Thursday, March 6, 2014


Tonight, one by one, each child came into the bathroom to speak with me on a "personal level" through the bathtub curtain.

Matthew's major concern:  "Mom, I just really enjoy reading so much.  Can we please go to the library on Saturday?"

David's major concern:  "Mom, can we…when we get home…do…never mind.  I love you.  Good night.  Mom, I need to drink more water.  I think I am getting dehydrated."

Ethan's major concern:  Sound of the door opening, and my response, "Guys, get in bed."  He shut the door quickly and ran off to bed.

Then, as the door shut, it hit me quite quickly, how much I treasure these moments that I am still needed.  I treasure these "personal" talks and the fact that the boys depend on me.  I love hearing "mom", "mommy", and "mama".

I'm definitely feeling very blessed tonight.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Maybe our family is simply not meant to co-exist with water.  It's in our bodies.  We need it to stay alive, but seriously…what the h?!!

Upon Ryan's return from work today, he noted that a pipe burst in his classroom some time in the night.  The science staff took care of the issue and they were able to clean up the catastrophe, but then, the janitor came in to offer his help, and he re-flooded the entire room.  What are the odds??  Sounds a bit too familiar right.

Then, tonight before Ryan started working on the bathroom, Ethan announced that he successfully flushed a pear down the toilet.  Ummm…no, he did not successfully do anything of the sort.

Instead, Ryan came rushing into the bathroom to find water spilling over the brim of the toilet.  Thankfully, he knew right where to find our snake, which we purchased during a previous flood and was able to remove said object from the toilet.  Seriously, how do they come up with these things?

I immediately thought to right this one down.  Come on:  it is pretty funny.  The boys have flooded every place we've ever lived just about.

In other matters, Ethan told me my face looked like a "hammer-mer" when he squishes it together.

Matthew cleaned up his bedroom, the family room, and kitchen after school with complaining.

David did amazing at gymnastics tonight.  That kid is so agile.  He cleared the pummel horse and flew over it--literally FLEW over it.  I see a future track star in him.

And going back to Ethan, he wore his shark helmet to gymnastics to watch his brother.  Periodically, he would comment on how awesome each of the kids were.  Then, at one point, he turned to me and said, "Mama, I'm not going to suck my thumb anymore, because I want to get a second dog."

Me:  Excuse me, Ethan?
Ethan:  Dad told me I could get a big, black dog if I stop sucking my thumb.
Me (thinking):  Hmmm…very interesting.  I wonder when your dad had plans of telling me that.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Rough Monday

I don't know why, but I just had a bad attitude today.  And it wasn't even while I was at work; it was just about going to work.  Some days, I feel that urgency about staying home.  I feel the guilt of leaving Ethan at the sitter's house.  But then, I remember that I have to work.  I remember why I am doing this.

At any rate, I really didn't want to go to work today, but it went fine while I was there.  The rough part came later.

Upon clocking out of work, I discovered that Ryan had to head to the dealership to see about the truck situation, as well as attend his scheduled hair cut.  I picked up the boys and then, proceeded toward the floor shop.

I sort of cringe each time we go here, because the boys behave so crazy inside.  And I'm not even sure why; maybe it's the lack of things to do for a little boy.  I don't know.  But without fail they always go nuts.

The whole reason for stepping foot in there this evening was to make the down payment for the remodeling for the flood, caused by none other than infamous Ethan in our bathroom.

After about 30 minutes of our being there, David had to use the bathroom.  It's a tiny powder room.  Really small actually.  After about 5 or 10 minutes, the other boys began inquiring of David's whereabouts and exactly what was going on in that bathroom.  Ethan suddenly pried open the door, only to hear David calling for me.

Quickly, I walked over and let myself in.  Imagine the horror on my face to discover that David not only had an accident (which I can handle), but there was toilet water all over the bathroom.

"David, what the heck?!  What did you do??!"

"Mom, I had an accident and didn't make it to the toilet in time.  Look at my underwear."

"David there is water everywhere.  Why are you using paper towels?"

Needless to say, we spent about 20 more minutes in there cleaning up the mess.

How ironic that he flooded the flooring place's bathroom, while we were there to purchase their services for a bathroom flood at home?  Sometimes, I'm not sure how cut out I am for this.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


I skipped out on church today.  I felt really sick before bed and struggled going to sleep.  Then, after waking up and feeling like I'd been hit by a truck from exhaustion, I decided that I just really needed a break.  And so…I slept.  Ryan took the older boys to church, while Ethan, who has a really bad, congested cough, accompanied me in our bed.  I snoozed and he watched Ninja Turtles on the laptop.

At any rate, I've given a lot of thought about where I want to go with this blog over the past couple of days.  I want this to be a place where I share real things and real feelings.  My life it definitely not that of a fairy tale.  It's so much more and better and harder and deeper and happier and sadder and all emotions combined.

For starters, we are moving.  This is strange, because next to our time in college, we have lived her the longest: 5 years this August.  We love Katy.  We feel at home here and have friends that are like family.  I can honestly say that there are at least three and maybe four friends that I will call family for the rest of my being.  They have known me at my worst places and yet, they have chosen to love me and accept me.

When we came here, Ryan didn't receive any promptings.  In fact, he almost felt swayed that we should stay in Dallas.  However, my promptings were too strong.  I knew that we were supposed to come here.  While I don't know all of the reasons we needed to live here, I do recognize a few.

