Monday, January 23, 2012

Why so fast?

Why does time go so fast when you don't want it to and terribly slow the other times? I experience this anytime someone comes to visit but especially when my family comes. My sister Annie has started to make an annual visit every year around her birthday. Sort of a "I'm a mother of 4 kids and I need a break every once in awhile"type trip. She brought her littlest girl Allie who is only 5 weeks younger than Lucy. I get tears in my eyes thinking of how cute they were together. They LOVED to play and laugh and fight with each other. It was the best.
They left today and I miss them so much already. Lucy keeps asking, " Where Allie go?" which breaks my heart into a million pieces every time she asks.
We didn't do anything crazy but had some amazing girl time and I loved every second of it. Having sisters is the best.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Eve

Along with the Adams family we did a little Christmas program consisting of songs and acting out the nativity. It was really sweet. Avery wants to play Joseph and Mary any chance she gets. Lucy was a sheep this year. Im pretty sure she will want to be in the running for Mary next year.

Monday, December 19, 2011

My parents came to visit

So my parents came out for 10 whole days around Thanksgiving. I was a little concerned about being able to entertain them the whole time considering I have never had them to myself for 10 days in my life! We did everything we could we went to the beach, LA, the DMV twice!! It was a fun filled trip.
My Dads main goal was to help us find a cheap commuter car for Russ to drive back and forth to Compton in. I'm happy to announce that after two years of being a 1 car family we are now a 2 car family. We bought a '91 Toyota Corolla and couldn't be happier with our purchase.
My parents also really wanted to find the pawn shops from storage wars so we did that too. Pretty much they were an expensive D.I. I will take you if you desire to go there also.
Since Thanksgiving fell on my birthday this year we decided to order in dinner again. Next year I might consider cooking.... (or maybe we will just go home).
It was so cool just hanging out with my parents. Who would of thought? :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Thank you Thank you

Thank you everyone for your comments. I really loved them. Sometimes living so far from Utah makes you forget about all the wonderful friends and family you left there. So many of you don't live there anymore either.
I know that I am not alone in my feelings which is a great feeling. I know we are so blessed to have Lucy in our lives and we will be focusing on that for the time being.
Thanks again. I love an appreciate all of you.
As a side note we went to visit PotteryBarn story time. Curious George was there. Lucy could have done with him being there. Halloween is going to be awesome :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

June is 2

Lucy's little friend June had a birthday party today. Sweetest little party and Lou loved every second of it. It was Very Hungry Caterpillar themed. They hunted for caterpillars, read the story, and got a butterfly net to take home.

Rough couple of weeks

I have had a tough couple of weeks and for some reason I'm writing about it on here. I figure those who read these posts are people who love us anyways, so why not.
We lost a baby. We were pregnant again and we lost our baby. It's crazy how it happens. You absolutely know when you are pregnant. I am not talking about the sickness that comes along with it. I am talking about knowing and feeling a little spirit inside of you. I knew I was. I was really excited to have an April baby. I was still running and everything was seeming like it was going to be a much better pregnancy than with Lucy.
That should have been my first sign. To be completely honest it was a concern of mine. Not something I dwelled on but it just seemed too good to be true.
Then all the sudden things felt completely different. My pregnancy symptoms went away and the miscarriage began.
I went into the Dr the next day hoping it wasn't true, but knowing in my heart that it was. We did an ultrasound and sure enough, no heartbeat. I remember vividly what it looked and felt like seeing Lucy's tiny little heartbeat. Seeing no heartbeat was devastating. I wanted so badly for it not to be true.

My Dr told me to come back in a week to see if a heartbeat develops. Maybe my dates were off and I was really only 6 weeks and not 8 like I thought. I knew my dates weren't wrong.
The next couple of days were brutal. Russ happened to be out of town for a couple days during this whole ordeal which just made things that much harder.
Once a week had passed I knew that the baby had also. I went back into the Dr only to see everything completely gone and empty. Almost as if it had never happened at all, but it did.

