Tuesday, January 29, 2013

getting ready for Christmas!!

This is what we were doing the week after Halloween:

 Putting up our Christmas stuff!!! 
(ha! Notice my Halloween stuff is still up....)
Happy day! Happy day! I absolutely love my Christmas decorations! We put up our stuff early every year, but this year we did it extra early. Only because we decided to get a new prelit tree.....due to the fact that Ellie ate our last tree's leg, which we duct taped back together, but it still never stood straight afterwards.

 Ryan has this thing (a crazy obsessive thing =0), when we get something new, he HAS to take it out and play with it. It doesn't matter what time of day it is or what it is, he has to set it up. When we got our new chandler above our table, we didn't get home till around 11:30pm, but that didn't matter, it was going up! Even if we both had to work the next morning!! We were up till 1am.....I told you, he's crazy! But that is one of the million little things I love about him. So the fact that it was only a week after Halloween didn't mean anything....it was going up that very night!

Christmas came early!
Just what I wanted....a crazy Scottie dog! Her eyes glow with mischief!

 She loves hiding under things, she has many hideouts through out the house. Under our bed is her favorite, she thinks it's her own personal Bat cave! Many bones have been buried there, along with socks, washcloths, tissues, or even our undies. The Hamper is her favorite place to steal our stuff, little stinker.

Dec. 23, 2012....we are so ready for CHRISTMAS!!
So much that our presents are overflowing!

Our big bad guard dog! She's always on the look out.
If you dare walk up to our porch, she'll bark your ear off!

 I won't lie, decorating for Christmas takes a lot of work! All the normal decor has to put away and replaced with something festive. It can take ALL day, and even in the past, it has even taken DAYS! So by the time I am all done, I just like to sit in my living room and look at all my hard work! I just sit and stare at all the pretty lights, from my beautiful tree to my beloved Christmas villages. I am obsessed with villages, as you probably already know! =0)

Part two: Thanksgiving!

 Family: What I am Thankful for!

Two Thanksgiving Dinners is a common tradition with our family. It's too hard to choose which side to eat with.....so usually we don't choose, we just got to both. One is usually around noon and the other falls anywhere from 2-5pm later that day. We usually stuff ourselves sick! But this year we didn't! Because my family decided to have our Thanksgiving the Sunday before. It was a win win situation for us, cause we still got our TWO dinners but without the being sick part.

 The daddy and momma to be....

 My MOST favorite dish at Thanksgiving dinner is candied Yams!!
Too bad I have to share, otherwise I would seriously eat them all up.

                                                                 I look good with a baby. I really need to get one.
 Time to eat! Hooooo-ray!!

 BEHOLD: the best pies in the world!
 Everyone loves Asher-roo!

 For our Thanksgiving #2 (the one on the actual day), I didn't get ANY pictures at the Arnold dinner.
I brought my camera, but I got too busy talking and didn't even pull it out of my purse. I swear the only reason I have any pictures is because of Katie. She always takes care of that for me. Besides the fact that I have no fun pictures to show off, it was delightful as well. I sure love my family. 
These were the only pictures taken that day that included me:

 Katie was there, so of course pictures followed. =0)
This was an hour before our Black Friday shopping madness began. This time, Katie and even RYAN were my partners in crime. We got pretty lucky and we got everything on our list! 
Our Thanksgiving(s) were great, and even though it's long past now....we sure hope yours was as good as ours. We have a lot to be Thankful for!

Part one: November!

 Happy 2013!
Our Holiday season was a little different than normal this year, but still just as fabulous. We weren't as crazy busy, it was more relaxing. There was many movie nights! I was able to see all my favorite holiday movies and even some new Hallmark ones in between. It was nice. I am definitely a movie gal. I am a little behind, but I am not super worried. In November, we got some family pictures done. Having a sister that loves taking pictures has MILLIONS of benefits! One is that whenever I feel like I need a new pictures (which is often =0), she is always up for doing them.

#1 blessing in my life: my Ryan.
When those bad days hit and I am feeling sad....he always comes to my rescue.
Life is good.

 Isn't the color Red just fantastic! Especially when it comes in BOOTS!

 Just for fun, cause we can.....
 .....this is our trubute to the last movie of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn part two!
Like the other movies, we had to go to the midnight showing! I had high hopes for this movie and it was better than I even hoped. It seriously was awesome! I was freaking out at the end! For all of you who have seen it, you know what I am talking about! It totally got me!

 This is me and my dear friend Shelley, the BIGGEST Twilight fan I know! Sure love her!

Never mind...

....I've now decided to NOT have two blogs! ha! Can I get any more confusing? My brain is crazy, two blogs feels less orderly....its okay, you can call me crazy. I know I'm a weirdo.
 PLEASE stay tuned....to THIS blog for our new updates!