It's kind of a running joke/truth when we call our little farm our living food storage.
We don't keep anything here on our land that doesn't "work" for the food we feed it.
Just like my children. Hahaha
My kids work hard for our lifestyle.
Over the past 8 years of our living here, we've tried almost every animal.
Sheep, quail, several breeds of ducks, rabbits, cows, goats, chickens, turkeys, pigs of a few varieties, llama, maybe I'm missing something so I will say etc. ;)
So, if you are in the market for a living storage, let me walk you through what we have and why...
1. Goats
We have tried almost every breed of goat. We can't find cashmere or oberhaalsi, and I refuse to buy a myatonic goat, so those are the only 3 we haven't done.
Over the years of trial and error, this is what we have found that works best for us:
We love the high cream output of a Nubian. They are also some of the most friendly and social creatures around. I joke they are my big puppies.
Alpines and LaManchas have a nice high output for us. The LaMancha may look funny with their earlessness, but they have pretty darn hardy babies. Alpines seem to have pretty big babies as well so that's a bonus in the colder months of kidding.
Toggenburg goats are so wonderfully hairy. Like big shaggy beasts (as big as a goat gets anyway. Haha). I also love how their mohawks stand up when they are challenged.
These 4 breeds have become very mixed and mingled in our herd. We have bred selectively for teats, milk sacks, and output, and have kept our favorites back. But have ended up with a bunch of loveable mutts that give us massive amounts of milk each day.
2. Llama
No post about our farm would be complete without Tina.
She came to us with some injuries and has been a steady presence since then.
I adore her.
She is a calm protector.
She loves babies and is the herd babysitter.
She is a very small eater, but is a beautiful fixture on our little homestead.
So, even though she doesn't produce food, she protects it and earns her place in my food storage. (As do the cats!)
3. Ducks
Specifically Muscovy Ducks.
We have tried a few varieties of ducks and geese, but these little friends win.
They are excellent bug eaters.
Our backyard never has mosquitos, our front yard does.
They are amazing mommas.
Each one of our hens generally sits on 2 nests a year, and hatches an average of 8 ducklings per hatch.
They taste like beef and their eggs are amazing for baking.
They are pretty easy to keep contained in our yard. Although they fly, they are smart enough to stay close to home, and that makes me like them even more. Haha
4. Pigs
We have tried a few different pig breeds over the years, but our favorites are Berkshire and Large Black.
Berk for their beautifully marbled meat, and their tendency to not get fatty. They are also amazing mommas. So conscientious around their babies.
Blacks for their totally calm disposition. They are also wonderful mothers.
We have bred these so that we have a nice barnyard mix of both and love the cross.
They make amazing garbage disposals, wonderful ground breakers, and they eat weeds like no other! I honestly love having all those qualities.
5. Chickens
We love eggs.
And chicken.
So, it was only natural to have chickens.
In fact, that was the very first animal we ever got here on our little plot of land.
I love the colors, textures, and sizes of all the different kinds.
I also love the egg colors of each variety.
So, we have a mixed bag here too.
A little of this, a little of that, and all bread together for a little hybrid vigor.
So there you have it.
Those are my top animals, the ones we will always have.
Our own living food storage.
With it we have fresh eggs, milk, meat.
We also have companionship and learn lessons each day from them.
We also have the opportunity to work hard.
If you have the ability, I highly recommend getting an animal or two.