Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas Recap

We spent Christmas Eve in Logan. We started the day off with some basketball.
The kids had a blast running around. 
Then back to the house for all the festivities.
Weston was a wise man with his other two cousins. They looked so adorable.
Then we pig out!!

Wes had fun hanging out with his cousins.
My very favorite part of the evening is the traditional pinata! Weston didn't quite get it, but he had fun being outside and of course eating all the candy afterwards.
The whole pinata clan. (except for most of the younger kids went in, it was so stinking cold) 
We always have our neighbors over to do this with us too. It's so fun.
We headed back to SLC late Christmas Eve and spent the morning at home. I had Weston open one gift before going to church. I don't think he really appreciated it too much, but I gave him this picture of Christ to put in his room.
 My boys all ready for church.
After church we opened presents. Weston got a train set and a cool car. He especially loved his train set.

We headed to Fillmore in the afternoon. It was so fun to spend time with the Emmett family. 

Once again, an awesome Christmas!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2 Years

My baby boy turned 2 today! The above picture was taken a couple months ago, but I couldn't get him to sit still for a picture today, he is so busy. I'm getting some professional 2 years done soon, so I'll post those on here next. 

It is so fun to watch Wes grow and learn new things. This is what he is up to these days. 
Starting to talk a lot more. 
He loves his teddy bear and includes him in everything he does. 
Starting to show interest in going potty. (And puts teddy on the potty of course.)
Learning to count, although the numbers aren't very clear.
Will give all his stuffed animals kisses, but his mommy and daddy, no way!
Favorite shows: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Lion King.
Fascinated with trains and trucks.
Likes to throw balls and has quite the arm for a little 2 year old!
Loves to run.
Is not afraid to tell anyone "NO!"
Will say "Thank you" and "Please"
Loves his chocolate milk, especially after he wakes up from his nap. 
Sleeps from 8:30 p.m to 8:30 a.m. 
Awesome sleeper at night but has a hard time going down for his nap lately:(
Tells mommy where to put things. Favorite phrase is "Right there!"
Has the cutest little giggle. 
Loves nursery and being around other kids.
We love this little guy!

I was looking through pictures today of Wes as a baby and this one made me laugh. It is totally a Weston face, he still makes it frequently.
I can't believe how much he has changed.
Happy Birthday Weston!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Teddy and Elmo

Lately Weston will not hold still for a diaper change. I have to wrestle him 90% of the time.
 I kind of want to potty train him soon for this very reason. 
I'm sick of wrestling.

But...if Elmo and Teddy get their diapers changed too he will hold completely still. 
 This has been the only thing that works, but I have to change three dang diapers every time. 
I think potty training will be happening soon.