
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Meet of the Miles

A Monday night in January was the annual Meet of the Miles. This year was my first year participating in it. It is a fun event with lots of super speedy people at it. Everyone races the same distance...1 mile. There were 10 heats broken down by the time you expected to run. I wasn't sure what I could do since I haven't done any speed work for a while so I decided to sign up for the group planning to finish in 6:00 to 6:30.

I warmed up for a couple of miles while the faster heats were racing. It was so fun to watch the fast guys and gals race. I was hoping to run into a couple people that I have been wanting to meet for a while now. One is my fellow Oiselle teammate, Melissa and the other is Steve of Steve in a Speedo.

I ran into Steve right away and wished him good luck in his race. He was planning to run a 4:55. Yeah, he is a speedy guy.

I grabbed a photo with Steve after the meet.
I ran into Melissa just before the heat in which she was planning to run. I said good luck and watched her tear up the track. She is one super speed lady.

Me and Melissa post race.
I was in the 7th heat. I was hoping to finish around 6:00 to 6:15 but I hadn't done any speed work so my expectation where low for actually running that time.

The race started and I got behind a couple women. I was running 4th in my heat. The women slowly pulled away but I was running pretty even splits (45 sec) so I stuck with running my own race even though I really wanted to go with them.

I felt like I was on my own for laps 5 and 6 but pictures show there were people behind me. I didn't hear them. I was slowly reeling in the 2nd women and caught up to her at the start of the 7th lap. I decided to stay behind her for the lap which I shouldn't have done. I should have passed her with confidence and gone hard the last 2 lap.

I am in 3rd place in my heat here. I passed the women in green on the 7th lap.
Coming down the straight away on the 7th lap, I knew that I need to pass her and run as hard as I could. I only had 1 lap to go. I passed her and picked up the pace as much as I could. I  was going to say sprinted but lets be realistic, I can't sprint. I really have one pace and that is slow. I love to run long distances. A 1 mile race is way out of my comfort zone but it was so much fun. I look forward to running it again next year.

I finished in just under 6 min (5:59.9) according to the print out right after the race. Then when the official results came out, they listed my finish time as 6:00.4. I really wanted to finish in under 6. I was so close. Next time, I will get under 6.

Post race. Still catching my breath.

Overall, It was a great experience to race such a short distance again.

Other exciting news, I got to wear my Oiselle singlet for the first time! I was so fun representing Oiselle at a local race!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Alter-G Anti-Gravity Treadmill

I have been doing physical therapy for my hip for a couple months now. I am working on strengthening my hips and glutes.

The place where I go to PT just got a new treadmill, the Alter-G Anti-Gravity treadmill. My PT was telling me all about it at my last session. I saw the treadmill at the ACSM conference a few years ago. It sounded amazing. It applies a lifting force (air) to the body that reduces weight on the lower extremities.

After my PT session today, my PT asked if I wanted to use the treadmill for my run. Of course, I jumped at the chance to use it. I loved it.

You start out by putting on a pair of neoprene shorts (over your shorts) that zip into the treadmill to form a seal. The treadmill weighs and fill up with air. Then you select what percent of your weight in which you want to run and increase the speed. You are off and flying. I mean flying and not working as hard as you normally work. Imagine being able to run at only 50% of your body weight. You can run so much faster.

I ran for 45 min. I played around with the percent of my weight in which I was running. It was fun at 50% but because I wanted to still get a workout so I set it at 80% of my weight. Then I laid down 7 min miles like it was nothing. It was amazing.

The Alter-G websites says "Run or walk like you are on the moon." Well, I love the idea of less gravity but the lack of oxygen on the moon would make it so much harder. :) So running on the moon for me is a toss up, less gravity, less oxygen. I think I will stick to this treadmill.

I will jump at the chance to run on this treadmill again.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Bye, Bye 2012

So many exciting thing happened in 2012! Here is a quick recap in no particular order. Beware there are a lot of photos.