Lesson #1:  Missionary Work--we have met too many friends and people that we have shared the Gospel with to not believe this was one of the reasons of our coming.  From our neighbor knocking on the door just weeks after our arrival to "hear our feelings about his addiction to coffee" to late night chats at coaching school about eternal marriage and prayer and the Book of Mormon, we have seen His hand directing our time here.

Lesson #2:  Struggling--I'm not certain that we have ever struggled so much, since our moving here.  The week before we moved here, with Ryan already gone to Houston for work reasons, the water pump and something else broke in our van.  I was huge pregnant without transportation, since all of our money was tied up in our move.  On top of that, David had molescom everywhere and because we treated it, he had open sores all over his body.  Then, Saturday night, just 6 1/2 days before our departure, Matthew broke his elbow.  We found out that Tuesday that he needed surgery on said elbow.  I borrowed a car, packed bags, and we stayed the night in the hospital.  My friends came to the rescue, keeping David, Fed Exing my power of attorney for our house closing, and my relief society president lent me her car.  We saw so many miracles transpire, but I can tell you that it was not an easy time.  Additionally, I was HUGE pregnant with Ethan and upon our arrival in Houston, my right breast turned completely purple and black, and became excruciatingly painful and tender.  The doctors questioned whether or not I might have breast cancer, given my family's history.  However, because I had both kids with me for the tests, no one would do the necessary tests to determine results.  Thus, I had to drive back to Dallas to get the necessary testing.

Really, looking back, that was extremely stressful; however, that did not hold a candle to the next year, 2010.  Then, 2011 rolled around and proved MUCH harder, and of course, last year, 2013, just about broke me.

Our family has grown a great deal since our moving here.  We have learned to rely on the Lord and learned what our knees are for.  We've struggled silently and very vocally.  We've learned what true faith is.

I'm ever grateful for our time here, but I know that our move to Spokane is needed.  I know that living near family will help stabilize our boys.  I think they will learn how to get along better.  I'm so excited to live near my parents.  I cannot wait to explore the out doors there with the mountains--to fish, to hike, and to camp.  My kids are going to get to build snowmen and go sledding.  I long for the seasons.  It is going to be wonderful to take my mother soup when she is sick.  I will get to help my dad with bedding around his yard or call him to work on repairs with Ryan.  I am so excited for this change!

Here's to a great 2014 full of changes!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014


There are just some things in life that feel like life or trigger memories that remind you of home.  For me, certain songs, bedtime stories, and places trigger such photographs.  This blog is one of those.

Since this blog's memory filled up, I have written a number of publications on other blogs--both personal and professional, as well as websites.  All of them leave me with a nagging feeling, however, that something is not quite right.  Something is hanging in the balance and I feel off-center.

Hence, I came back.  I decided that for whatever measly $10 or other amount, it's worth it.  These days I need as many reminders of home and familiarities as possible.

My home is currently torn up.  :(  Since our house flooded in December, as well as re-flooded in January, I find myself clinging to anything stable.  (Perhaps, the apple does not fall far from the tree, because I thrive on schedules and routines.)  I don't like things out of whack.

My house feels extra cluttered and dirty, since this past flood.  And this week, as the bathroom remodels come to a close, all of our personal affects will be positioned in a helper-skelter sort of fashion in our family room, while the floor people carpet and demo and re-carpet, etc, our bedrooms.  I just want it finished.  *Sigh…

Anyway, in other news, I am fighting the good fight with my weight.  I hate that I struggle with it so much.  I'm totally and completely what I eat--whether it's a pear or chocolate or a "hammer-mer".  My hips cannot hide it.  I'm trying to do a better job with my exercise and healthy eating habits.

I'm also working full time for Costco.  It's tiring and wearing, but actually I love it.  Currently, I work in the marketing department, and I really enjoy working with the various HR departments we have the privilege of contacting each day.

The boys continue to grow.  Good things, challenges, sad times, hard things--we experience it all.

Oh, it's really great to be back.  More thoughts to come in the near future:  more than these simple iterations of play by play on my life.  I miss the reflections once shared here.  Even if social media has left blogging in the dust, that's alright.  This is a good place for me.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I have officially used up my space here for pics; thus, I am shifting to a new blog.

Ryan & Keri Allred's Family Blog  or

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Unexpected Answers    I received an unexpected answer to my prayers today.  I’ve been praying quite specifically and fervently about a particular matter regarding our family.  Much to my surprise, an answer to another matter came to light today.  I love that Heavenly Father answers our prayers in His own time and way.  I’m grateful He gives us those insights.


Matthew    I’m not going to lie.  Matthew is mostly better and sitting at school today.  I miss him.  I miss my little helper and those dazzling blue eyes piercing into my soul as he gives me a grin—not the kind with his teeth—just a small pursing of his lips (in a good way).  It was heavenly to have him home, helping me and chatting with me.


Butterflies    Today, as we pulled into the drive, we observed a beautiful monarch butterfly, in all its orange and black glory with white and black, as well as orange, stripes on the outer part of its wings, touch our beautiful purple salvia blossoms.  It was a gorgeous site to see the butterfly that close up and sit there for that length of a period.


Caterpillars    Many a plethora of plump, furry, black caterpillars frequent the road crossing by our neighborhood entrance.  I love watching these guys inch their way across the pavement.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Nursery    I got to sub for the nursery today.  It was so fun to see so many little ones and eat snacks and snuggle.  I loved it!!!