Oh Spring... Sweet Spring!!
This time of year, there's a sweetness that can't be matched to any other. New life is sprouting up everywhere! The buds on trees are making an appearance, mama birds are preparing their nest for new hatchlings, and flowers are beginning to awaken from their long winter sleep.
I am feeling the excitement stirring within too.. What is this peculiar feeling I'm experiencing?? My senses are awakening...
I find I'm giggling with my hubby over things that just a few months ago, would have either gone unnoticed or warranted a 'slight Ha~Ha' at best.. and wait, what is this?? Did my hubby just toss a coy smile in my direction and ask me out for a dinner date? Yes, yes, it's true, romance is in the air! After almost 25 years together, Spring has once again performed her magic and sprinkled love dust in our eyes!!... ahhh, to be in love is the 'bestest'!! lol!
Love and romance is spilling over, in all aspects of my life. I noticed these sweet effects have influenced my newest creations, they reflect the enchantment, and exhilaration that fills my heart.
~Truly Thine~
~Birdcage created by 'lil ole' me~
I will accept dinner with my honey and
embrace the butterflies fluttering in my tummy~