Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Rainy Days, Limestone Nights

Monsoons seem to have finally settled over Northern Arizona, bringing with them a nice drop in temperatures. Taking advantage of the window of good conditions, Sam and I have been sieging the remaining projects at Choss Roof, usually sessioning late into the evening. The sickest exit at Choss saw it's first ascent and then was naturally linked from two different low starts, Choss Origins and Dirty Cash. The Battle of the Blobs has also seen a good amount of traffic this past week, proving to be useful training tool for power endurance which will no doubt be helpful for the EPLB Project. Here's a few videos of some of the happenings lately...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer Circuits

Staying motivated is the eternal crux of Flagstaff especially in the summer when conditions are usually hot and rainy. When in doubt, the rooftown crew hits up the priest draw to circuit classic problems like carnivore direct...

...but there's a new circuit emerging on the chossy roofs way out in the hinterlands

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Night Sessions

Deciding to shed the rope and climb with just pads for a change, the crew hit up choss roof with the goal of solving the moves on an elusive exit heading out a big flake directly above the spider pocket project. The cashin' out exit is also the natural extension to the original choss roof line, which trended right and finished by dropping off the flake

after committing to a big throw and holding a scary swing, the topout saw it's first ascent by yours truly. Not one to be shown up, Matt decided to do the low start and was able to cash out, summiting the original choss roof line as envisioned by the founders
