Friday, May 8, 2009

Imaginary Friend?

I know.
At this age. Yeap, 19 years old-to-be
Having a imaginary friend?
puh-lease lah ppl.

Owh. ForTheLoveOfGod Lyana! Come on-la!


U see. How do u actually define a friend? <~~ Had a conversation on this with roomie once upon a tyme ago. still remember roomie? hee.... :P

I mean, how actually u get friends or being friends with or bla3...
I my way, u get 'one' cause u share something in common rite?

example: u get 'one' because

~ u go to the same school/college.
~ u live nearby or staying within the same residential area.
~ u share something in common perhaps ur interest, hobby, politics, cars, computers, bla3...
~ u are in the same course.
~ u go to same summer camp/boot camp, what so whats not

u get my point?

don't tell me u make friends as u walk by the bus stop and started being nice to all by greeting em "Hello! How are u? My name is Jenab. Can we be friends?"
Ppl might think that " She must have been completely insane!"

coz u aint sharing something in common (except that ur a human and they are ay human as well.)

Sometimes u make friends cause u need conformity, protection, attention
exp when it comes to being a newbie in a new place where ppl are looking at u as if u came from the ice age.
And u might go to the extend of making friends with the seniors just so that seniors or ur friends will not be able to bully u.
Seriously. And with friends, u feel more comfy rite?

To mix and mingle around.
To share ur happiness.
To share ur sorrows.

With this soo called 'share in common' thingy, u start to label these friends of urs as ur:

~best friend,
~best friend forever,
~friend u study with,
~friend u hang out with,

U even share secrets with ur 'labeled' friends.
In this state, most probably, u gave ur full trust to em.
where u hope that they will kept it save.

Besides, having such friends, u expect loyalty from em
where u firmly believe that they wont back stab u, mouth bashing bout u behind ur back and appear to be completely angelic in front of you.
~superficial typo ppl~ pfftt...

U expect em to be the all tyme typo besties where u can laugh and cry together.
In reality.
They are not.
Not to say that nobody can be trusted.
U r so called lucky if u posses one. I envy u :P *chuckles*

Sometimes, the person u trust the most, did such things (those back stabbing, mouth bashing thingy).
U never know coz u ain't stick together with em 24/7.
They might be angelic to you and perhaps one day, u mess up with em, they go find another friend and start doing things as i stated above. And yet, act as if nothing happened in front of u.

No need verbal conversation.
The body language, the walking pace, the eye contact, the voice tone, the sentence structure, the facial expression.
It tells.
Its an advantage if u posses the ability of telepathy.
No need of those analysis.
U know what they are saying inside their heart and all sort of words and curse stuck in their head.
Even though they are far2 away from u.
U still have the 'feelings'
But it depends.
Sometimes u have completely no idea on what is going on.
exp when it comes to the usage of fancy2 words which doesn't trigger ur brain at all but they thought that u perfectly understands it.

nobody is perfect.
no matter how hard u try.
to make ppl happy.
to make things done the way it should be.
to make this world a better place,
there's always a hole here and there.

That's what life is all about.
Full of colours.
Its just the beginning of ur life.
Take it in a positive way.
Make it as u r experience, as a stepping stone for ur future.
The more u mingle, the more typo ppl u know, the more communication skills u'll have, easy for u to make friends with.

cut the crap.
I've been too far.
back to the main point.

Why on earth am i having ay imaginary friend?
Im no kiddo.
Im not being told that i need to dismiss my imaginary friend before it becomes a boogeyman.
pity 'those' kids being fooled by their parents.
imaginary friends = boogeyman in the future.

what am i trying to say is,
if it is so hard to put trust on someone, coz u might once being back stabbed until ur freaking out to have a best friend or best friends,
why not go for imaginary friend?
Its no harm, except for ppl might think ur crazy for talking to urself. *try to avoid that* haaha.

Well at least u'll feel relief.
U have 'someone' to talk to.
Ur imaginary friend might be ur alter ego.
Who knows?

try to figure it out.
It kinda make sense.

Not to forget.
Whenever u feel lost, down, and all sorts of emotionally break down,
There always 'someone' for you to tell your stories, problems, feelings.
He will always be there for you.
No matter what.
He will always listen to what u wanna say, what u asked for,
He's the most gracious and the most merciful.
The one who can gives u help.
The one you seek for forgiveness.

