Thursday, January 30, 2020


Defying the odds
My middle name
A miracle
Why you choose
To use me
What do you see
See in me?
A question
I don't have
An answer for


I don't understand much
But I know this
The body wins
Most days
And finally
Maybe putting
This out
I will accept
What I've been
In denial about
My body needs sleep
More than I'd like
My body has been pushed
I'm used to it
But I need to take rest
I'm not like everyone else
I'm different
And it's okay
I have to follow
Doctors orders
I can't balk
Thanks to Medtronic

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


My neck
With a cross
I will never
Be worthy of
I sit here
With callouses
On my toes
And I'm grateful
It's means
I'm walking
A medical miracle
Each step
Is a reminder
Of blessings
I didn't earn
And don't deserve


My eyes
My disability
I've successfully hidden
Reading so many
Has been
A learning experience
I couldn't any longer
Be blissfully ignorant
To suffering
That is inexcusable
Step into shoes
Not on them
You might bawl
Just thinking
God spared me
From hardships
I couldn't fully grasp
Between apathy
And empathy
Is where
I stand

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Walking alone
In the aisles
Of Trader Joe's
The flowers
Are my favorite
I spot
And my giddiness
Like the kid
Awaiting the swat
Of a piΓ±ata
Awaiting candy
Falling like
A plunge
Into an infinity pool
In the Aegean
The happiness
Of an leisurely stroll
In a grocery store


Late afternoon
Take off braces
Let legs be free
Bare feet
Dance on
The cold floor
Soon I reach
For faux fur slippers
A cold drink
Some trail mix
Prop myself
In my chair
Of choice
And unwind
The only way
I know how
Pen in hair
Music flowing
As I let the
Day and my perception
Go as I meditate
With the legends
Of yesteryear.

Monday, January 27, 2020


In the stillness
I hear you whisper
I am here
Don’t fret
As I speak
The fear
That pain
Is just
A symptom
Of deeper needs