Thursday, February 7, 2013

Weston turned 3

Weston turned 3 last month.  He has grown so much this past year and is learning so many new things. He  is a so smart and has an amazing memory. (Obviously got that from his dad, not me.) He remembers peoples names, places we've been, and things we've done so easily.  Half the time I don't remember  the things he does! Weston is a big helper to his mom and an amazing older brother.  He greets Owen every morning with a big smile and a "Hi Owen!"  Wes is talking a lot and is always reminding me of what "garbage words" are, like "oh my gosh", and "oh darn." He is funny, a little goofy, and creative with a good imagination. He loves to joke around and say "Just kidding!!!"
Superman, spiderman, and "mad robots" are his favorite things to talk about.  Dressing up in his superman and fireman costume has become a daily event:) Weston has started attending primary and he loves it.  He comes home and tells me about his friends in his primary class, naming every one of them and why he likes them.  The past few months he has become a "big boy." He uses the potty now very well and gave his binkie up at bedtime without any problems. ( YAY!!) He still is a very picky eater but has become a little less picky these last few months.  His favorite foods are eggs, ham, sausage, toast, and anything with hamburger or any meat.  Weston is very good at negotiating, communicating, and justifying things.  We joke that he would make a great lawyer someday. 
I love my Weston so much.  Some days he drives me crazy:)...but I can't imagine life without him.  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Helmet

Owen has been sporting a pretty sweet helmet since Oct. 30th.  I never thought I'd have a 'helmet baby', but when the doc said the back of his head looked like a pancake we decided to do something about it.  A few months of wearing plastic on his head was worth it to us to reshape his little head. 
He will thank us later I am sure. 

The molding of the helmet was a bit traumatizing for him.
 (not happy)

I was really worried about him being uncomfortable in it. This was my main concern.  He has to wear it 23 out of 24 hours and I was afraid he wouldn't sleep well or be super cranky with it on.  Thankfully he got use to after a day or two and carried on like nothing was different.  Owen is just a content baby and not much bothers him.  So thankful for that. 
The looks, questions, and people's comments I have found pretty humorous and entertaining if anything.  I always knew why babies wore those helmets but apparently some people do not.  And then some people just can't keep their mouth shut or awkwardly want to say something but don't know if they should. 
"Does he have seizures?"
 "Oh poor thing?" 
 "If you put him on his stomach to sleep, that would not have happened." 
"Mommy, mommy look at the weird thing on that baby's head!"
"What the heck is that for?"
" What's wrong with him?"
(Lost of stares and double takes......)
and the likes...
I just explain it's purely cosmetic and that he is perfectly healthy and beautiful. 
I love my little helmet baby.  

(The helmet worked. He is done with it in just one week!)  

So remember Christmas?

Yeah, it was a while ago.  Just bloggin' it up here, trying to catch up on this thing.
  We spent Christmas Eve at the Krogh residence just partying like nobody's business.  Festivities included basketball, lots of food and goodies, pinata,  pageant, presents, ugly sweaters, white elephants, and pajamas. 
Christmas morning at our house!
 and then off to the Emmett's!


I love the fall.  It's a close tie with summer as one of my favorite seasons.   The leaves, the beautiful colors, and the cool crisp air is something I look forward to every year. This year we took the kiddos to the pumpkin patch. Weston insisted on picking up and carrying his pumpkins all by himself.  He is growing up so fast. 

Pumpkin carving went well.  Daddy did most of the work and Wes lost interest after a grand total of 5 minutes, but he still had fun.  Owen was just happy to be there...
And of course what is fall without playing in the leaves
and some pheasant hunting! Okay well, the pheasant hunting is more in our family tradition.  Weston didn't realize the thing was dead in this picture. Kyle had to explain it to him and Wes was less than happy about it....:)
It's also tradition that we go to Fright mares at Lagoon.  I was excited to take Wes on the kiddy rides but I did something totally dumb when we first arrived and took him on a full blown roller-coaster. It's a fairly new ride. It's no colossus, but it's no kiddy ride either.  He was barely tall enough so I thought what the heck and took him on it. I don't think he took a single breath on the entire ride. He was TRAUMATIZED to say the least. As a result he refused to go on nothing but the kiddy boats and cars.  He wouldn't go on anything else that left the ground. I felt like a horrible mommy....:(

At least he had fun on the boats and cars...over and over and over and over and over again. 
"Hi Mom!"
We did talk him into the carousel.  This was the result...