I ran a bunch of half marathons. 2012 was a year of half marathons for me. I started the year off by running a half on New Years day. 

Minneapolis Half in June
Monster Dash dressed as a pirate

I got to cheer on a friend at the Olympic Trials in Eugene, OR. It was so much fun and my friend won the triple jump. She represented the US in the Olympics!!!

Amanda on the Podium! 
While at the Olympic trials, I got to watch 4 days of events. It was fabulous! I love track and field!

Shalane Flanagan and Amy Hasting in the 10k
I got to meet the ladies of Oiselle at the Olympic Trials. They make my absolutely favorite running gear. If you haven't tried the Rogas shorts and the Rundelicious top. Do it! You will love them! I was so bummed that I left Oregon before their Totally Trials party. I hear that I missed a great party!

I was selected to run for the Oiselle Team! I am beyond ecstatic to be representing such a great brand of clothing and to be part of an amazing community of women runners! I can't wait to meet some of my teammates!

I met and went running with Scott Jurek. He is one of my favorite local running legends. I loved his book Eat and Run. I highly recommend it. It has some great recipes in it. Try them, you will love them.

Scott signed my book!
While in Eugene, I met Deena Kastor. In case you can't tell from the goofy grin, I was really excited to meet her.

I played bicycle pac-man with my friends. Yes, I am riding a miniature bicycle in a banana costume.

I took a vacation to Duluth, MN and got to meet up with one of my good friends and former college cross country teammates.

I won a pair of Keen's with this photo of me taking a recess break.

I ran the Twin Cities Marathon. It was a great experience. I can't wait to do it again. Hopefully, it will go better next time. My legs started cramping at mile 13. I may have cried during the race a couple times. It felt good to finish.

I ate a lot of ice cream during the annual Tour de Ice Cream.

I am excited for 2013! I have a feeling it is going to be a good year!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Twin Cities Marathon Expo

This was the first year in a while that the company I work for hasn't had a booth at the Twin Cities Marathon Expo. It was nice to not be standing all day the day before the marathon. I decided I wanted to go to the expo when it wouldn't be too busy and Carrie Tollefson was going to be there at a 2:00 on Friday so I decided it would be fun to stop and talk to her. She is another one of my favorite local running legends. She is so down to earth and friendly.

When I got to the expo, I went straight back to the packet pick up. There was no line. Yeah! I grabbed my number, chip and ear warmers and was off to explore the expo. There were so many booths so I just wandered around. I didn't need anything specific but thought I might find something I wanted.

I got to chat with Carrie Tollefson for a little while. I was surprised that she remembered me from a couple weeks earlier. I was at the Mac track with a coworker filming some exercise progression videos for runners and she was there doing a workout. She remember seeing me there and asked about my work. She is really the nicest person. It was so fun chatting with her.

I continued to wander through the booths when I ran into a friend. He also happens to be the President of the Twin Cities in Motion. The organization that puts on the TC Marathon. I had to get a photo with him. I can't believe I forgot to get a photo with Carrie Tollefson. He wished me good luck in the marathon and was off to his marathon duties for the day.

I really liked the Twin Cities Marathon poster and debated on whether or not to buy one. In the ended, I decided not to buy it. I wasn't sure where I would put it.

I grabbed a photo at the Medtronic's booth. I am not sure why I didn't throw my hands in the air like I  was winning and was crossing the tape first. I will do that next time. It is the only time I will cross any tape first.

The expo was fun. There was so much stuff to buy. I can't believe I left the expo with only my race packet.

Coming soon...the Twin Cities Marathon Recap.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Twin Cities Marathon

I am running a marathon in 5 days. I have so many feeling about the race. I made a word cloud to represent somethings I feel about it today.