The only one who can help you through your hardship.
So, don't u ever left Him behind.
Always seek for His blessings.
That is ur eternal happiness.

I rest my case.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

~A bundle of abandon tags~

Dear bloggie,
*euw. I sound lyke a retarded bimbo*
Seems lyke i'll be answering ur tags once every mid sem break or sem break.
My apology for the inconvenience.

If and only if i've been given ample time to do....well.....anything,
i would definitely make the world a better place~! <---CrapS!
okay. so here it goes. Ranking from the latest to the lamest. *woops* (I mean the the very last tag i haven't answered yet. hee... :P)
Tag from Syed Danial

1. copy paste award on your blog once u get it

2. make an entry as if it is a grammy award

3. tag 5 other blogger

4. NEVER break the chain, pls.

so, its a grammy award eyh? suppose there must be some drama queen acting ryte? hehe...

Ouh...ouh..+ a lil' bit of tears (make it a fake tears btw,)
Well, I really didn't expect this. Im still new in this arena, still need some more guidance from the pros out there.
First of all, a huge round of applause to Mr. Syed Danial for the award, for the trust, for the opportunity and for the very warm welcome. I really appreciate it~! :)

I would also like to thank my utpian friends for being my driven force to blog as well.
So please put your hands together to:
Anis, Deena, Siti, Hiqmah, Azry, Belle, Elya, Dyod, Cheryl, Daphnee,
Mahsyar, Adib, Zeffree,Lorenzo,Syahmi, Poksu, Nasrulhaq, Hafiz, Kimi, Nuar, Nasrie, Afiiq
*who else eyh? Sorry kalau tertinggal :P*

Thats all i guess. N i would like to share this stage with my fellow blogger as well.

1- Anis *amik. ang kan suka tag aku. hehe*
2- Lorenzo *suka sangat tag sia ye? amik2. haha*
3- Syahmi *ni pun sama cam Lorenzo :P*
4- Adib *update KawanSekamera. asyik kat Wayfarers je :P*
5- Siti *ko x penah jawab tag kan? hee..*

Tagged by Liyana Rosly

1.Tanda2 kamu badmood? - Facial expression sama cam orang lain yang tengah badmood.
2.Tanda2 kamu marah? - Saya akan duduk senyap2.
3.Tanda2 kamu sinting?- sinting?? amende ni? haha...
4.Tanda2 kamu malu?- Malu eyh? blushing le.
5. Tanda2 kamu sedang cemburu? - Naah. Cemburu itu buta. Saya hanya rabun jauh.
6. Tanda2 kamu sedang sedih?- Saya akan duduk senyap2.
7. Tanda2 kamu tengah gumbira? - Saya akan berwajah ceria. yay!
1.Apa warna baju yg kamu pakai sekarang? - Kuning
2.Apa kah kamu termasuk orang yang suka shoping? - Bleh tahan la.
3.Apakah kamu percaya love at first sight? -Ntah.
4.Apa yg ingin kamu lakukan skrg?- Jawab tag sume orang.
5. Apa rasa di hati kamu saat ini? - (huhu lawak nye ayat). Risau kat kakak saya.

1. Bila pertama kali kamu dilahirkan ke dunia? - 26 Jun 1990
2. Bila saat terindah dlm hidupmu? - Sorry. tak ingat. banyak sangat kot. heh.
3. Bila kali terakhir dimarahi ibubapa ?- Sentiasa. hihihi...
4. Bila kamu akan married? - Tengok rezeki la.

1. Bagaimana jika ada org yg buat kamu sakit hati?- Letak katak atau cacing dalam beg atau kasut dia.
2. Bagaimana kalau ada org cakap kamu lawa/hensem? - Thank you. I take that as a compliment. Ciptaan Allah sume cantik2.
3. Bagaimana jika ada teman kamu, meninggalkan kamu? - Cari lain maa.
4. Bagaimana jika ada org yg tidak suka sama kamu? - Peduli hape. Hidup mesti happy. yay!
5. Bagaimana kalau ketika kamu bangun, kamu dikelilingi api? - Saya pun tatau nak bwat pe.
6. Bagaimana jika kamu keseorangan? - Saya redha. hee...

