I ran after work three of the four days of my first week. Plenty of time for the workouts and a leisurely dinner and then to bed early. I know my evenings will be busier as my tri training gets going, but I think it will work out well. I'm an afternoon runner by nature I think so it's perfect.
After a spectacularly productive week as an employed person, I had an equally productive weekend. The weekends used to just be another day, but now it is time to get out and LIVE! haha. Seriously folks, I'm jacked. :) Here's the stats from a week of after work and weekend! workouts. Then some pictures.
Monday: off (busy getting ready to start work Tues)
Watched and loved all the Boston Marathon coverage and stuff! Tracked my peeps: Chris, Ryan, Natalie, Jen, Francis, J Money, Steve, and Kara Goucher. Congratulations to everyone who ran!! I would love to do it again, it's so amazing. Great job you guys. :)
Tuesday: run
5.5 miles/48:16/8:47 average pace
Waterfront solo
Wednesday: off
Thursday: run
8.0 miles/1:02:41/7:50 average pace
Forest Park solo
Friday: run
4.0 miles/32:26/8:06
Waterfront with Zach
Saturday: run
10.5 miles/1:36:31/9:12 average pace
Hagg Lake
This run started off weird... you can either run around the lake via along a winding singletrack trail OR you can run along the shoulder of the very lightly traveled road. We thought at first we'd check out the trail. It was awful. I know some of you live for this stuff but it's not my thing. Maybe for a short run it would be fun, but yikes. It was up and down, sharp corners, big mud sections, rutted, rocky, branchy, ugh. A mile of this run/hiking took 11:29 and I was over it. We cut up to the road and ran the rest on the shoulder, which turned out to be quite nice. The hills were still really tough! The first several miles were all pretty slow, 9:10-9:20, but the last few miles I got the pace down, finishing the last couple at a sub-8 pace. My average for the last 9.5 miles (leaving out the trail mile) was 8:57. It was a killer run, I can't wait to do it again! There were also tons of cyclists (mtn and road) and we'll definitely be riding out there. In fact, we're doing an Olympic Tri out here in July so I would love to train on the course.
Sunday: bike
26 ish miles/2:30 or so
Forest Park mountain bike ride
It's about 3 miles up to Forest Park from our apartment, and it's quite a climb. Then the trail in Forest Park climbs gradually and then is rolling. The hills were hard for me, especially after yesterday's run, but overall it wasn't that bad. We took it pretty easy and enjoyed the scenery. We went 10 miles up the Leif Erickson trail for a total of 20 in the forest. On the way home we stopped off at a magnificent french bakery (St Honore, for you locals) for some amazing brunch and coffee. Soooooo good. A dip in the hot tub topped it off of course. :)
total miles for the week: 28
Photo time!
Trail portion of Hagg:

And this is for my mom- the gratuitous First Day! photo:
Thanks for all the support on the new job everyone! I sincerely appreciate it. :) Hope everyone has good financial fortune for being so kind to me. This has all got to turn around someday, so hang in there all my unemployed and underemployed brethren! I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be back to complaining about work but I'm loving it at the moment, so please bear with me.
I'm getting ready to start up a little Ironman training action in a couple of weeks... I'm kind of loving doing my own thing lately and not stressing, so I'm not really too excited. It is a very long training plan so I definitely have tons of time, but I need to get my plan set and in action asap. I have a lot of work to do and a lot of questions. I think at some point this blog might turn very Ironman-y.
Go Sharks