I am really excited about my upcoming year of training. I have some very ambitious goals that I will write about soon. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Runnin' with Scott Jurek

A couple months ago, I got to go running with Scott Jurek and a hundred other people. He was in town promoting his new book, "Eat and Run." I was planning to buy the book. I am a sucker for new recipes especially from vegan athletes that I admire. He was going to be in town giving a talk, signing the books and running with us. I was so excited to meet a local running legend!

Scott Jurek before the run.
I went to local running store and picked up my copy of the book and hung around waiting for the run to start with 100 other people. I figured that I wouldn't really have the opportunity to talk with Scott but I was excited to have the opportunity to run near him.

Scott in orange with a bunch of other runners.
 We did a little trail running. I took a photo of Scott running a little ways in front of me. I figured it was the closest that I would get to him.

I love trail running.
Well, I figured wrong. He ran right next to me chatting for a little bit. I said that I needed a photo to show all my friends that I ran next to running legend Scott Jurek. He grabbed my phone and took a picture of us running. I was so excited! It is a bit blurry but that is me running next to Scott!!!

I look like an alien.
After the run, he was going to give a little talk and do a Q & A session. Since I live in Minnesota, some of the locals that he talks about in the book were able to make it to the run and talk.

Dusty and Scott
I also got to meet Jenny and Hippie Dan. It was so exciting talking with all of them.

Post run he gave a little talk and then it was time to get our books signed. I positioned myself so I would be one of the first people to get my book signed. I still had to get home and pack for my trip to the Pacific Northwest. I was leaving the next morning at 5am.

Scott signed my book!
It was great fun to meet my favorite ultra runner! He really is an amazing athlete and a really nice guy!

I decided to run my first 50k next spring. I will be running the Superior Trail Race on May 18th. I am so excited and a little scared.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Minneapolis Duathlon

The Minneapolis Duathlon was the 4th of 5 races in the Team Ortho race series that I won entry into last December. I was excited to get out and spend sometime running biking and then running some more. I figured it would be good cross training for the Twin Cities Marathon coming up in a little over a month.

The weekend started out with a 2 hour and 40 min trail run at the Minnesota River bottoms on Saturday. It was a great morning to be out on the trails. Being on the trails reminds me of running cross-country.

After some good stretching and lunch, I went to picked-up my race packet. At the packet pick-up, they asked what kind of bike you were planning to ride. This isn't a hard question but I haven't been on my road bike in 2 years. I ride my commuter bike almost everyday. The I stick with what I am use to (commuter) or go with the hopefully faster road bike that has been sitting collecting dust for 2 years. I decided to go with the road bike.

I got home dusted the bike off, oiled the chain, pumped up the tires and found my road bike shoes. I was planning to take it on a test ride but it was rainy and wet outside so I decided against it.

Sunday morning, my alarm goes off at a way to early hour. I decided to bike to the start because it is only about 4-5 miles away and would be easier than finding parking in downtown Minneapolis. As I am biking there, I thought about how smooth, fast and nice my road bike felt. I was glad I picked the road bike for the race.

I got to the race and setup all my gear in the transition. I went out for a warm-up run and was in line just before the first gun was to go off at 7:01am. I was in wave 12 which meant I had 12 min to wait and be nervous in the crowd of people. I kept telling myself just take it easy you aren't planning to race this hard. You did a longer run yesterday. It is good cross training.

I was time for my wave to start. I lined up a couple rows back. The first leg was a 5k so I started at a decent pace. 1 min and 40 seconds into the race, I had passed everyone in my wave and I was beginning to pass the runners from the previous wave. I also noticed that my left shoe was untied. What should I do? Stop and tie my shoe...that would take too much time. I was only running a 5k so I decided to leave it. 4 min into the race, I started to hear additional clinking of shoelaces so I looked down, my right shoe was untied. Now what to do, I was just over 1/2 mile into a 3.1 mile race. I just left them untied and hoped that I wouldn't trip on them.