Tagged by Umairah and Syahmi

Facts/Hobbies bout myself:

1. i am a lefty.
2. i adore fast cars.
3. i hate acne but acne loves me.
4. i cannot accept the fact that veggies can be mixed with fruits in making dishes.
5. i like pasta better than rice.
6. i'm the 2nd child out of 4.
7. i hate it to the max when my papers *exp assignment* are not in the best shape. No 'crumpled papers accepted.
8. i practice brunch. save lotsa2 moolah. haha...
9. i am now currently addicted in trying out new softwares. wee~!
10. I miss my sister. Akak. contact la! even Fb will do tho. Sigh.

Tagged by Hiqmah

1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?

2. Your impressions towards him/her.
~ o0. As white as a Snowa White could be. hah.

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
~ Cant recall. Gosh. I really do suffering from short term memory. OMG3!

5. If he/she become your lover, you will..
~ Naah. Nothing came across my mind right now. haha.

6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
~Be her enemy as well. Haha!. As u wish from the truly-yours..*wink2*

7. If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on his/her..
~ Confidence! Chaiyok Hiqmah! I know U can do it! :)

8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
~ Most probably what I can say is, the reason has to do something with my wrongdoings. Sorry in advance yah?

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is..
~ Go paintball + go cart + bungee jumping + wall climbing + scuba diving + roller coaster. Possible?

10. The overall impression of him/her is..
~ Sangat ayu. Auww~ haha.

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
~ I dont give a single damn :) I live my life. U live yours. Happy? ahahaha...

12. The character of you for yourself is?
~ The most pathetic friend. Wahaha~ A lil' fun will do ya?

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
~ Ouh. I shall not reveal my weaknesses. Ppl would take that as an advantage against me. haha.

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
~ Datuk Dr. Jemilah Mahmood? Give me some Mercy ppl!

15. For the people who likes you, say something to them..
~ U sure or not? think again. No. I mean. Think again and again and again :P

Tagged by Syahmi & Lorenzo

1. Choose 5 pictures of yourself from when you were young until now. *because its from u guys, I have to double the tag which is equivalent to 10 or more pitchas eyh?* haha.

2. describe the pictures.

Pitcha taken when I was 3/4 years old. I cant recall either it was my birthday or my sis's . Short term memory problem. Remember? haha. Missin' u-lah akak! where on earth are u now?!
1995 - Pitcha taken at Tokong mne ntah. Nearby MGS, Ipoh round about. I was 5 back then. Showing off my bravery to my sis actually. *chuckles* See the mischievous look? Well, what can I say? Developed since forever perhaps. haha...
2006 - My fav English teacher. Miss Adlina. sigh. She's always being the lucky2 lady. Everytime got new boyfriend, always Mat Saleh one. Handsome some more. Haha. Kinda funny using Manglish la. hee... btw, I really miss my band uniform :(

2006- Last day with the seniors. These are my dorm mates. Sorry for causing so much trouble to u guys. Im a troublesome. I know. Always will, always be :P

2007- Aah. 'the' look again. Once a mischievous, forever a mischievous. hee.. Fooling around Bio lab. Wee~!

2007 - But somehow, lil' miss mischievous turns out to be lil' miss goodie-goodie. *chuckles* Ya..Ya..Im in the nasyid team. I played conga. Always with musical instrument since primary school :)

2007- Center of attention? Yeap. That's my middle name~! Wahaha... "Naah. Its just that I dont think its appropriate to wear the class t-shirt during such occasion,"quote from LyanaHamka. <---LamE! :P

2007 - Victory is what I enjoyed the most. Exp when it comes to defeating a troops of MCKK boys. Yay! Victory is mine~! Haha. SESERI won 7-1 against MCKK. This game is called as petanque. What is petanque? Google urself. hehe...

2007 - Yeap. Thats Sultan Azlan Shah. His hair is as white and shiny as his shoes. Ignore my looks *please say u do* Its not easy tho. Act I've had taken a pic with him before but with all the crowds. I wanted something more valueable. hee.. so with all my courage and determination, I approached him "Ampun Tuanku, izinkan patik bergambar," He replied, "Ate, kemane kamu tadi?"*with his mouthful Perak slang. "Patik tertinggal tadi Tuanku," I replied back. And he goes lyke "Moh..moh le kite bergambar," Hilarious LoL~!

2008 - 1st university assignment ever! haha. See the blurred + almost tension faces? Yea2.

2008 - Modern Musics. Still can't get enough of musical instrument? U bet~!

