Showing posts with label Catholic Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic Church. Show all posts
Saint of the week:

A Saint is often an ordinary person who has lived an extraordinary life of virtue and faith. As Catholics we should use these exemplars to inspire us in our daily lives.

St. Hesychius of Jerusalem

Unfortunately, not much is known of this early Christian Saint from the Russian Orthodox tradition. Many of his writings and much about his life has been lost to history. He was an exegete and involved in his church as a presbyter. His work was extremely important since he defended the doctrines of the Church from early heresies including the theories of Nestorianism and Arianism. Nestorianism postulated that there were two completely separate natures combined in Jesus, one divine and the other human. Arianism postulated that Jesus was not divine at all. Hesychius' work gives us great insight into the history of the early Church. He wrote homilies concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary, and many Bible commentaries which focused on the mysteries contained in the Old Testament and how they are related to the New Testament. This included writings on the Psalms. Some of his other works describe the life and martyrdom of early Saints. He had a great love of the Holy Eucharist and promoted the need to keep pure of mind and body.

This week pray a Rosary in his honor, his feast day is March 28th.

A Saint is often an ordinary person who has lived an extraordinary life of virtue and faith. As Catholics we should use these exemplars to inspire us in our daily lives.

St. Serapion the Scholastic

Little is known of the early life of St. Serapion. He lived in the fourth century. He was a Monk who spent much time in the Egyptian desert as a disciple of St. Anthony. He focused on prayer and performing penance. His intellectual powers were great and he was selected to direct the catechetical school which was located in Alexandria, Egypt. He would resign this post to return to his more humble life. He was later consecrated the Bishop of Thmuis, an important city in lower Egypt located on a canal of the NileRiver delta. He was an important defender of Church Doctrine and attacked the heresy of Arianism, which taught that Jesus was not consubstantial with the Father. He was banished by the Emperor Constantius, an avid believer in Arianism. He also opposed the Macedonianism Heresy which denied the divinity of the Holy Spirit and thus the Holy Trinity. He was a brilliant scholar and theologian, wrote a sacramentary called the Euchologion, several important letters and a lengthy discourse on the titles of the Psalms. Some of his writings may be found in the Sayings of the Desert Fathers (Apothegmata)

This week pray a Rosary in his honor, his feast day is March 21st

Saint of the week:

The Blessed Mother holds a special place in the hearts of Catholics. She is venerated as Mother of God and Mother of the Church. This week we honor her apparitions and the miracles at Lourdes.

Our Lady of Lourdes - February 11th

A beautiful Lady appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous near Lourdes, France, in1858. She appeared 18 times from February 11 to July 16. During the first few apparitions she smiled and bowed to Bernadette, who prayed the Rosary and sprinkled holy water. St. Bernadette was 14 years old and did not know who this was. The Lady told her "I do not promise to make you happy in this world but in the next". Bernadette was instructed to drink the water from the spring but there was no spring. She had to scratch the ground and then it appeared. The waters of the spring have been attributed miraculous healing powers. The first miraculous cure occurred during the 12th apparition on March 1st. She finally identified herself to Bernadette as, "The Immaculate Conception". St. Bernadette did not know what that meant, but it confirmed the dogma established four years earlier by the Pope. The Shrine and miraculous healing waters honor, "The Immaculate Conception of Mary". Lourdes is a popular Marian Shrine and attracts millions of visitors each year.

This week pray a Rosary in honor of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
Saint of the week:

A Saint is often an ordinary person who has lived an extraordinary life of virtue and faith. As Catholics we should use these exemplars to inspire us in our daily lives.

St. Colette (1381-1447)

It seems the world becomes more interesting and challenging from time to time. During these times we must depend on our faith. St. Colette lived in such a time, the time of the Great Western Schism. She was born in Corbie, which is north of Paris near the city of Amiens. Her father was a carpenter for the Benedictine Abbey of Corbie; her mother was Marguerite Moyon. She was orphaned as a young teen and entered the Bequines, a semi monastic community. She would live as a Benedictine and a Poor Clare and even lived for a time as a hermit. During this time 3 men claimed to be Pope. One of them, Benedict XIII (Pedro de Luna) empowered St. Colette to reform the Poor Clares. She began her work in Geneva and before she completed her task, she had founded 17 convents and had started a reform among branches of the Franciscan Friars (the Coletani). She emphasized a return to the Primitive Rule of St. Clare. The practice was austere and included poverty, perpetual fast, abstinence and walking barefoot. She exhibited prophecy, the gift of miracles and mystical experiences. She was Canonized by Pope Pius VII. The Colettine's still exist and practice the Rule today.

