Showing posts with label that's just great. Show all posts
Showing posts with label that's just great. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Never trust a quiet baby...

Why?? Because when you have a 10 month old who can crawl, climb, open cabinets and drawers... they become quiet when they've discovered something new and fun to play with, such as a whole jar of petroleum jelly. You say WHAT?!?!? I'm saying, YEAH...petroleum jelly!! Apparently I left a little jar of it in the boys bedroom in a small drawer that I keep cloth diapering things in. You know, a drawer of stuff that you assume they will never get into because it doesn't have toys in it. It was a jar left over from when they know when baby boys are "cut" (get my drift??) and you have to keep that area covered in the stuff to keep it clear of infection?? Yah, I left it in that drawer because it was never bothered with, until last night when 10 month old decided he could open that drawer (for the first time ever), pull everything out, discover a jar of non-edible-jelly, and open it (how the heck did he figure that out??). He must have been looking for crackers to go with the non-edible-jelly because it was smeared all over his hands, arms, face and the open drawer. There went the rest of our evening. I didn't get to finish drafting a new pattern I'm working on for this weekend for the boys baptisms. :) Maybe I'll have time to post about that soon, assuming the rest of the week goes smoothly and we don't have any more 10 month old caused mishaps.