2008 - After final examination. Tired of being tall eyh? Sort of. hee...I was fun photo shooting with u guys. Lookin' forward for another timeout togethe :)

2008 - Credits to Adib. Pitcha taken during the sem break. From left, Bawal, the truly-yours me, Siti and Deena.

Thats all I guess.
I take almost forever to finished this.
No more tags for the time being please...
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
so long ppl~!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rojak story: Series of UnFortunate Events :)

I had a math test today.
It was a disaster.
I screwed up.
I mean, I REALLY screwed things up~!
Loser Lyana.

so its a was.
Let bygone be bygone eyh?
sort of.

Well act, Im not supposed to be updating this bloggie thingy rite now,
I should be studying tho. 
am still having tests next week
which is the numero uno de' facto  not allowing me to join the UTP Orchestra Team 
field trip to
Philharmonic Orchestra, KLCC this upcoming Saturday.

come again?!

Philharmonic Orchestra.
No Joke!
prioritize will you?
1st thing first. 
Life is all about making decision.
Note that~!

And yeah.
Im at home rite now.
Went back rite after my English tutorial class which end at 10pm.
and I actually had a race
well, sort of minor race act, *chuckles*
with my tutor who happens to be my previous head of warden back in rps before I went to seseri.
*praying hard she didn't recognize me driving the car.*

What a coincidence~
A pure unhappy, no.
I mean a pure surprisingly pleasant coincidence~

super cool eyh having a teacher-student reunion in UTP?
and as a matter of fact, I did mess around with her once upon a time ago.
I mean A LOT~!
so ppl,
I warn ya.
exp if ur from English tutorial group 5.
U just cant afford to handle her.
Just dont piss her off.
U  dont know ur luck when she plans a revenge.
Better watch out.
Dont tell me I didn't warn ya

and why on earth am i at home rite now?

main reason - I wanna do my laundry BADLY.

minor-I left lotsa2 stuff at home cuz I was rushing cuzzie to utp last Sunday. He wanted to see with his bare eyes the location where Arwah Imad collapse *Al-Fatihah*
Sorry Botak for unable to grant ur request due to the scattered-unplanned-all-of-a-sudden field trip. It was raining tho. Hee... Perhaps next tyme eyh. But make sure ur hair aint Botak anymore okeyh? I want the usual truly yours presentable corporate look. Possible? haha~!

back to the main topic
why badly?
so glad you ask~ *recognize this? GG la. Haha~!*
how bad is the size of a laundry which happens to be as big as the size of an almost exploding laundry bag?
Take that!

Too busy with akak's kenduri kesyukuran before she pursue her studies abroad this upcoming 21st March,
And with fav cuzzie of all, si Botak Nazeem- sudden surprise appearence all away from Uitm Arau, * padan muka kena marah ngan Mak Ndak. Buat org t'kejut lagi. Agak melampau kena fetch kau kat Medan Gopeng kul 12.30am. Surprise konon. :P * 
Entertaining a crowd of relatives, which almost exceed a troop.
yea. My dad has 13 siblings.
and still.
havent touch the laundry YET.

So, after facing a 'pleasant' day plus a 30mins dark and spooky-alone-drive
from utp back home,
Arrived at 10.35pm.
I happily unlocked the doors as mum had a meeting to attend in KL; accompanied by akak, 
Azim just entered a residential school this morning and Aiman is now at MRSM Beseri.
Which left me and dad at home.
okay. I really have to do my laundry now, I MEAN IT!

I quickly and passioately rush to the laundry room.
With a exceptionally high determination
By hook or by crook, I have to settle my laundry by tonight.
Definitely positive!
Its a must!

My heart was pounding faster as my veins are pumping adrenaline even more.
To my surprise, the washing machine is not there.
As Im in the process of becoming a positive thinker,
I went lyke 
"Ouh.  Perhaps dad move it somewhere else during the kenduri. There must be somewhere. hurm". 

still cant locate the machine.
So, I ask my dad

me-"Papa. mana washing machine?"
dad- "Machine hantar repair. Awak nak basuh baju ke?"

Well, I've 'enlighten' my day!
how bout u ppl?

