Monday, January 10, 2011

Bailey's 1st Dance Concert

To say Bailey loves to dance, would be a total understatement! This girl absolutely LOVES to move her body and will break into dance anywhere and I mean anywhere. We signed her up at Studio 1 back in September and I don't think we truly knew what we were getting into. Bailey looks forward to dance class every week and has loved practicing for her concert that was this last Saturday. It is just her and two other little girls in her dance class, they did a number to Under the Sea. She was so excited on Saturday to go to her dress rehearsal in the morning and bring home her costume to show me (I had not seen it, since I have been working and Tommy was taking her to all the classes and fittings). I think she was just as excited about being able to wear makeup as she was to perform on stage. Once we got to Timpview for the concert she was unstoppable. She sat intently totally in awe of the dance numbers before her, then it was her turn and she did so good! She was always about a step behind but that's what made it so cute! She rocked it and was not even the lest bit nervous. Tommy gave her 2 roses after and she was on cloud nine. She sat for a few more numbers and asked when she got to go back up to perform again. We explained that she was all done for the night and she literally pouted and buried her head into Tommy. That didn't stop her though she spent the rest of the night in the aisle dancing on her own to the music and doing her thing. If you could only have witnessed her strutting down the aisles and dancing. She was in heaven! Tommy and I had so much fun watching her on stage and off and seeing her love and excitement for dance. We let her dance up on stage after the concert was over and she danced and tell we were kicked off. It was such a fun night and we are so proud of you Miss Bailey! You looked adorable and did awesome! And as you can see below she was enjoying posing for the camera. She was cracking us up.

Happy New Year!!!

Another year has flown by, another year of watching "my babies" become further and further away from being "babies", another year of memories, another year full of good and bad but most importantly another year with my wonderful little family. We spent the morning relaxing and watching movies together and running some errands. We were invited by our friends the Hubert's to hang out at their house to ring in the new year. The kids played and played while the adults watched a movie and ate and ate and ate..... We had so great dips to munch on all night and that is just what we did. Man it was yummy!! We rang in the new year at 10 with the kids. They were getting ansy to through confetti, blow horns and drink "bubble juice" aka martinelli's so why not, 1o it was. They were getting tired anyways. We headed home and got the kids in bed then stayed up watching all the specials and countdowns. We are jumping into 2011 with open arms and with a little bit of the unkown but looking forward to what the new year will bring for our little family.

When the kids get a hold of the camera...

This is what happens, I couldn't help but smile and laugh when I came across these after downloading pictures. Had no idea they had done this. It happens often but usually just pictures of their toys. I love my little goof balls!

Christmas Day

Santa made it. We had an awesome Christmas this year! It was perfect! The kids slept in until about 8:15 (Caleb woke up earlier but he went back to sleep). The kids were so excited to see that Santa left them a letter and a bell from his reindeer when they woke up. I got some cinnamon rolls in the oven while we opened presents. Caleb and Bailey were once again so fun to watch as they opened their presents. We were able to get some fun stuff this year for them and they were so grateful. We ate breakfast together and let the kids play for a bit while we showered and got ready. We headed up to Shanna's to visit and exchange a few gifts. We spent the rest of the afternoon at my parents with my siblings and their families. The kids were pretty tired and thankfully Bailey tuckered out and took a nap. We came home early enough so that the kids could get to bed on time and so that we could spend a little time alone as a family. Tommy and Caleb worked on new Lego sets while Bailey and I played Pretty, Pretty Princess. We had a great Christmas, once again! Things were a little different for us this year and a little more low key and it ended up being so nice! We are so grateful for this time of year and the time to reflect on Jesus' birth and we look forward to a new year with a new beginnings.

Woot, princess underwear

Testing her new Jessie boots out

Hard at work with the Legos