Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What a little helper!

James has turned into my clean freak. He picks things up and grunts until I put them away. Just what I needed (I am being serious)! When I cleaned the kitchen floor, he got down and helped me. Just look at him unloading the dishwasher!

Doesn't he do such a good job - just like I would of done!! Okay, maybe he needs a little helping (or is it just that he needs to grow a little so he can see!?!)

Wishing you Holiday Cheer!

What is missing in the picture???

Please look at the following two pictures carefully
and see if you can guess what is missing from the kids room!

If you guessed the crib - you are correct. My little baby is now
in a big boy bed. Can you believe it. It makes me feel like he is not my baby anymore. Maybe it is time for another (NOT)!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blog or be Bloggled

So, my cousin started this company, called Bloggled, to help all us bloggers in the world (not that I am very good at it)!! You can back up your blog for free!!! So if you delete something, they can retrieve it for you. If you accidently delete your whole blog (after you have backed it up) they can bring it back to life. You can even turn your blog into a book, without all the extra uploading :)

Have you ever had this experience? You are posting to your blog, click the publish button, and the very next thing you know the screen is blank. So, you click back to your drafts and nothing is there, then you click your published posts and nothing is there. At this point you are starting to think to yourself…oh no, what just happened? As you continue searching your blog admin for information you see that all your uploaded images, videos, files, and everything is gone.

Living through this situation would be enough to devastate any blogger. Knowing that years of data about your person, family, or business is gone can be difficult to overcome emotionally, but even more difficult of a problem to solve. If you haven’t backed up your blog recently, or ever, chances are your posts and everything else are gone for good.

This is the kind of situation that led Brent Ramey to the idea of creating, “and to honestly save anyone in that situation the act of going insane.” is a blog backup company that is allowing bloggers to backup their blog for free as an introductory product to celebrate their official launch out of beta and as a holiday gift this season.

1. Join Bloggled. Register and sign up for a Bloggled account (

Note - so they just had some contest and although I have heard about Bloggled from my cousins wife, I had no idea my cousin started it or I would have sent this out sooner. Also, you know me, I am a little slow in these kind of things (don't say anything Emily!)

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Some cute pics of the kids!


Hola - yes we are still here. Life has been a little crazy. It feels like I am always at the kids school since it has started. We come home for a quick nap and then go back to school - but it is fun!!!

I have also started working at the Gap. I help process the nighttime shipments. It is late, but I get great discounts and shopping money - plus it is nice to have my own thing.

Sam is Kit Kitteridge - An American Girl

Ben is a policeman

James is Linus (from Peanuts comic strip) - actually in real life too!

Notice the cast!?!

Here is Linus as James, or is it James as Linus!?!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cute Kids

My friend Nancy took these pictures and I love them!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Just one of those Thursdays!

So . . . I think I have decided to not be nice on Thursdays, because it just doesn't go so well!

Let's rewind to last week shall we. I got up last Thursday and spent the entire morning making lasagna for a lady in my ward who just had a baby. I was making a new recipe and actually made a lasagna from scratch. Later in the afternoon I headed to the grocery store (with an additional child besides my three) to pick up some garlic bread and then headed over to her house. I thought it would be great because they could then make it when they chose and I didn't have to try to figure out how to take it over hot!

So - I get over to my friends house and I pick up the bag with all the food in it (maybe some of you can see where this is going). I grab the handles and head out of the car. I felt the bag slipping a little and went to support it - but (moment of silence) it was too late. I screamed as I watch the lasagna and casserole dish go splattering all over the asphalt. Moments later, she came out (obviously it was quite the scream of shock). So needless to say, she helped me clean up and I left her with a few side dishes.

I felt so horrible! She was expecting to have dinner that night and all I left her with were a few side dishes (luckily that included a yummy dessert as well). Anyway, so much for all the effort - fortunately, there is the phrase "it is the thought that counts", but I don't know how the thought filled their bellies that night.

And then for last night (which is why I have decided Thursdays are just not for me). I planned a get together for my friend as she is celebrating her birthday (her birthday isn't until next week but we thought we would take her early since she is due - with a baby - on her birthday). So, a bunch of her friends took her to a nice dinner, which was very delicious and fun! Sounds great - I know.

But then . . . I went to take everyone home and silly me left the lights on and so the car was dead - it was not going to budge! Anyway, one of our friends husbands came to the rescue and after the car charged for probably 30 minutes, we finally had success.

One of the best parts was when this random guy came to help and told everyone to get out of the car. I got listened and got out and helped to start push. Luckily, my friends weren't quite as clueless as me and realized that no one was in the car to steer! So I hurried and got in before we crashed into our friend (aka hero)'s car.

Anyway, I don't tell the story quite as well as my friend, so click here to hear a better version of the story and for fun pics!