~am still trying out hard thinking on the bright sight of every consequence~

goodie 1 - Mapley wih dad~! yay!  Old tyme fav routine~ hee...
goodie 2- I shop till my dad drop on groceries. haha. I burnt quite a hole in his pocket tho. Payback for taking away the washing machine w/o my notice :P
goodie 3- Petrol = Full tank! Heaven2~!
goodie 4- Got some pocket money! Yay! I've been suffering lyke a desperado for the past 2 weeks okay. haha~

told ya. 
Not that bad rite?

gonna start my engine back to utp around 11am perhaps. 

so long ppl~


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blog update has to wait


I meant what I said,
and I said what I meant.

it just has to wait
just a random update for now

it has been a while since my last post.
too busy to update.
lotsa2 stuff to do.

act, I've been saving a post about my tutor.
I know.
Its just too little too late to post bout my tutor coz it seems lyke ppl have been posting bout it since ages.


I dont give a single damn.

somehow, I find that C language is kinda unique.
coz each person have different way of writing and expressing the language.


Im exchanging my group lab assignment with other coursemates 

not that I wanna copy their work.
I mean, their hard work *if they did it themselves*
thats Plagiarism.

I would just like to compare the way they code the language.
Its pretty cool to study and analyze on people's idea as they differ from each other.
and from that, we can see the strength and creativity of their writings 
and thus improve on our writing as well. 

kudos to those generous helper.
really appreciate it~!
munchos gracias!
merci beaucoup!

a tocken of appreciation from me~

still ain't sleepy yet.
attacked by insomnia again.

will update soon~

-gudday everyone-


Thursday, January 29, 2009

The ruiner of the day

Its just ain't my day I guess.

I got summoned for parking my car under a never-been-told-cars-are-prohibited-to-park-there-shade

It may look lyke not-that-pathetic
if and only if  
u are lucky enough to be raise with a silver spoon in ur mouth.
Let it be gold then.
more dramatic.
I lyke.

Devil side: "Whats the big deal? Its just a summon. Ur making things as if ur world is falling apart."
Angelic side: "Well, as a matter of fact, it is. 

  • The fines for the car summon cost me 30 bucks~! *I need. No. I must settle down the summon within 14 days from today. Argh~!
  • The allowance is still not in yet.
  • Im too shy to ask my dad for financial support. *as he had banked in 250 bucks for those text books.*
  • There's only RM18.92 in my bank account. *No matter what happen, I wont allow any cash out from my ASB account. thank you.*
  • There's only RM94.60 in my wallet. 
  • I still owe Aween RM 120 for the 2nd hand books.
and yes.
My world is falling apart!

It wasn't me who found out about the summon in the 1st place.

It was Amirul Syahmi *chop* together with Syafiq Sehat!

They found it while waiting for me to hand in my previous semester books to Amirul as he's some sort of a 2nd hand book dealer to the Jan 09 intakes.

How embarrasing~!
and I saw Syafiq's smirk.
It hurts okay. Exp when you are running out of moolah lyke a desperado.

"Being sarcastic to me eyh? Wait till karma strikes you back."

While I was walking towards em, Amirul hand me something.

Amirul: "Nah. Hadiah untuk kau"
Me: "Hah?"

My 1st summon~! A huge round of applause to me! *clap*clap* or should I say *slap*slap*?

Amirul: "Itu la, parking ikut suka lagi"
Me: "Hell! malam tadi tak de parking okay. 5 kali aku round cari parking kot. Grrr"

After the book handling session,
I went back to my room.
Start babbling to Anis as if I was venting my anger towards her. *sorry roomie. haha*

Expressed my anger on my ym, gtalk and Facebook shoutout.

Got Deena's attention.

Dena: "Kena saman? Bila? Mana? Bagaimana?"
Me: "Ye. Argh. Geram gila kot. Kena kat v2 la coz parking kat porch depan bilik tamu"
Dena: "Ouh. Kesiannye"
Me: "Tu la. Ingatkan aku dah cukup berdaulat nak parking kat porch kereta 2. haish"

I was wandering.
I was pondering. 
Who else besides me had experienced a summon before.

so, I called him.

Me: "Macam mana nak bayar saman?"
Mahsyar: " Hah. Ko kena saman ke? *chuckles* Saman kena bayar kat office security sebelah IRC"
Me: "Tak de diskaun ke?. Kan boleh mintak diskaun."
Mahsyar: "*Roffle* YES. He was roffling*. Ala. Bayar je la. Nak diskaun2 pulak"
Me: "Kalau aku anak lord tak pe la. Erm, sape lagi pernah kena saman? Nak tnye pasal diskaun la.
Mahsyar: "Ntah. Nak aku buat Kelab Orang Kena Saman pulak ke?
Me: "Aah. Boleh jugak. Tambah lagi 1 kelab lepas Kelab Orang Kampung"
Us: LOL! 

