Photo Courtesy of

Sarah Fletcher Photography, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall has come....and so has the rain finally!

Since we moved here it has rained maybe three times.  I was really beginning to doubt that we lived in the northwest where people say it rains ALL the time!  I still am skeptical.  However, we have had beautiful rainstorms the past few days, and I must say, I'm embracing it!

So here is the low down from the past couple of months:

Filled up our last summer days with blackberry jam making, monkey making, and grilled pizza making!

Started school...Kindergarten girl!

 Camped at Zion's Camp in Washington.  Beautiful! 

Reunioned with the Nielsen family on a trip to San Clemente CA!  
We stayed in Liz and Josh's family's home on the beach.  
It was incredible, amazing, relaxing, rejuvinating, etc. etc. etc.  
Visits to Coronado Island (This is the spot for our 15 year anniversary!)

Besides Splash Mountain with Daddy, this was the highlight!

Playing on the beach with Grandma and Grandpa!

You can't really see the view behind us, but just imagine the most amazing ocean view in the world and that is what we had!

Now, this beach home deserves a few more lines of praise here:
Posting pictures or even describing this amazing home wouldn't even do it justice.  We all came home from this trip and longed for the walls made of sliding glass that open with the push of a magical button, revealing the amazing ocean, the cupboard drawers that seemed to close on their own, the endless drink drawers filled with ice cold water, sparkling grapefruit juice, etc., the three sets of washers and dryers, the elevator, the theater room, and the toaster. 
Yes people, the toaster.  The toast just seemed to glide down with such ease, then rose, perfectly toasted with the same beauty as it's decent.  I came home to find my own $15 Target toaster just not cutting it.  So, to help me feel a little piece of the CA home in my own little home, I bought the same toaster.  No kidding, this toaster is truly a little slice a heaven.  It's the little things you know.
I highly recommend it. 

You can't really see the view behind us, but just imagine the most amazing ocean view in the world and that is what we had!

Back home.  A "little" cotton candy at the DuPont Fall Festival!

P.S.  In case you didn't notice the bump on my belly in the CA picture.....
we are expecting baby number three in May!  I'm only 12 weeks but look much farther 
along...I hear this is one of many fun things that comes along with having three kids!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We've been busy having fun!

We love it here!  Well mostly, we just love having Ryan/Daddy around!  Washington has no shortage of amazing sites to see.  After fun visits from Grandmas and Grandpas, a trip for Mommy to San Fran with darling Kim, and a day trip to Rainier we have decided we really really like living here.

Dr. Roberts checks Grandma Suzi for cataracts....
Ryan didn't really know what the heck he was looking at, but Grandma was a happy patient!

Thank goodness for Grandparents who give us enormous lollipops!

Sand angels

 A little ice cream at the Farmer's Market on the Puget Sound

 Blueberry picking!

 A visit at Daddy's work

 San Francisco!  Thank you Kim!

 Love our Grandma and Grandpa!

 Hiking at Mt. Rainier

 One thing we have learned as a family....embrace the time you have together and just have fun!  
 It has been an awesome summer!

And now...our Lily starts Kindergarten on Friday.  Back to school night was tonight.  
Confidence, determination, and excitement - that was Lily tonight.  
Kindergarten - here I come!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Moving In

 Welcome to Washington Roberts' Fam!
After 8 years in beautiful Maryland, we packed up and headed west to our new home.

No furniture for 7 days, no problem!

The goods arrive....I spared you all the photos of the rooms completely full of boxes!  
But look, they rolled out the red carpet for all of our amazing household goods.
number of losses - too many to count
number of broken items - too many to count
number of dirtified furniture upholstery items - three...lame
Break time....
Happy Fourth of July in a beautiful quaint little Washington city!!


And now....almost back to normal.
Fencing and piano lessons from Mommy..... pot pie with biscuits.

So here's to the Evergreen state!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Vegan Thanksgiving

So, I recently went vegan. It's been over a month now and I feel terrific. I'll save listing my many reasons for doing this, but I will try to convince you that it is a delicious way to live. So, what does a vegan Thanksgiving look like? Here you go :) I had to start with dessert first, so look above.

Roasted Brussell Sprouts
courtesy Ina Garten

Wild Rice Salad
courtesy Ina Garten

Butternut Squash and Pear Soup
courtesy of my dear friend Kim

Add some vegan mashed potatoes, and yams
(made by my amazingly accommodating friends Scott and Marissa)
and what does this all add up to?

One happy little family....Daddy, we know you would have loved it too!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Are Blogs Out?

Did I miss the blog trend completely? No one seems to be updating frequently anymore. Is the trend dying out, or is it that everyone is just insanely busy? Not sure what the answer is. Well, cute Mom, and sisters, my loyal blog supporters, here are some updated photos of the children as well as a low down on life at our house.

The past week has been, well, hard. With Thanksgiving fast approaching though, I am reminded of all that I have to be grateful for. A daughter who yells "I want a new Mommy!" and stomps out of the room because she has the ability to talk and the ability to walk. A son who says "No!" and pulls my earrings out, or pulls my pants down out of frustration because he has words and strength. Toilets to clean, floors to mop, and laundry to fold because I have a home. Groceries to buy, fruits and veggies to wash, and recipes to follow because I have food to eat.

I am learning on a daily basis of the many blessings I have in my life. They are poured out like waterfalls at times, or trickle slowly around me, but they are there. Here are just a few of those blessings captured on film.....

Happy Thanksgiving from Rapunzel and our little Honeybee :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011


We are here! It has been a great visit so far with the following milestones:

- made it through 6 and half hours on an airplane without completely falling apart (just partially)
- is saying "fish, cookie" and "shhhhhh"
- has eaten almost a whole watermelon rind
- has slurped lemonade off of concrete (not his lemonade by the way)
- is driving a car
- has put one toe into a swimming pool
- has discovered the lazy boy car seat in Grandpa's car is way more comfy than his own!

- made it through 6 and a half hours on an airplane without "losing her lunch" as in flights past :)
- completed Fairy Dance Camp
- has heard the "snap, crackle, and pop" from her bowl of rice krispies cereal
- has successfully experienced the good ol' slip 'n slide for the second time
- has discovered the power of her words by telling me tonight "I wish I had a different Mommy!"
- has roasted a marshmallow to perfection in Grandma and Grandpa Roberts' back yard (then proceeded to smack Mommy in the head with the marshmallow stick leaving nice ooey gooey marshmallow in Mommy's hair)
- has watched Disney's Tarzan a total of 8 times already

This pretty much sums up how we feel about being here...and it's only been two weeks!

ryan, amy, lily, and cole

life is good :)