Wednesday, March 31, 2010

White Chocolate Dipped Oreos

I can't take credit for this idea I got it from the wonderful I thought it was such a cute and easy idea that I ran out with the kids yesterday to get the stuff to make for Caleb's preschool teacher and as a thank you for one of Tommy's co-workers. They were so fun to make and so simple. The kids had fun "helping", it was more like eating and taste testing :) Anyway I thought I would share in case anyone needs a last minute Easter idea. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Were So Glad....

When daddy comes homes.......... Tommy was out of town all week in Denver for business. The kids and I missed him so much. He got home late Thursday night so the kids only had a few minutes with him before bedtime. Tommy went in to work a little late on Friday and then at 1:30 they sent him home to relax. We decided to take the kids to see How to Train a Dragon. It was so good!!! We all loved it! Caleb is definitely in dragon mode right now. I would highly recommend going and seeing it. As we were getting out of the movie our friends the Montoya's texted to see if we wanted to meet them at Pirate Island for dinner. Icing on the cake. This was our second time eating their and the kids had so much fun running around on the pirate ship and playing arcade games with their friend Mikey. It was the perfect ending to the night and a great way to catch up on time missed with daddy.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sneaky Leprechaun's....

We had some pretty sneaky leprechaun's visit us during the night. Caleb was looking for them high and low because he wanted to squeeze one. It was cute! I think he was more excited to wake up from the disarray of the leprechaun's then he was on Christmas morning. He just kept repeating that he couldn't believe it all. They left shamrocks all over the hallway, walls and ceilings. trails of gold chocolate coins and confetti were left all over the house. They turned our milk green, the toilet water green, they left Lucky Charms and Princess and the Frog. Bailey woke up late but was so excited to see the movie. I made little bags for the kids and Tommy filled with green skittles, stickers, necklace's, balloons and Tommy got Apple Beer. Caleb quickly reminded everyone that we had to wear green. Caleb had preschool and had a great time finishing their rainbow pots with gold coins, coloring leprechauns and making a fun little shamrock hat. We had lunch with Tommy outside and then came home and spent some more time outside,watched Tiana and then headed to my parents to have our annual St. Patrick's Day dinner; Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots, cornbread and then Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Pies. Aunt Heater and Uncle Kyle brought green sugar cookies that were a hit with the kids. It was a very busy and fun filled day! Caleb couldn't stop talking about the sneaky leprechaun's :) Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Disney On Ice : World of Fantasy

We surprised the kids on Wednesday the 10th by taing them to see Disney On Ice: World of Fantasy. They had no idea where we were going that morning we told them that we had a surprise for them that night when daddy got home. The were anxiuosly anticipating all day. We headed to Salt Lake and took them to dinner first at Wendy's. Caleb asked if that was their surprise?? We had to laugh. We told them after dinner they would find out. The 3 mintue ride to Energy Solutions was quite exciting, they kept guessing and laughing. Once Caleb saw the building he asked if we were watching more motorcycles (since we were their last for the Gravity Slashers). We laughed and told him no but we better get inside to find out what was inside. Once inside, they saw all the Disney souvenir stands and pictures but were still a little unsure. We asked them what commercials they had been seeing on TV and then it registered. they were very excited!! We immediately headed over to see Princess Tiana, Cinderella and all the princess gowns on display. Bailey brought her new Tiana doll and was thrilled when Tiana spotted her and her doll in the crowd and waved and blew her a kiss. Can we say excited!!?? It was so cute. Caleb enjoyed seeing and showing his sister all the dresses on display, it was cute! We headed to our seats and enjoyed a FABULOUS show! It was Cars, Little Mermaid, Lion King and then the second half of the show was Tinkerbell. Tommy got a little bored at the Tinkerbell part cause he has never seen movie so he couldn't follow it too well :) But the Cars were AWESOME!! And Ariel and Simba, so fun! We had a great night!!

Now beware, picture overload :) Caleb had a little cold so wasn't in the picture taking mood :)

Saint George

The weekend of March 4th-7th we headed to sunny Saint George (well sunnier than Orem) for Tommy's work and a softball tournament. As we left town on Thursday night we hit the beginning of a storm that ended up leaving 7 inches of snow at our house. We woke up to clear skies and the low 60's. Man did we get out of town just in time. Tommy had to go to the office in Saint George for a couple hours on Friday so the kids and I walked to Walmart and got some Oreos and milk and a few other things, once daddy got back we headed to the "cha-chuzzi". It was so relaxing and nice to be outside in some sun. Bailey napped and then we headed to the outlets to do some shopping. Later that night we went to Tommy's softball games. He had three Friday night and they won all three. The kids did great! It got a little chilly but still in the 50's. We got to sleep in the next morning before games started up again at 11. It was still a nice day but a little windy. We spent about another 4 hours at the fields before there team was done. We went back the hotel and I got Bailey down while Caleb and Tommy went to the jacuzzi. After we headed to a nice dinner at Outback, we had not been to Outback in a long time. We relaxed the rest of the night and headed out on Sunday morning. It was so nice to just get away and be in some decent weather. We needed it so bad!!! We were going stir crazy and it is always so fun to get away as a family and just spend time together without the worry of laundry and to do lists.

S is for....

SUPERHERO, Silly Sock Day and Dr. Seuss's Birthday!! Caleb learned about the letter S in preschool a few weeks ago and had quite the eventful week. First they celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday by reading his books and enjoying Wocket in my Pocket cupcakes. Then they had Silly Sock day and Superhero day. Miss Morgan made Superhero capes for each of the kids and they got to decorate it with fabric markers. Caleb had the biggest grin when I went to pick him up. He was so excited to come home and share his cape with Bailey and fly of the couches. What a fun way to learn about the letter S.