This week pray a Rosary in her honor, her feast day is February 6th.
Are you a Roman Catholic? Do you still remember the Ten Commandments? Maybe it's time for you to refresh it in your mind. Here check it out, I researched and willing to share it to you.

First Commandment: Believe In The True God
"I,The LORD, AM your God...You Shall not have other Gods besides me." (EX 20:2-3)

Second Commandment: Reverence God's Name
"You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God in vain." (Ex 20:7)

Third Commandment: Love The Lord's Day
Remember to keep holy the Lord's day

Fourth Commandment: Strengthen Your Family
Honor your father and your mother

Fifth Commandment: Promote The Culture Of Life
You shall not kill

Sixth Commandment: Marital Fidelity
You shall not commit adultery

Seventh Commandment: Do Not Steal - Act Justly
You shall not steal

Eighth Commandment: Tell The Truth
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

Nine Commandment: Practice Purity Of Heart
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife

Tenth Commandment: Embrace Poverty Of Spirit
You shall not covet your neighbor's goods

From United States Catholic Catechism For Adults
Saint of the week:

A Saint is often an ordinary person who has lived an extraordinary life of virtue and faith. As Catholics we should use these exemplars to inspire us in our daily lives.

St. Gregory of Nyssa ( 330-395)

His family must have been a great inspiration for this Saint was born the son of two Saints, Saints Basil and Emmilia. He was also raised by his brother, St. Basil the Great. He was a smart boy and excelled at his studies. He became a professor of rhetoric but would pursue theology. He became a priest and was elected Bishop of Nyssa. He was a defender of the faith against the Arianism and other heresies that were spreading through the early church. His work gained him a seat on the Council of Constantinople. He was a universalist and was one of the first theologians to argue for and defend the infinity of God. He taught that spiritual growth had three stages. It began with darkness or ignorance, which was overcome by illumination which lead to a final contemplation of God, who in essence (ousia) cannot be comprehended. St. Gregory of Nyssa, his brother St Basil the Great (Bishop of Caesarea) and Gregory of Nazianzus (Patriarch of Constantinople) are known as the Cappadocian Fathers. Their theological goal was to establish a Christian philosophy superior to ancient Greek philosophy.

This week pray a Rosary in his honor, his feast day is January 10th.

Checked this out folks, My daughter met Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clause at St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church. The Church had a morning breakfast to all Catholic member in our district before and after the mass. The purpose of this morning gathering is to meet other people living in our neighborhood. Anyway, we always attended the early Catholic Mass around 10 O' Clock. My daughter lined up with other children to hug, kiss, and talk to Santa. She also brought her drawing of Barbie Masketeer in a yellow paper and hand it over to Santa. She showed it to let him know the kind of gift she want to receive this Christmas. Isn't that funny?

