We have been having some really nice weather recently - warm, almost hot days and really cool evenings and mornings. It seems that fall is just around the corner, although usually it stays hot through September...
My Yves Piaget, a Romantica hybrid tea, is now a mature rose and producing lots of blooms. The fragrance is wonderful, and I love the the deep pink globular blooms, but the clusters are really too heavy for the stems, and the rose in full flush almost topples over. I wonder if I should be more ruthless and prune it harder, or maybe the rose still needs to get a bit older.
I love lavender but it does not love me. Most of my yard is on regular sprinkler irrigation, and I have tried and tried to find drier spots to fit some lavender in, but I have had little luck. I killed a lot of plants until I found one spot where I could fit three plants that now form a wonderful short hedge on the side of the patio. We regularly brush against them when we pass, and the fragrance is wonderful. I wish I could grow more, but I am happy enough to enjoy the few plants I have...
Mme Isaac Pereire is an old bourbon rose with deep pink blooms and a strong fragrance which is described as raspberry. My plant has almost constant foliage problems, a little better or worse depending on weather. The blooms are gorgeous though, and the fragrance unbeatable!
Geranum pyrenaicum "Bill Wallis" |
I bought the little cranesbill to add to my geranium collection. The plant is very heat-tolerant, and the somewhat wild-looking blooms come on long stems, and are good for cutting, a real little treasure in the garden.
My Lyda rose has finally reached some maturity and is producing large clusters of pretty apple-blossom-like blooms. Despite their dainty appearance they last a long time even in the heat: I cut off the cluster above more than two weeks after it started blooming.
Hydrangea paniculata is one of my favorite summer-blooming shrubs, with beautiful fragrant blooms that last long into the winter. Bees love it too.
The raised bed below extends almost the length of my back yard and is a constant work in progress. Here I wage constant battle against my neighbor's morning glory, and here is also where I watch carpenter bees going nectar robbing, and hummers and honey bees darting in and out of penstemons, salvias and verbenas. Something is in bloom there year round...