Monday, April 19, 2010

Weston's Photo Shoot

We went to Fillmore and St. George this past weekend and had a great time in the sun. It was Weston's first trip to the park so we took some cute pictures of him.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So I pretty much love this...

I saw this on Oprah the other day (yes, I watch Oprah on occasion, don't judge me.) Can someone tell me how come I never heard of the 'Canadian Tenors' before? Amazing. I'm a fan now. And I absolutely adore this song. I especially love Oprah's little surprise bringing Celine Dione on stage (and yes I also LOVE Celine Dion.:)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Latest

We've had a pretty fun week and Weston has been growing right before our eyes.
One of his latest learned skills is holding his head up high on his tummy and looking around.

Making really funny faces.

Being super cute.

He's also starting to sit in this little chair and he does awesome in it! He has always liked to sit up so I knew he would like it.

He likes to watch me cook in the kitchen.

Aunt Susan came for a visit with her adorable son Luke.

Here is a first cousin picture. Can you tell how excited they both are about each other?

Last but not least, Kyle has been making some pretty cool things for our house.....I'll reveal them when they are complete so stay tuned :) He is so talented.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Weston's Blessing Day

I've been such a slacker on blogging and I completely forgot to blog about Weston's blessing day that happened over a month ago. Weston was blessed on March 7th, 2010 by his Dad, it was a beautiful blessing. I was afraid Wes would cry and fuss through the whole thing but he slept like a rock. A lot of family came to see him, we definitely had a full house. I think I was so busy with the whole day that I forgot to take a lot of pictures but here is one of Wes on his day. His outfit was handed down to him and it was a little short and looked like more like capris, but I thought it was so cute anyway.

I stole this picture from Kyle's parent's house. (Thanks!) I think Kyle is close to Weston's age at his blessing in this picture. I think they look a lot a like!

Easter Weekend

We spent Easter with the Emmett's this year. Weston got spoiled rotten of course by his grandma and grandpa. We had fun painting eggs and hanging out!