Please declare these scriptures out loud daily. Thanks you! :-)
  • He is the Lord that healeth me. (Ex. 15:26)
  • He sent His word and healed me. (PS. 107:20)
  • He has restored health unto me and has healed my wounds. (Jer. 30:17)
  • I cried unto the Lord and He healed me. (Ps. 30:2)
  • He has taken sickness from the midst of me. (Ex. 23:25)
  • He has forgiven all my inquities and has healed all my diseases. (Ps. 103:3)
  • With His stripes I am healed now. (Isa. 53:5)
  • Jesus healed all who were oppressed of the devil, and I am part of all. (Ac. 10:38)
  • Jesus himself took my infirmities and bare my sicknesses. (Mat. 8:17)
  • The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me and that same Spirit quickens my mortal body now. (Rom. 8:11)
  • I've been annointed with oil in the Name of the Lord Jesus. The prayer of faith has saved me and the Lord has raised me up. (Ja. 5:14,15)
  • Believer's hand have been laid on me, and I have recovered. (Mk. 16:18)
  • It is His will that I prosper and be in health, as my soul prospers. (3 Jo 2)
  • By His stripes I was healed. (Pet. 2:24) I was healed about 2,000 years ago, so I am already healed.
  • His word is life and health to all my flesh. (Pro. 4:22)
  • I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. (Eph. 6:10)
  • No evil shall befall me; neither shall any plague come near my dwelling. (Ps. 91:10)
  • God has girded me with strength. (Ps. 18:34)
  • The joy of the Lord is my strength. (Neh. 8:10)
  • As my days, so shall my strength be. (Deu. 33:25)
  • I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13)
  • I take hold of God's strength. (Isa. 27:5)
  • God is the strength of my life. (Ps. 73:26)
  • No bone of mine shall be broken. (Jn. 19:36)
  • Jesus, my pass over Lamb, has been sacrificed for me. (Cor. 5:7)
  • Therefore all sickness and disease must pass over me. (1 Cor 5:7)
  • God is my strength. The Lord is the strength of my life. (Ps. 28)
  • I shall not die, but I live, and declare the works of the Lord. (Ps. 118:77)
  • I discern the Lord's body broken for my healing. (1 Cor 11:29)
  • I have the mind of Christ. My mind is renewed by the word of God. (1 Cor 2:16, Rom. 12:2)
  • I have the spirit of a sound mind. (Tim. 1:7)
  • God satisfies my mouth with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagle. (Ps. 103:5)
  • My eyes will not be dim, neither will my natural force be abated, for God is no respecter of persons. What He did for Moses, He will do for me. Moses was 120 when he died, his eyes were not dim, neither was his natural force abated. (Deu. 34:7, Ro. 2:11)
  • As Jesus cursed the fig tree and it withered, I curse, in the name of Jesus, this sickness or disease, and it shall also wither. (Mat. 21:19)
  • I am redeemed of the Lord from sickness and disease and I say so. (Ps. 107:2)
  • Christ has redeemed me from the curse of sickness; therefore I forbid any sickness or disease to come upon this body in Jesus name. Every sickness, every disease and every infirmity has to get out now, in the name of Jesus. Every tissue of this body, every organ, every cell, and every part of this body functions perfectly in the way God created it to function. I forbid my body to malfunction in any way in the name of Jesus. (Gal. 3:13)
  • I am healed, I am free, I am delivered. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. (Jn. 8:36)
  • I am God's property. Satan cannot touch me or destroy me; for I have been delivered out of the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God's dear Son. I resist the devil in the name of Jesus, and all his spirits of infirmity, sickness and disease. It is written-resist the devil and he will flee from you. It is also written-with His stripes I am healed; so I declare I am healed now. (1 Cor 6:19, Col. :13, Ja. 4:7, Isa. 53:5)

I got this prayer from St. Margaret of Scotland, a Catholic Church close to my place. I just want to share this to all of you especially those who still in grief like me.

"How can a void be filled and pain eased from losing a loved one or friend? Did that one walk with the Lord or are we left to wonder. Either way, grief remains -- deep, sharp with no solace in sight. On the day of the funeral it often rains; if not outwardly, in our hearts. How appropriate it matches the tears we shed. Yet, as a glimmer of sunlight cuts through our rain, we see again God's everlasting promise arrayed in glorious color. Each shade reminds us of His many promises:

RED , for His Love

  • John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only son so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.

ORANGE, His warm healing and comfort

  • Matthew 5:4 - Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.

YELLOW, The sun that will shine again

  • Jeremiah 31:13 - Then the virgins shall make merry and dance, and young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into joy; I will console and gladden them after their sorrows.

GREEN, His help for us to grow

  • Peter 2:2 - Like newborn infants, long for pure spiritual milk so that through it you may grow into salvation.

BLUE, His unending faithfulness

  • Psalm 56:3-4 - My foes treat me harshly all the day; Yes, many are my attackers; O Most High, when I am afraid, in you I place my trust.

INDIGO, we are children of the King

  • Luke 20:36 - They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise.

VIOLET, a new song to return in His time

  • Song of Solomon 2:12 - For see, the winter is past, the rains are over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of prunning the vines has come, and the song of the above is heard in our land.

As we focus on His love and word, in time He will fill our void and loneliness and heal our pain. "