Sunday, January 6, 2013


2012 Was a journey to enjoy.  Kelson came home in October from serving a great mission in the Cebu Philippine mission and went right to work for Governor Herbert's campaign.  It is so great to have him home!

Brigham City has a new temple and it is so great to just drive down the street to go to the House of the Lord. 

Rick puts in a lot of time working for L-3 and it has been such a blessing for our family.  He got a new shed this year to put his gardening stuff in and that probably has been the highlight of his gardening year! 

We sold our house on Shamrock and we redecorated our house.  We re-did the kitchen and dining room and living room.  It looks great and I love working in the kitchen now! 

I quit working at Valpak after 8 years.  It was time.  I now work part time for the county doing Business Expansion and Retention.  I have also won a contract to be a trainier for the state of Utah.  I love it! It is fun and I am meeting really great people.

Ryan moved to Draper and then decided to go back to school, so he starts school in Texas Jan 11, 2013.  It is a great move for him and we are excited for him.  We do miss him a lot.

Crystal and Tim are expecting baby number 3 and she should come any day.  Tim finished grad school and has gotten a promotion at work.  We are really proud of both of them.  They are really striving to raise a good family in the gospel.  We love that they live so close! Time is teaching primary and Crystal works in activity days.  Mason  and Brielle are the light of our lives!

Miles and Betsey are in Brigham City as well.  Miles is going to USU and should graduate in December of 2013.  Betsey is an accountant in town and is patiently providing for their family as Miles goes through school. We love having them around to make us play!  They are teaching teen Sunday School.  Perfect place for them!

Emily and Brady bought their first home!  It is a condo in Woods Cross, Utah.  It is in a really nice area.  Emily took a Philosophy class that gave her a real thirst for learning and she is excited about going to school and learning all she can.  She is a recruiter for a temp agency in N. Salt Lake and serves as a scout leader in her ward. Brady is getting his graduate degree and finishing their basement.  He is one busy boy!

Kelson starts school at USU tomorrow.  He is nervous and excited and of course came down with a horrible cold to get him going.  He is a business major.  Being home is a mixed bag for him, but he is getting in the hang of things pretty good.

This is just a snap shot of our year.  I think what this year taught the most is how much we love and rely on one another.  I am so grateful to my kids for staying close, overlooking faults and helping each other out.  I love and appreciate their kind hearts and their desires to do what is right. 

We are looking forward to 2013 with hope and trust that we can create love and unity in our family and among our friends and community.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Crystal, Sarah, Emily and Brielle
Kelson on Skype
Mother's day is always bitter sweet for me.  I think about my great kids and how beautiful and great they have turned out; accentuated by guilt for all the things I didn't do that I should have.  I wonder if that is normal.  Is that something that comes with the job description? 

I got to briefly talk to my son, Kelson, who has five months left in the Philippines.  It was so nice to see his face, hear his voice and watch his laugh.  I only wish I had more time to visit with him, however I will when he gets home.

Here is a brief over view about some of the things I love about my children.

Ryan is peace.  He is comforting, thoughtful and interesting. He loves his family and would do anything for his brothers and sisters. He is talented, smart, and has a great future.

Crystal is a great mom.  She is patient and so fun to hang out with!  She plays with her kids.  She is also great with her granny and brings so much happiness to my mom.

Tim loves his family first!  He provides for them and is so accepting of people.  He has a huge heart and is a hard worker. He is so good at his job and business ventures.

Miles is kind,patient, loving, and good.  He adores his wife and is great with his nephews and nieces.  He has a great sense of humor and will be a good provider for his family

Betsey is open enough to be my friend, unlike many daughter in laws.  I truly love her.  She is smart in ways no one else is in our family.  She is a great cook!

Emily is artistic, kind hearted, sensitive, thoughtful and sharp.  She is great with the downtrodden she works with and is empathic to their trials.  She is truly gifted artistically.

Brady has the best smile anywhere!  It lights up the room.  I love how expressive his eyes are.  He is so good to us and loves Emily.  He is great at his job and with people.

Kelson is dedicated to his mission.  He works very hard, it totally focused and loves his family!  He has the best laugh, a practical mind and is so fun to be with.

That is just a small part of what I love about my children, and because they are who they are, being a mother is the greatest thing I have ever done on this earth, other than marrying Rick!

Thanks for coming to our house kids!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

2nd Anniversary, new puppy!

You can find this picture on Emily's blog too, but I like it so much I had to post it on the family blog.  Such a cute little family!

Early morning walk

I walk with 2 amazing women in the morning.  They have changed from friends to sisters.  I really love them. We have walked through deaths, marriages, sickness, romances and heart break. They lift me up and make me a better person. 

We try to change up our walks, so everyday we hit a different section of our small town.  We have weeded, wandered through empty houses, investigated the cemetery and watched the steeple go up on the temple. 

 Our Husbands humor us, and are entertained with the crazy things we do and talk about.

Yesterday the mail man told me that we should walk by the temple around 7am to see it when the sun first hits the valley.  He said angel Moroni is amazing and the temple just glows. 

So this morning with cameras in hand with ended our walk at the temple. It is so beautiful and we feel so blessed to have this wonderful gift given to our community.  We are excited to go in and to have our children/ grandchildren hopefully sealed there. 

This morning was a gift.  I spent it with good friends, in a beautiful little town, and ended it with our hearts filled with the blessings of eternity.

The Crystal Gift

    Twenty seven years ago I was blessed with a great gift.  Actually the gift came before.  During my pregnancy with Crystal my hair was thick and beautiful, my skin was clear, I was in a good mood for most of the time.  A really peaceful pregnancy. The best was yet to come!
   Crystal has been a blessing in my life.  She is beautiful inside and out.  She has the talent of brightening up a room, making everyone feel comfortable and being a true friend.  She takes time to reach out to her Granny and is one of the best mom's I have ever seen.  In my eyes she is practically perfect!
   Rick and I feel so blessed to be her parents.  Happy Birthday honey!