
Not so CLEAN...

 Dirtiest little feet I have ever seen. I love how happy she is outside, sometimes I wish she would keep her shoes on but those little feet are a sure sign that she is having fun.


Rowan {6 months}

 Rowan at 6 months (April 23rd): champion sleeper- sleeping from 8p.m. til 8a.m., has rolled over once (with 3 sisters he is held a LOT!) and if he does even think about moving around his helpful sister Lucie is right there to do it for him. He is so easy going except when he gets tired and then he is tired and wants to be in his bed immediately. He loves to suck his thumb and I am quite sure that is part of the reason is such a great sleeper! He adores his sisters and coos and laughs at them quite easily! He loves to snuggle and it melts my heart every time he lays his head on my shoulder, sticks his thumb in his mouth and lays contentedly for awhile! He weighs 16lbs and is 27.17in long. I love this little guy!

Cool Hats

I love these silly kids!!! I used to be overwhelmed with the thought of all I have to teach my children but it seems like I am really the one who learns so much from them! For example, they are pretty silly and like to laugh a lot! They constantly remind me of the importance of a good laugh and not to take things too seriously. We were folding laundry and Gracee and Emme had the idea to give everyone a hat. They then wanted a picture of it to show their daddy who they knew would find it rather funny:)! It definitely a keeper, as are the four of them:)!


Writing it Down!

I have made a new resolve to sit at my computer more and record some of the things I don't ever want to forget and share some of the thousands of pictures I have on 3 full hard drives. I keep thinking to myself that oh I will remember that or I will write that down and then I don't. So I am starting today with one random picture of Lucie and something I need to remember! I was talking to my mom today and we were talking about reunions and how we are excited to go but she got to thinking how she will miss having my dad there and my Grandma and we both got a little teary eyed. My mom then said "do you think those in heaven are too busy to look down at us while we are having a reunion?" (We always joke that every year when we go camping at warm river and it rains that is Grandma Clark crying that she isn't there with us.) In response to my mom's question I told her again about the experience we had at Christmas... How when we were opening presents and Lucie said to Emme (who at the time had just opened a present) "well what do we have here?" It took me a little off guard hearing it but at that moment I remember having a warm feeling. It really wasn't a big deal but that phrase didn't sound anything like Lucie would say. It in fact was something I remember my dad saying EVERY SINGLE christmas growing up. We would open a present and he would say "well what do we have here?" and snap a picture... So in response to my mom's question about if our loved ones are too busy to look down on us I said I really believe that not only do they look down on us I am sure they spend a little time with us as well. I am sure they are just as concerned about us in heaven as they were when they were with us on earth. I like to think that I have a few angels watching over me and my little family. It certainly helps me feel heaven around me and remember that heaven is closer than we realize! I am grateful for the Gospel that I can be with my family forever, it helps me want to live a little better and do a little better every day!


A little bit of Crazy

Rowan loves his sisters he really does... That being said most of our days include some sort of chaos!
In this picture Rowan happened to be hungry and slightly cold otherwise he is generally smiling and laughing when his sisters are kissing and hugging him. Lucie loves to roll his hands in a circle and toss them in the air and yell GOOOOOO Cougars... I worry that she may pull his arms out of the socket but he just laughs. Lucie also loves to crawl in Rowan's crib and cuddle him... It is very hard to discipline her when Rowan just laughs. They are already good little friends!


My little Grinch

Lucie has figured out that while I am busy feeding Rowan or taking care of him that she has a little freedom to fulfill her curiosity. Today she found the Green food coloring...
Lucie has loved watching the Grinch and reading the book this Christmas Season. That being said she DID not like it when I mentioned that she was beginning to look like him:)
 In the 2 seconds I looked away from Lucie to take the above picture she made the mess in the picture below:)
After I took enough pictures that I was over being frustrated I took her to the tub. When she discovered that the green was not easily coming off she got very upset and yelled "I DON'T want to be GREEN anymore!!!" Having to have green hands for most of the day I am hoping is punishment enough to ward off chance of her getting into the food coloring ever again:)


Happy Halloween!

 Gracee and Emme were both so excited to go to school, to have a party and dress up! Gracee had a parade at her school and Emme was so excited to get to walk around the track with her.

 After the school parties and fun we came and rested, well really I rested:) Gracee and Emme just kept asking if it was time to go trick-or-treating. When it was time they were beyond excited!
 So this year we had three little butterflies, a butterfly catcher, a little monster and his mom:)
 Our little yawning monster fell fast asleep while we walked around the neighborhood.
 These three butterflies were flew so fast around the neighborhood that even the butterfly catcher could not keep up. Some houses had their candy out on their doorstep and that always took the longest for them to pick the one they wanted. By the end of the night we had three worn out little butterflies, a hungry monster and WAY too much candy!