You blink,
and months pass by. How is that?
I think of
our heavenly Father…how 1000 years is but a day. Time.
We all have it. We all have
choices in how we use it. How we trade
it. How we treasure it.
For example
– I used to trade my time for a paycheck.
I think it’s fair to say we have all done that in our lifetime. For me, now…being retired…I’m not trading my
time any longer. I have time. But oddly, something shifted. I feel I have LESS time than ever. How is that?
Speaking of
time…we were planning on moving into our well house by the end of October
(2015). See this Blog for details.
Bottom line, we wanted to be near our water source for the winter
months, and see what it was like to be in a new place, out in the open, out of
the woods, and have more room to roam about. (I even put in a small dog yard to move the dogs with us.) In the past years, I had stayed many a night in the tiny well house
(known as the Wee House) and enjoyed the experience. Still rustic living – haul and heat H20, etc.
etc. etc. But as for moving the end of
October, that didn't happen, but not for lack of trying. Then, the move crept into November. And then perhaps a move by Christmas…and then
we turned the corner of 2016 and in mid-January the realization of no such move finally hit home. We are in the old cabin for
the duration of the winter.
The well
house? Well…it will be worked on again
this summer and perhaps by next fall,
we will try again. Its “close”, {very close...} but we
still need things done before we move in.
Rather…I move in. I don’t believe
Russ will ever totally exit his original cabin. {Smile}
If you have
happened to watch Braving Alaska, featuring four bush families eking
out a living in the deep arctic wilderness, you will know Heimo and Edna
Korth. {If you haven’t seen it, I
recommend you get your hands on a copy – we’ve watched it to the point we can
narrate along.} Being out in the bush,
mail and supplies come by bush plane only several times a year. One such time, Heimo and Edna (and then-small
daughters Rhonda and Krin) are waiting in sub-arctic temps, watching for the
plane. The plane arrives and all the
formalities of greetings take place between the pilot (now deceased Roger
Dowding, from a plane crash on the Brooks Range), and Heimo. As Edna cranes her
neck and attempts to peek at the storage behind the pilot’s seat, she innocently
asks “where’s the mail? Where's the mail Roger?”. Roger says…”patience Edna, patience”. With that, Edna laughs softly, looks to Heimo and steps back
to wait her delivery. What’s a couple
more minutes when you have waited 4 months or so.
Patience. It’s a virtue I’ve been told. It’s also listed in the Bible as one of the 9
“fruits of the spirit”, which shows you are living a Christ-like vine-life. {My Bible lists patience as "long suffering"...} It's a necessity of life. It’s also hard.
I pray for
patience. Patience for “worldly”
things that make living easier. Patience
for our Lord, Jesus, to return, ever the victor. {I can’t wait to see that white horse!} Patience for patience.
As for us
moving to the expanded Wee/Outer Wee/Well House, whatever you call it, it will come.
In time. The good thing is, we choose
to live mortgage free, which cascades down even further with what typical
Americans buy into. Every step in
building is done by hand, with already-paid-for materials. The wood is felled and hand cut and milled
from our 40 acres. Step by step. We live this way so we don’t have to give up
our time to go out into the world and trade it for money. We use what we have and what is refurbished and
tossed aside by others.
Use it up, wear it out,
make it do, or do without.
So we may
not have much, by “normal” standards, but truthfully, we don’t need much. We have all seen where we get a new job with
higher pay, only to have more bills that suck up that excess. The key is…no debt. When you have no debt (or very little), your
money is yours. {The Bible also
instructs us in this, by telling us that the borrower is slave to the lender. If you
haven’t experienced this, go borrow money from a relative or friend.}
As for us,
we will never be “rich”, but our time is ours, and to coin a phrase from
mountain man Eustace Conway…”…what do we do for a living? We live for a living!” Money becomes something so mundane. If you are a Foxfire reader, you may remember
reading the life story of Beulah Perry.
It’s a must read. She talks about
money not being a part of the equation for a good, rich life. Beulah lived a poor/rich life. And of course, the Bible has lots to say about
the love of money.
So, as I work
on patience and all it entails, I am dreaming about many spring activities. One is turkey hunting. I will get that gobbler this spring, Lord
willing! Russ is getting his new sugar
shack tricked out – he now has it in our hoop house area – the best option
I’m also excited about doing what I had set out to do last summer, which is take up residence in the Bear’s Den. I want to move some of our chickens
out there, take my sled dog Malakai at night, and see just what it takes to
live in a small place with books, a flashlight and some survival cooking
gear. It can only make me more
well-rounded in the area of efficiency, something I seem to lack these
days. But the “bushy” winter days won’t
last, and I’ve been praying a prayer of gratefulness to our Father for the warm
winter. Its perfect – lots of snow – but
so far no -43 temps. We’ll see how we
fare in February and March. And
I hope you
are doing well this winter. I’d love to
hear from you. My old Blog pals have
gone silent too. It would be good to
connect and hear what other farms and
families are doing.
Blessings –