Sunday, July 22, 2012

Counting Blessings

About 2 months ago we left one night after I got off work to head up north for Curtis' uncles funeral. I had dozed off when Curt unfortunately hit a deer. :(. He pretty much had no choice. There was a semi on one side and a median on the other. We were lucky in that no one was hurt, we were able to pull off to the shoulder, and we were right by the Fillmore exit. We were unlucky that the van would go no further and that it was midnight. We sat there and made some phone calls and woke some family up trying to figure out what to do. My Dad was able to get hold of his friend Mark Gentry who lives in and has a shop in Fillmore. He was able to get a tow truck for us and take us to a motel and our van to his shop. We slept the night there and then the next morning Curtis arranged for a trailer from a guy he works with and my dad was able to bring it up and pick up all of us and our van and take us home. We were unable to make the funeral and our van was pretty messed up but we really did feel blessed. VERY thankful for my dad and his help! Today our van is all fixed and better than before and we will continue to count our blessings.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Crazy way to start the week

Well we have had quite beginning to this week at our house. No pics to go along but that might be for the better because I almost took some graphic ones but thought better of it.
Monday night we were at the elementary to get some exercise in and Austin somehow slipped on the merry-go-round and smacked his head on the edge. When we ran over and could see blood but weren't sure exactly were from until I turned him over and seen it gushing from his head. So we hurried him to the van where I found a diaper stashed and he held that on his head. Of course it was after hours but we were able to call one of the PAs from the clinic and we got him in. After numbing it and being able to inspect it we could see it was deep. To the skill in fact. So 3 stitches and 6 staples later he was all put back together. Poor kid. But he actually toughed it out pretty well.
Then Tuesday, was Taynes big day at the dentist. She need so much work done that they had to completely sedate her. She was pretty hilarious going under (wish I would have videoed!), but an emotional little girl coming out. She did really good to though. So even though we had some big incidents to go through, and lots of money poorer, our kids are great troopers and did a good job. :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Our Christmas tree

One of our most favorite traditions as a family is to go out and pick our Christmas tree. This year it was hard to find the time but we were determined to do it and we even did it in record time! :) Of course like always it grew on the way home! But nonetheless it was our tree! :)

See....It doesn't really look that big before we cut it down.
Strike a pose........
Here's the best pic I found of it at home. See how much it grew on the way home! I'm telling ya!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Austin turns 9!

Austin turned 9 this year! He wanted brownies! I know everyone is wondering since I make cakes all the time.....but it's just that, I make cakes all the time and they get the scraps. :)
For Austin's birthday we took some of his friends and went to Laser Mania and then Golden Corral. They had a great time!
Austin is such a special part of our family. He has such a huge heart! Even when someone has been mean to him one minute, you find him sharing whatever he's got with them the next. He also has a great imagination. He will play with his legos for hours and build such great stuff! He is very creative. We love you Austin!!

Friday, November 11, 2011


I know great picture huh? It's from our cruise to Mexico in March and Curt and I did the zip line and had such a great time together! So that is why I love this picture.
We have been married 11 years on 11-11-11! I think it's pretty awesome!
Oh how the time has flown! So here we are as happy as can be with 3 great kids, living in a place with love and able to work here, and have the best family and friends in the world!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Taryne turns 4!

Taryne turned 4 in November. Apparently I didn't take a whole lot of pictures. She seen these princess cupcake toppers at walmart and said that is what she wanted for her birthday.
We love Taryne so so much! She is happy most the time and loves loves to entertain everyone! She is always making us laugh and amazes us with her use of big words. She love to dance and sing, her favorite color is pink, and she loves to play with her friends. She has a HUGE imagination! She loves preschool and her kitty, White Mittens.

Friday, August 19, 2011

BAcK 2 ScHooL!

Yesterday was the first day of school for the kids this year!  We all know the excitement that comes with that! Smile  Sammy is in FIFTH GRADE this year and Austin is in THIRD! They are growing up!

B2S 2011