But I'm stuck on how to price them so I set up this post to force some advice from my mom and sisters. (Thanks family!) If you're not my mom or sister, but you do have a couple minutes, I'd love to get your pricing recommendations too. I do actually have to sell some of these or sweet Ryan may not be so forgiving of all the money I've sunk into making them. Sadly, my crafting joy does have a monetary limit.
Here is a sampling...
#1 Big Signs - these are 3 ft wide by 11 inches tall. I'm doing some ready made and then taking orders to do others personalized (you know, with family names, etc.)
#2 Small Boards - these I'm also doing some pre-made and others personalized.
#4 Family Night bowls - These have one big bowl with the family name and little bowls for each family member.
#5 Vases - These are tricky to photograph. I'll do glass etching with personalized names.