Back to Anis

Me: "Macam mana ni? Dah la tak de duit. Elaun tak masuk lagi"
Anis: " Oho. Aku turut bersimpati"
Me: "Marilah kita memasak. Boleh jimat duit"
Anis: "Marilah~! Buat ape bawak periuk belanga banyak2 tapi tak guna"
Me: "Wokeyh. Chantek~!"

so, we did some cooking.
to cut down our expenditure on food stuffs.

Jimat cermat ye.
Bukan kedekut.
Note that.

The roomies are cooking for dinner. 
On a iron board. Creative thinking okay. not silly. 

Yeap. U can cook sardine using a slow cooker but it takes u 3 times longer than usual.
My advise is, Better not! Go for rice cooker instead. *Duh. lyke u have a frying pan in ur room?* fake.fake. haha~

Tadaa~ Nasi Goreng Kampung for the Association of Orang Kampung. Wahaha~!

The taste was okay for a beginner to start.

But the crux of the matter is 
*The Joy Of Cooking Together Hand In Hand*

Yang tak sedap pon jadi sedap.

I went back home this evening.
Got attacked by another surprise.

Dad: "Awak kena saman?!"
Me: "Hah?"*takkan surat saman utp sampai rumah kot?. gle la!* 

Dad: "Macam mana boleh kena?"
Me: "Nak buat macam mana? Dah tak de parking kosong kat v2. Eleen park je la bawah porch"

Dad: "Awak tak payah bayar. Awak report je la kat student council. Dah parking tak cukup. Bukan salah awak"
Me: "Erk. Tak jugak. Ade je parking kosong. Tapi jauh kat v4 la"

Dad:"Kalau macam tu, tak boleh la"
Me: "Mana papa tau ni?"

Dad: "Ade la"
Me: "Hmm"

No other suspect.
He's the only one.
Mak Cik Doyah's son in law.
It must be him.
My neighbour's son in law.
Told ya in the previous entry.
He's working as a guard in utp.

I need some space.
U dont have to lyke hand in my parents my daily report each and every day.
Im no kiddo.
Come on.
A lil' faith wont hurt.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Mapley with mat rempit

Warning! this post is extremely long *hiperbola* and dragging too~

You are from Malaysia rite?
you should already be familiar with what a 'mat rempit' is.

Ouh. In case if you are not, 
*perhaps a 'mat saleh stumble upon my blog* lyke since when did my blog went global? ~giggling~
let me brief you on the definition of mat rempit.

according to Dictionpedia of Redundancy  

Mat Rempit

(1) noun. Amature motorcycle stunt enthusiasts who strut their idiotic choreography on the open road, usually on the highways where there's plenty of room. Often poses threats to other motorists;
(3) Slang. Noob.
(2) Least studied sub-species of humans; Homo sapiens idiotus. 

that was kinda hilarious. 

here goes the story...

Saturday, 17th January 2009
3.00 A.M.

"knock..knock"- a knock on my door.
 "yeap", -me

"Awak dah tidur ke?"- ouh. It was my dad.
"Nope. belum lagi. Kenapa?"- I was online. helping a friend of mine on his newbie Facebook.

"Jom keluar. Teman papa mapley. Tak boleh tidur pulak malam ni", -he replied.
"okay. Kejap ye." *wei aku out dulu. ko mainla facebook ni puas2 eyh. salam~*

3.10 AM

" Awak drive."

so, we had a chat, bla...bla...bla... 



3.25 AM

Vroom...vroom...prengggg...*ah. you know. the sound of modified kapchai motorbikes*

"Whoa~! ada race la malam ni!"-
I was surprised. and  I went lyke "Im a Dutchman!" Unbelieveable~! Just look at the crowd!.

"Ramainya. Ada dalam...*dad starts counting* approx 500 plus la. okay. awak drive steady je."
dad was worried as he thought I was some sort of panic in that exceptionally unfamiliar situation.

yeah. Thanx dad~!
as a matter of fact, I did
but, I was overwhelmed 

overwhelmed by my excited-ness for it was my 1st tyme *my 1st tyme! wohoo~!*driving in a crowd of 500 plus mat rempits~

can you imagine that?

