Saturday, February 12, 2011

I've been a little busy lately.....


Well this is why:


During most of my free time I have been designing, testing, taking pictures, making movies, and anything else that needs done to get this company off of the ground! It has been the focus of my life for the past 6 months or so....I'm really excited about it and hoping it takes off so I can get a little bit of my life back, lol!

Go check it out please! I've been working so hard on it and would love your support.

Personalized pet identification collar made from 100% silicone.

Providing pet owners with a safe and affordable identification alternative with fashion flair and fun individualization.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Climbing in Las Vegas

Another fun trip was taken to Red Rocks, just outside of Las Vegas. A hidden jem in the desert...some of the best rock to climb on around, IMO.

Jess with his nice calf-hook

Eider always finding a nook or cranny to play in and get dirty

Yeah Eider!

Mommy helping Eider climb

The bouldering family :)

The hotty carrying the climbing pad

Uh-oh. hot chocolate spill :(

Tiff sending a problem

Jess sending the same problem with Ryan spotting him while
ever so delicately holding his hot chocolate

What a great excuse to visit Ryan and Cat ;)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

ANOTHER climbing adventure at Triassic

If you can't tell by now, we love to climb at a place called Triassic. It's 15 minutes south of Price, UT, out in the middle of nowhere! It has some of the best, most diverse climbing I've ever (attempt to) climb!

Eider posing for the camera while mommy climbs in the background.

Eider the explorer...he is finally big enough to hike around on his own. He is getting so big!

Climbing in the sun....
Can I just say how much I love climbing?!

A LOT!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Family Get-Together at Thanksgiving Point

We were fortunate enough to have a little get-together with my Mom's family at Thanksgiving Point.
It was super fun....I think Eider is in Love!

Pointing at the fish in the museum

Riding the dinosaur horse

He LOVED to play in the sand with all of the dinosaurs

Ummm....can I say CHEESE BALL!?

His first hay ride....he didn't know what to think!

Tiff and Eider on the pedal tractors

Angie taking Eider for a ride...he couldn't get enough of those things!

He wouldn't go in-between the bales to finish the maze so he just skipped from bale to bale to beat it, ha ha!
The spider web

Eider with my Uncle Mark

Riding the cow train...he loved it!

I'm so glad that Eider is finally big enough to enjoy doing all of these fun activities! :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Stewart Falls in the fall

Decided to take a quick hike up to Stewart Falls with my cousin Angie and her adorable little daughter, Rion.
It was so beautiful! The colors were spectacular, and the weather was perfect! I love this time of year :)

Eider hiked a whole 300 yards! (my poor back, lol!)

And then he rode the rest of the way in style~He knows a good thing when he sees it ;)

We made it to the falls for a snack and a little rest

Apparently two year olds are terrified of cold waterfalls :D Who knew!!?

Thanks for hiking with us Angie....we need to do this way more often!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Summer of 2010

So I'm not the greatest blogger.

I've been devoting most of my time to updating my Facebook....SO, if you really wanna know what's up with us, join Facebook. Friend me. And see all of the crazy adventures we have had.

But if you don't want to do that, then'll just have to settle for a little slideshow of some of our shots from our summer:

I'll try to sum it all up...

In March, we took a trip down to Big Bend, Moab for an awesome boulder trip with our friends Dennis and Elisa. A week later, we strolled out to Vernal to fish up to Flaming Gorge with Grandma Jean and John along with my was fun to finally fish again after the long winter! By the end of March, we had made our way down to Las Vegas to spend time with Ryan, Catlin and kids. What an awesome trip! We did some climbing and hiking that was to die for (well not really, but you know what I mean)!

We defiantly had the itch to be outside after the long winter;

In April, we opened it with Easter with my Mom. She loves spending time with her grandkid! We crammed as many hikes as we could in during April, but it was still really chilly most days, so we stayed close to home.

When it finally warmed up in May, we were having dutch oven cook outs and marshmallow roast galore! We spent the majority of our outdoor time up Hobble Creek canyon, either cooking, fishing, or hiking.

June was a busy month, and not much happened, but Kristy and Josh did come out and we took the little boys to was really fun spending time with them!

July came way too fast with fireworks in Vernal, flyfishing in the Uintas, and the 24th of July!

August we managed to go camping and hiking a few times...met a 3 foot long rattler up Hobble Creek. We also celebrated Eider 2 year birthday. I was able to hike Mt. Timp, which is something I love doing...I wish I could every year!

Then Sept came along....with the cooler temperatures. A couple of hikes and a climbing trip to Triassic capped off our summer of fun....

WOW! it all happened so fast! And that was just the adventure! :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Snowshoing-South Fork Canyon

Our first snowshoe trip of the year, and probably our last. Jess was finally able to take a Saturday off so we decided to go up one of our favorite canyons around, South Fork. Of course we took Smokey Jack with us; he sure loves the outdoors and hiking. Although, I think he was wishing he had snowshoes on by the end of the trip....he kept falling through the three feet of snow. :)

It was warm and beautiful...but you could definitely feel spring was just around the corner.

NEXT YEAR: Eider is definitely getting snowshoes! Sheeesh! he is heavy ;)

Eider stomping around before the hike

The "us" shot in front of the beaver ponds

Jess trying to keep up with Smokey

Where's Smokey? He blends in so well we lost track of him a few times

Mom and Eider

The poser that he cute~

The end of a great day with our family! I just love the outdoors!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Zion Enn. Pee.

we took a trip to Zion N.P. recently it hopes to do some hiking.....of all the weekends to go, we went the weekend of one of the worst storms they have had in that country all year....go us!~ We've got great timing....
but not all was lost~we we're able to at least enjoy the splendor that is Zion--even if it was cold as hell and snowing most of the time.

cool windmill just outside of Zion

Yup....this is what we saw most of the trip; although it was beautiful, Jess and I arn't really sightseers....we prefer to be out in the middle of it. But out in the middle of it in Zions means chance of mudslides and flash floods....that's not our thing either :)

Just being goofy in the wonderful scenery

Jumping off of the rock and Eider holding on for dear life

Of course with his bear--->he doesn't leave home without it!

Eider and Jess at a beautiful little stream--->and we found some sun!

Eating lunch with homemade chopsticks made from Zion N.P. trees :)

Green grass in February

Eider pointing at the stream saying "wa-wa."