I made it to the transition, switched to my biking shoes and ran out with my bike. The bike portion was a little scary with me passing people and people flying past me. I was surprised there weren't more crashes. After 15 miles, I made it to the transition again and I was ready to get off the bike and run.

I triple knotted my shoes to make sure they didn't come untied. I was off on the last 5k with 1 goal in mind to not be passed by anyone on this leg of the run. I almost succeeded but a guy sprinted past me in the last 0.1. I felt good on that run. It was fun cruising past people. I finished my 2nd 5k 42 seconds faster than my first.

I ended up finishing 7th overall for women. It was a great day for a duathlon.

The medal and jersey from the race.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tour de Ice Cream

June was a great month. I did so many fun things. I haven't had time to write about them. Here is quick recap of Tour de Ice cream. I also was in Oregon for the Olympic trials so I will try to get a recap of that up soon. It was so much fun...I can't put into words how great it was to be out there watching the best track and field athletes in the country.

Tour de Ice Cream taking over the road.

Tour de Ice Cream was a huge success. Eating tons of ice cream = success. There were about 30 people that participated in Tour de Ice Cream. What is Tour de Ice cream? Well, it involves 2 of my favorites things…ice cream and bicycles. Basically, you bike around to some ice cream shops and eat ice cream. It is a great way to spend a summer day with your friends.

I love ice cream!!!

We started off bicycling to the Pumphouse Creamery. This is one of my favorite ice cream shops in the Twin Cities. The ice cream is made with mostly local ingredients. They have a 5 scoop sampler that I love to share with a friend. It allows you to try so many flavors. Then we hit up Sebastian Joe’s for some Nicollet Ave pothole ice cream and ended at Grand Ole Creamery. It was a fun day in the sun with friends.

Things I have learned from previous year of Tour de Ice Cream:

1    1. Pace yourself with the ice cream. Ice cream is delicious but you can only eat so much before going into a sugar shock. Remember you still have to ride you bicycle home. It is best to find a friend and share your ice cream. What SHARE? Yes, share your ice cream. You will go to enough ice cream shops that you won’t mind sharing.

I bet you want some ice cream now.

2    2.  Pace yourself on the bike. There is no need to race everyone to the next shop. They won’t run out of ice cream. In fact, the longer you take the more time your ice cream has to digest. Win…you can eat more ice cream

Friday, June 1, 2012

RunMinnesota Article

I had my first article published in a running magazine! It came out at the beginning of March. Sometimes I am a little slow at posting. 

I had fun writing the article and hope to write many more. I hope you enjoy it.

The article can be found here.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Oiselle Totally Trials Entry

When I heard about the Totally Trails contest that Oiselle was running, I knew that I needed to apply. The olympic trials in Eugene...Sign me up! I called up my coworker/running buddy and said, "I just heard about the best contest ever and we need to apply for it." Her reply was "oh my gosh, yes we need to apply that would be the best experience." 

So with the no brainer decision to apply out of the way, we needed to come up with a creative application. We talked and talked about it while running our weekly track workouts together. We decided we wanted to be funny and involve our other totally ninja triple jumping coworker Amanda. Yes, Amanda it is that Amanda. The US Indoor and Outdoor National Champion!

If you haven't had the chance to meet her, you are missing out! She is the nicest, friendliest, most down to earth, wicked smart person that I know. Yeah, she has a Ph.D. She is SMART. One more thing she can jump far. I sent her a text and said Tsmocks (that is what we call her), we need your assistance winning the chance of a lifetime trip to go watch the olympic trials. 

Of course, she wanted to help. So we met her at the track and filmed our application. We laughed so hard while filming that we had a hard time getting any real clips. Amanda had so much patience when trying to help two distance runners try to triple jump...Let me tell you triple jumping is hard. Hop, step and then jump...that is way to many things to try and remember. I just wanted to put one foot in front of the other at a consistent pace.

Without further it is our Oiselle Totally Trials Entry: