Friday, December 26, 2008

The Month of December, Summarized

Hi there. I can't believe how time flies. I haven't been the best at posting pictures and posting about what's going on in our lives. I can blame it on the fact that I lost my camera so i haven't been taking too many pictures. I have however been annoying by asking family members to email me pics and using everyone else's camera to take pictures every chance I get. So, here is this month summarized, the best I can do....

First of all, Kyle and just celebrated our one year anniversary this month!

One year later....we are still going strong and still putting up with each other:) Word.
This pic was taken by my laptop (high quality I know) Kyle's favorite christmas present, his john deere long sleeve shirt and matching hat. Speaking of which we had a great Christmas! Christmas Eve with spent with the Krogh family and I will have to post pictures later when I get them, and then Christmas day with the Emmetts.

We also had another wedding in the family! My little sister, Katie is all grown up and got herself married. It was a beautiful wedding.

All in all it was a merry old time!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sub for Santa

Today at work I was able to play "Santa" and deliver presents to families who really needed them. It was awesome. My work also donated a bunch of toys and clothes to the Road Home, which had an amazing turn out. I excpected there to be less donations and sponsors for sub for santa because of the poor economy and all, but so many people were more than willing to share what they could, even if they didn't even have much to give. I love Christmas for this reason, I wish everyone could be so giving all year around. It also makes me grateful for everything I do have and how fortunate I am.

Kyle and I want to wish everyone a very very MERRY CHRISTMAS! We hope it's a good one!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Have You Seen Me?

Nope. Still haven't found my camera. It got lost somewhere when we moved and I'm beginning to think that it is not lost inside our house. I have looked. Gr. I just have to vent about it. But I must say I have learned through this experience how grateful I am for camera's. Whomever it was that invented a device so that we may capture time and remember moments in our lives was absolutely brilliant. I feel lost without it and and sad:( Well, I may have to ask for a new one for Christmas, but I am not giving up hope for now that I'll find it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Going Private...Last Chance!

I am going to block my blog to anyone that hasn't emailed me yet!! So if you want to keep reading PLEASE give me your email address. I don't have some peoples emails so please send me them:) Thanks!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Letter To the Cold Sore Virus

Dear Cold sore virus,

I really really really dislike you and I think you should know. You are so annoying. You hang around when you are not welcome, and you make me extremely uncomfortable. You come when I ask you so kindly not to come. You are stubborn as ever, and I think you should take a hike and never ever come back. You embarrass me most of the time and I can't stand to look at you. Boy are you ugly and mean. I have put up with you since I was a child, but now I have had it with you. Please do not respond to this letter. I never want to see you again. Ever.


Ruth Emmett

Um, do you think that was too harsh? I have used this stuff before for cold sores but nothing else. It works so, so.... does anyone know of anything else that works? (That is if this hate letter doesn't work:)

Just Ridiculous

Last night Kyle and I went to the USU/BYU basketball game with our good friends Cole and Breanne Carling. Sadly, USU lost by 5 with it being a pretty close game the entire time. I admit that I am a pretty competitive person and sitting amongst BYU fans (they were the only seats that were left when the tickets were bought:) doesn't help my competitive behavior. I think the poor old man next to me may have been a little annoyed with my consistent mumbling under my breath, getting up and down from my chair, and pulling at my hair and growling every time USU did something dumb. Despite Kyle's efforts to calm me down, I preceded with this behavior because I thought it was acceptable and after all, I wasn't bothering anyone. Well, expect for maybe the poor old man, but I most definitely was not making a scene.

But let me tell you we did witness a pretty heated fight between a BYU and USU fan toward the end of the game. Although it was just a tiny bit entertaining for me to watch, it was also down right RIDICULOUS. As we all know, BYU lost to the Utes in a football game a few weeks ago due to BYU's Max Hall's many many turn overs. So just a couple rows to our left, a USU fan, and obviously not a BYU fan was holding a sign that said "Max Hall...U of U MVP of the game" So apparently this kind of set off a a die hard BYU fan that was sitting right in front of us. So he got up and started taunting the USU fan, asking for a fight. So, that's what they did. They met in the middle and started pushing each other and fighting. I thought someone was going to roll right over and fall off the edge of the railing we were sitting by. I just kept on saying to the BYU fan ( not directly, more to Kyle, and softly) "Now, What Would Jesus Do?" But apparently he was not thinking such kind thoughts and ripped the sign right our of the guys hands and threw it to the ground. Thankfully, security came to the scene and escorted both men out of the game.

I think it's okay to be competitive and as I have admitted, I get a little riled up when I play and watch sports sometimes. But when people start acting like 3 year olds that is when I draw the line. People, it's just a game and most importantly, it's really just for fun. I even think it's okay to have rivals, but when you stop respecting people and making scenes, then that is just not okay. I was so mad that the USU fan got up and started fighting. He should have just turned the other cheek or just put the sign down and everything would have been fine. And as for the BYU fan, get over it. Max Hall lost the game for BYU, deal with it, and move on.

New Callings

Well, it was only our second Sunday in the new ward and the bishop already gave us callings. We didn't even get a break:) Kyle was called as the Teacher's Qourom Advisor in the Young Men's and I was called to be the Beehive Advisor in the Young Women's. I have never worked in the Young Women's before so I am really looking forward to it. The girls seem great and I am so impressed with the youth of the ward. Today was fast and testimony meeting and more than half of the people that shared their testimonies were the youth.

We are getting settled into our house and we love it. I've been wanting to post some pictures but I am unable to locate my camera. I think it may have gotten lost somewhere in the move. Hopefully, it's somewhere so I'll post some pictures when I find it and when we have everything painted and situated. We have been spending a ton of time doing home improvements and the house is looking great. I never thought that choosing paint colors would be such a difficult decision. Okay, so maybe it is just for me, but we are making progress:)

Other than that, not much else is new. I'll keep everyone posted on how the house is coming a long. Speaking of which, this is the last call for emails. I will be going private this week sometime.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Going Private

This is more my husbands request than mine, but we are getting scared of internet stalkers, and you just never know.... So please if you care to read our blog SEND ME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. Thanks:)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wii Fit

I really really want this. Too bad it's like $100.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Almost Official Homeowners

Kyle and I are buying a house! I am so stinking excited to graduate from apartment living and have a real home. Last night we had the home inspection done and it passed and there weren't any major concerns so that is a relief. We move in two weeks and I wish it were sooner!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kyle Emmett....AKA Beckham

I'm so proud of my husband. After begging and pleading for him to play on my coed indoor soccer team with me, he finally gave in! Last week was his first game and I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. I've never seen him play soccer and he is actually half decent for never playing before in his life. Although he is naturally athletic, a good football player, and runner, I was a little nervous he would try and tackle someone on the field and run around not knowing what to do, all awkward like (Sorry honey)...but nope, he did great! I took some pictures of him before the game all decked out in his soccer attire. We bought him some brand new indoor shoes, socks, and shin guards.
I thought he was a little nervous at first to play...

...but then he started working the camera and gained some confidence so I wasn't too worried. Wow.

This is what happened to his toes a day or two after the game. I think his poor little feet weren't use to moving around like that! Tougher sport than you thought huh Kyle:)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween Weekend

We spent Halloween with the family up at Brighton.  It was so pretty up there and the place we stayed in was great.  Here are some pictures of the event. 

We were missionaries!  I know, kind of lame, but it was fast and easy.  I'm not much of a Halloween, dress up person.
Kyle and I definitely breaking the "mission rules" :)

We just couldn't stop...

Karalee the little BumbleBee

The next day we went on a little hike around Silver Lake and up the mountain.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Funny Commercial

Upon the request of my husband, I had to remove my last post. Apparently it was "inappropriate." Although I thought it was brilliant, I apologize if I offended anyone. Here is a more "appropriate" and clean little commercial for your enjoyment. It makes me laugh.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Last weekend I went to Fright mares Lagoon with the family, just like we always did in the olden days. I'm not much of a theme park person because I tend to throw up or "almost throw up" on any ride I go on, but it was a good day anyway. It was fun to watch my niece and nephew go on the kiddy rides and spend time with the fam.

I hadn't been to Lagoon in years, so there were a lot of new rides. I use to think the Collosus was a big deal, but has anyone been on the ride "Wicked"? Um, I nearly peed my pants...laughing and crying at the same time the entire ride.

Val and I before Wicked!

And one of my favorites...Rattle Snake Rapids. There was no line cuz I guess people don't like to get wet or we just went on it over and over and over.....

Katie and I on Rattle Snake

Nate loved that ride too.

Other pics...

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hoy es el cumpleanos de una amiga muy especial y una comperanera mia de la mision. Se llama Noelia Tello y de todas mis companeras ella queda la mas cerca de mi corazon. Hace cuatro anos de la mision (wow, soy vieja y por eso mi espanol esta muy mal:( ) y seguimos en contacto por email. Es lindo saber de ella y aunque haga tanto tiempo que nos vimos ella sique preocupandose por mi y quiere saber de mi y que estoy haciendo en mi vida. Realmente ella es una amiga muy fiel y especial. Nos llevamos tan bien cuando estuvimos juntas pero se que fue por una razon que nos conocimos. Ella sique hoy dia ser un ejemplo y un apollo para mi aunque viva lejos. Quise hacer un tributo para ella (por eso lo escribo en espanol:) sabiendo que ella lee mi blog...
FELIZ CUMPLEANOS NOELIA!! Estoy agradecida por ti y los recuerdos que compartimos juntas......
1. El "hombre del aqua"...uh...."It's okay"
2. La Hermanita Ruiz por darnos su comida cada Miercoles aunque ella tenia solo un poco de dinero y comida.
3. El hombre que me pego con la bolsa en la calle.
4. "Hi Ruth! It's the mom..."
5. Ensenandote Ingles...."I gotta go pee" and "Hi Ruth!"
6. Eduardo y Gloria:)
7. Las Tortas Fritas que comimos en la manana (ja ja por eso subimos el peso:( )
8. Caminando muy rapido...y mucho. (por eso nos subimos solo un POCO el peso)
9. Por Fin Yo podia hablar espanol bien! Gracias por ensenarme!
10. Ensenando a las personas en el parque.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Google Game

This is how the game works: Use Google image search to answer each question. Then, out of ONLY the first page of results, choose your favorite or most random image. Then tag some people to do it!!













I tag Susan, Stephanie, and Val.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Wednesday to all from Kyle and Ruth...

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

This just makes me laugh.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Kite Runner. I really really recommend it.

I haven't seen a movie this good in a long time. This movie made me cry like a baby. It is apparently based on a book "Kite Runner", which I'm sure is just as good. If you feel like a good tear jerker movie about loyalty, friendship, and forgiveness, then rent this movie!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The State Fair!

Okay, so this is a very belated post that I have been meaning to blog about, but haven't got around to it. A few weekends ago we went to the state fair with our friends Stephanie and Bret and it was a good time. My favorite part about fairs are the animals.

Isn't this the biggest cow you have ever seen? As you can see I was pretty excited to touch it.

Stephanie and Bret!
And last but not least, the butter sculpture. Yes, a butter sculpture. A sculpture made out of butter. Yes, all butter. It was the highlight of my day.