Are you a weathervane in your writing?
Hoping to catch the prevailing wind of what is popular?
Or do you write what you love even if no one else is interested?
You are Lucas, survivor of the Long Dying,
the 2nd War to End All Wars.
No winners, only losers.
Forgotten by your government,Betrayed by your commanding O.S.S. officer,
On a train through the Alps
to Vienna
to help film THE THIRD MAN,
a film which sums up the
disillusionment of the Post War
world ...
too much like today's.
The chill of twilight,
the taste of ashy despair,
the hollow eyes of starved passers-by,
the galling look of trust in
the eyes of your remaining companions.
You know you will not survive Vienna.Too many old enemies await you.
But you swear on the ghost of
Marcus Aurelius
that your friends will.
No one is interested in myDARK HOLLYWOOD SAGA.
It seems only I am interested in the Golden Age of Hollywood.
myths of New Orleans & post war Europe,
and tales of love & intrigue.
Still, I feel that if you write what you love,the love will shine through.
By writing what you love, you will always write stories that
are powerful and that mean something to you.
Your energy and love will become evident to readers. This is when an editor picks up your story and says, this
must be the book of his/her heart.