Connor's room. But he loves his new big boy room. Unfortunately, because his room faces East he wakes up with the sun! He used to be my sleepy boy who would wake up around 10am and now 7:30 is pretty normal. I need to put black out curtains up. Connor's dresser and night stand were Ryan's when he was a kid. I painted them white and sprayed the knobs silver, pretty cute. My mom made Connor's bedding, there is a comforter with a duvet for his bed but I took the comforter off to take to the cleaners. Ryan's mom made the cute little denim bean bag and had Connor's name embroidered on it too! I love these crafty moms we have!!! I can only dream of having their talents!

(don't mind the cute little boy sporting his Cars undies :) he didn't want to move for the picture).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sweet baby.

While I was home last weekend my little sister Ashley snapped a few pictures of Sadie and I.

So Grateful!

Mother's Day is coming up and I am so grateful I was able to spend last weekend amongst some really fantastic mothers. Specifically, I am talking about my mom and my grandma Birdie. The reason for my visit home to CA is that my dear grandma Birdie's cancer came back at the beginning of the year and is spreading quickly. I really wanted to see her, and really wanted her to meet miss Sadie Jewel. There is a little family history behind Sadie's name; My grandma's name is Roberta Jewell, and she was named after Auntie Vi (Viola Jewell). It was so neat to see grandma light up when she saw Sadie.

Grandma is always smiling, and the things that made her smile the most were the simple things, flowers, nature, her family. She never fussed much over material things. My dad said grandma Birdie could always make something out of nothing. And a lot of times she had to! My grandma had 6 children, my dad being the youngest. When my dad was just barely 2 his dad Al died, leaving grandma to take care of a family and brand new house they had lived in together only one month.

Grandma said she cried a lot, most every night. Finally one night she put her fists together looked up to heaven and yelled "Al, you took the easy way out!!!" And then she never cried again, and did what she had to do, take care her family alone.
Grandma has always been very passionate about education. Maybe because she discovered the importance of it first hand with having to be the sole provider for her family. She was very smart and very educated.
Grandma would come over to our house every Wednesday and she would do the payroll for my dad's employee's. In the summer I remember always asking to wash her car and she'd pay me $10 :).
Whenever we'd pull up to grandma's house we could count on her being in her garden, planting, pruning, water, or just checking on her flowers/fruit/veggies.
Grandma will be missed so much. She had so many trials and yet always had a positive attitude. I wish so badly I knew more about her and her life. I would love to sit down and hear all about what she did and how she kept up with her 6 kiddos. I have a feeling she'd say "just smile" cause that seems to be a lot of what she is doing now as she faces her final trial; cancer.
I am grateful for the example grandma is to me. I am grateful for my mom, and I am grateful I can be a mom. A lot of times being a mom in and of itself is a trial. I am going to try and smile more!

This picture of my mom and her family was sitting in my parents living room. It was a picture from my Grandma Carol's house; my grandma Carol died January 2010. My mom is in the red, isn't she adorable! I just thought it was a cute picture so I took a picture of it. My grandma Carol's hair was cracking me up. I love vintage pictures!

I have so many special women in my life; both grandmas, my mom, and now Ryan's mom and grandma's as well. I am grateful for them all!