Q&A session: Q- so how was it Lyana?
    A- what 'it'? ouh. you mean, how do i feel? well... at first, I was a lil' bit scared and panicked. Im afraid I might be hijacked by em as they are too many. way too many. but hey. my dad's here. why should i be afraid of?  besides, i can just hit em with the car im driving and the insurance company will cover all those damage i've done and Im not  losing even a single penny from my pocket. great~

~Chill lyana. chill~
I can do this.
I definitely can do this.
chill yourself dad~

so, I drove carefully.
together with those mat rempits
as if i was racing with em.
on a secong thought,
I felt like i was a vvip being escorted by hundreds of superbikes~
*chuckles* -ouh. pretencious me.- 

its scary tho.
they were like biking in a supersonic speed.

and imagine this.

3 straight roads
i was driving in the middle
2 fast and furoius fully modofied kapchai bikes
with the annoying 'preng' sound
speeding like crazy
super duper fast
between my mpv.


it felt lyke a huge trailer passing by your car while you were waiting for the traffic light to turn green.
your car experienced a small-earthquake-like shakey feeling rite?
take that!

but the best part was when i stopped my car as the traffic light turns red.
 not to my surprise, *duh* these very enthusiastic-on-drug*ice baby I assume* bloody mat rempits proudly accelerate to the utmost-speed-their-motorbike-can-go while acting *more to showing off actually* this silly freestyle-  the free willy
and again.
2 of em

super duper sacry-yet-idiotic cool act~!

hey. Im not suppose to be supporting this am I?
-I take back my words-
thank you.
and again 
this time, the small-earthquake-like-shakey feeling, hit my car even harder. I can really feel that my car was swinging.
duh. center point of equilibrium of a mpv vehicle is higher than regular car. its quite unstable.
they really scare the hell out of me!

so, we stopped at a nearby mamak restaurant.
just to watch the illegal race.
ordered some foods.
chit chat.bla3...

and then,

here comes the police
2 police cars against 500plus motorbikes.
lyke what can you do?
just 'shooh'them away?
and make them come 15minutes later?

and yeah.
they did come exactly 15mins later.

and what did those policeman do?
they 'shooh'em again and again.

after quite a while, 
my dad broke the silence

"kalau awak, macam mana awak nak handle semua ni?"

"hurm, kalau ikutkan hati la, enforce law, tembak je sesiapa yang merempit ni. puas hati. tak habis-habis menyusahkan orang.
 kalau humban diorang dalam lokap pun tak guna. 
buang duit keraajan je nak bagi diorang ni makan n tidur free.
 baik invest duit tu dalam sektor pembangunan negara atau sektor pendidikan. ada jugak hasilnya."

"Tapi kalau ikutkan rasional pulak, diorangkan remaja. 
darah muda. 
need for speed tu is a must.
So, why not kerajaan atau kerajaan negeri adakan peruntukan untuk buat litar lumba yang affordable untuk remaja. 
Takkan nak expect diorang ni semua nak lumba dekat litar Sepang tu kot. 
Dahla mahal, besides, these mat rempits, they are everywhere~ all over Malaysia.
Melampau la kalau nak lumba je kena pergi litar Sepang. 
It doesn't make any sense at all!
Secara tidak lansung, bakat yang ada tu, tak disalahgunakan.
Kalau bakat diorang ni digilap lagi, tak mustahil diorang boleh represent Malaysia dalam world champion league or whatsoever.
Dapat mengharumkan nama negara jugak.
Silap-silap, boleh jadi macam Datuk Lee Chong Wei and Datuk Nicole Ann David.
Malaysia jugak yang dapat nama."

told ya Im a jabber.
dont tell me I didn't warn ya.

Think bout it.
On a second thought,
ponder about this matter.
It does make sense rite?

so long...
good day~

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

dah upload Dan Brown pulak~

dah upload dah.

1-  Angels & Demons
2- Deception Point
3- Digital Fortress
4- The Da Vincci Code

Jangan facinated sangat sampai tak datang kelas eyh.

Kalau tak nampak Lorenzo datang lecture or tutorial,
meaning dia tengah khatamkan buku-buku Stephenie Meyer dengan Dan Brown la tu.

To Lorenzo and Syahmi, 
sorry ye.
Lambat sikit jawab tag.
Nak scan gambar-gambar lama tu, 
scanner pulak tak function.
*whoa. semangatnye  nak jawab tag*


Dan Brown lagi best dari Stephenie Meyer

till then, 
