Thursday, October 9, 2008

I can't tell you how blessed I feel! My heart is overwhelming with sheer joy, and I want to thank all of you that have taken time from your crazy schedules to help a friend out! I've gone from "TEPID" waters to "ALMOST BOILING" at "Start Up Nation", because of your votes.
As I mentioned earlier, I'm very shy when it comes to asking for help, I certainly love giving to my friends, but I'm not so great in the "taking" department.. You're support and generosity has taught me a wonderful lesson, in the future,I won't be fearful of simply asking, after all, what is the worst that will happen!? lol..
The "Startup Nation" competition is ongoing through October, you may vote for each contestant once a day. So, if you have a millisecond in your, please help drive my meter to the "boiling point".
Rose Petals & Blooms thanks you, and more importantly.. I do!

~I have a Favor to ask all my Sweet Friends~

I am so excited to announce my participation in the "2008 Startup Nation" homebased competition. Celebrating America's most outstanding home based businesses and the people behind them.
f you have a moment, and believe my shop is worthy of a vote, could you please cast your vote for Rose Petals & Blooms...
Thank you so much, I'm really normally shy about asking, but would love to see my "needle" move from tepid to luke!!! Thank you everyone, I do appreciate your support!