I can't explain how hard this has been. You have feelings of complete heartbreak and loss. You feel as if your child has been taken from you. Something that was supposed to be yours is not anymore. For those of you who assume it is easier to miscarry early in your pregnancy rather than later I'm here to tell you it is horribly difficult either way.
I didn't need a D&C which was a relief. Now I just had to figure out how to live my life again. It is strange going through a loss that affects you the most. There is nobody who can go through it with you. Russ experienced disappointment and loss but he even admits it wasn't very real to him yet. Not like it is for the girl.
I'm not looking for pity, or even words of encouragement. I am just sharing my experience with you.
Thank you for sticking it out til the end of this post. We are doing better every day and know that the Lord is mindful of us and has a plan for our family.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

2 Family Reunions = 10 very fun days in Utah

This first post features the Nelson visit. Soon to come will be the Jorgensen side.

Utah was great! It was strictly a family visit because we had so much family from out of town visiting all at the same time. It was so great to see people we haven't seen in such a long time. My brother and his family came from Michigan, Russ's sister and her family came from Alaska, and Aunts and Uncles from all over the place came into town for the festivities. We started out the trip with Russ's family and it went a little something like this...

Russ, Tommy, Ashlee, and I all helped build this toy set in their back yard. I gotta be honest when I say I really only supervised :)
Lucy's first movie and popcorn experienced happened while we were in Utah. We saw Cars 2 and Lucy loved it. She sat and ate popcorn for about 30 min then she wanted to roam around. all in all it was pretty successful.
The little girl who beat us all. Kylee =118 Me = 116. Honestly I hate to lose but she was pretty good about not rubbing it in my face. Nobody else was even close.... haha suckers until next time!

Look at that stance... I deserved to win.
More photos to come...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Our Anniversary

Russ and I have been married 4 years and one month! :) In my typical blogging fashion I am writing about it now. We celebrated it in style this year. We got a baby sitter which is becoming a treat in itself lately. I just love being able to eat dinner out and not have to worry about keeping Lucy in her seat and happy. We had dinner at "Las Brisas" which is right on the coast in Laguna Beach.

Then we walked the streets of Laguna taking in all the cool little shops. We got Russ a vintage padres t-shirt and a giant bag of salt water taffy. There were way too many flavors to choose from.

We ended our night snuggling under a blanket on the beach looking at the stars. It has been a long time since we have just been able to hang out just us outside like that. It reminded us of all the fun times we had when we were dating at school.

Oh the memories....

Chalk it up to another successful anniversary celebration. I love you Russ and can't wait for our next anniversary.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Lucy's first birthday

We had the time of our lives at Lucy's 1st birthday party. We had a pool party here in the complex and all the locals got to come and have pizza and swim in celebration of Lucy. Other than my wedding (Today is our 4 year anniversary!!) this is the first party I have ever really planned. These type of things are pretty difficult for me but I had some key players in the design and set up that made the whole process extremely easy. I'm already scheming as to how I can top next year.
The cliche thing to say is, "I can't believe how fast 1 year went by." But seriously I can't believe it. So much has changed since we looked into those sweet little eyes one year ago. In one year my tiny little baby turned into a toddler that I can't manage to keep still. She loves to crawl and walk everywhere. She loves to give kisses still (which I love) and she loves to eat anything she can get those little hands on. We play a game where I lay on the floor and pretend like I'm sleeping (sometimes I'm really trying to be) and the only way she can wake me up is to give me kisses. She cracks up every time.
I'm so glad we have our little sweetie. Life is so much more fun with her! I catch myself wanting to snatch her out of bed to put her in bed with us, which I know would never work in a million years and I would kick myself the second I woke her up, but I really do miss her when she goes to sleep. Her favorite toys are necklaces, Disney princess figures, buckets to put things in, books, and Easter eggs. Her favorite foods are frozen peas, cheerios, french toast, yogurt bites, quesadillas, corn on the cob, apple cores, and watermelon. We love you Lucy girl!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This has always made us laugh...

Lucy has always slept with her elbow in the air with the top of her hand flat on the mattress. It looks really uncomfortable. I have tried to move it multiple times and lay it down flat and she just puts it right back. Who does that?

Excuse the slobber.