Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gracie & Lucy

Lately Gracie has been asking us if she can get a dog :) So when her teacher asked her class to bring in a photo of their pet or a pet they wanted to have she was very excited to bring in a photo of a dog. Every day she has been coming home & talking about the different pets that you could, cat, dog, horse etc. And all the responsiblities that go along with having a pet. But she has been very clear that she would LIKE a dog. When we were shopping the other day she found this adorable baby golden retriever. She really wanted to bring it home as her pet. Hmm...maybe this cute little dog will satisfy her mommy bought it for her :) She named her Lucy & she is now a part of our family. Gracie takes her almost everywhere she goes & mommy & Josie get to take care of her when she's at school. She will even tell me what to feed her. She sleeps with her too & when we go in to check on her at night they are cuddled up together. I have to say it's quite cute!!! Ahhh...Gracie & Lucy are BFF's!!! And for now she is content :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Josie...Future Lead Singer

Josie loves to sing, dance & perform for anyone that will watch her. One of her favorite songs to sing is the Abc's. Tonight she used her new trumpret as a microphone. Looks like she's taking after her mommy with a solo on the microphone :) Be warned you may get a little dizzy!!! But she sure looks cute!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Yo Gabba Gabba Live...It's Time To Dance!!!

Tonight we took the girls to Yo Gabba Gabba Live. As we entered the theater Josie started singing "Yo Gabba Gabba" over & over :) She was jumping & squeeling with excitement as this was her first "live" show. Gracie was all about buying the cool "glow stick" to wave around during the show. So of course, they each got one & waved them all around as they danced in their seats & in the aisle too. "There's A Party In My Tummy" & "Get The Sillies Out" were their favorite songs. A very fun night was had by all :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Movie Night

After an eventful day of watching football with daddy, the girls decided it was time to relax with a movie. So we turned the playroom into a movie theater & they enjoyed one of their favorite Barbie movies all snuggled up in their new princess sleeping bags. They turned off the lights & enjoyed their favorite movie snacks...popcorn & m&m's. A great way to end the weekend :)

Football Sunday

The girls were very excited for FOOTBALL SUNDAY at our house. They kept asking when the games were going to start & 12 o'clock could not come soon enough for them. Hot dogs & chips for lunch & chili cooking on the stove for dinner...yummy!!! Sporting their Bears jerseys & rooting for them with daddy!!! Although Josie kept saying "Go Packers!!!" Very cute :) Too bad the Packers & the Bears were on at the same time today. Overall, a great day for football!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Harvest Days...Bonus Pictures

Harvest Days

Today was our 4th annual trip to Harvest Days at The Lincoln Park Zoo. Our first trip, Josie was 2 months old & we have gone rain or shine ever since as it's a great family day!!! First up, we head to the pumpkin patch where the girls pick out their "perfect" pumpkin. Next up, we head to the decorating station to pick out the design of choice. Funny that they each picked out the same design as last year. Gracie chose Mr. Jack-O-Lantern & Josie Ms. Kitty Cat.