Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Meet Rendell, Ursula and Mercedes Wilkinson!

We are the family of three! Rendell as you know, has been fighting cancer for the last year. He had surgery on March 1, 2007 where they discovered a glioblastoma mulitforme brain tumor spread all throughout his brain. They also discovered it was a grade IV which is the most aggressive class for cancer. We were given the devastating news that he had at best a year to live and there was no cure known to man. So, we immediately turned to God and asked for his guidance, direction and peace. Rendell has, with courage, humility, and tenderness, fought back at this disease that has invaded his body. It has been said by many friends and family, "if anyone can beat this cancer, it is Rendell." Through the roller coaster of the ups and downs of this cancer we have been able to experience many marvelous miracles. Including the one of our daughter, Mercedes. She has truly been a God send to both Rendell and me. She is absolutely amazing with Rendell and is very aware of what is going on. She constantly speaks of trying to "make Daddy feel better." They love "cuddles" and "kisses". As for me, I must honestly say that watching my husband, best friend, and true love go through such a hard time is the most piercing feeling I have ever felt. I am grateful for Mercedes and the love she gives to me. This past year has brought attention and the living awareness of the true sacrifice that our Savior, Jesus Christ has given for each of us as well as what our Father must have sacrificed and felt sending his Son. We hope God blesses each of your families and all of your lives.