Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton Cartoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton Cartoon. Show all posts

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Roger Stone's Arrest

Last week Roger Stone was awakened by over one dozen FBI agents who conducted a pre-dawn raid at his home in Florida. Mueller’s goons wore flak jackets and sported weapons design to intimidate. Beria and Stalin would have been proud.

There was no reason for a raid of that scope. Stone is a peaceful man who was cooperating with Mueller’s investigation. Stone has done nothing wrong and there was no collaboration with Russia. He’s stands accused of invented ‘process’ crimes. So why was he treated like a narco kingpin or arch villain?

This excessive abuse of government power by jackbooted thugs were condemned by Democrats. Oh wait…no….they heartily applauded such action. HBO comedian Bill Maher said Stone was an upper echelon bad guy who deserved it because he’s so unlikeable. He’s expecting them to arrest President Trump next, whom he constantly calls a ‘traitor.’ Maher continues to cling to the Russian collusion lie and jokes that Trump is working for Putin. The dossier used by the FBI to conduct surveillance on Trump and his campaign was based on that lie, which was bought and paid for by Hillary. Hillary is an arch criminal and traitor who should be in jail. She lied to the FBI, destroyed evidence, sold her country out for money (Uranium One) and dozens of other crimes I won’t get into here. Suffice it to say she’s exacting revenge on the ‘deplorables’ who helped get Trump elected. Roger Stone efficaciously made that happen.

A big fuss and show had to be made over Stone’s arrest. The rogue criminal cartel known as the Deep State must make something out of literally nothing to justify the arrest of more targets—their final target being Trump himself. This is a coup being carried out by the Deep State and its special prosecutor is especially corrupt–and without oversight or accountability. Mueller has an unlimited budget while being responsible to no one. He does what he wants and sends his Gestapo out to get the job done. No, I won’t say how great some FBI agents are and that they’re good people and ‘patriots.’ They are going along with an unconstitutional take down down of a lawfully-elected president. The FBI and CIA need to be broken up. They have accrued way too much power over the decades. They all share in the blame, as does the traitorous Deep State media arms. CIA-NN in particular. Their tipoff to make the show more scary was absolutely disgusting. The government watchdogs who were once supposed to be journalists have become lying, filthy rats in charge of brainwashing citizens.

We are hurtling toward very dark times if we don’t stop this. First they came for Stone—eventually they’ll get to all of us deplorables for invented crimes. They already have enough illegally obtained info on us all. They have our email, browsing history, phone calls, purchases, financial and medical records—everything. It’s all stored up and ready to use against us for some concocted process crime. They will then send us to prison or gulags. What’s next, a shot in the back of the head? Ha ha, very funny, right Bill Maher? I’m sure many Democrats would applaud that, too. Anything to further their cause of communism.

Wake up, Trump! As Alex Jones said, it’s time to go on offense!

—Ben Garrison

Thursday, June 01, 2017

"The Queen of Excuses"

Hillary Clinton is continuing her whine tour. She usually prefaces her complaints by first saying she takes full responsibility, but then she launches into her blame game—and she blames everyone but herself. She outspent Trump by more than a two to one margin, but Trump out-campaigned her and made far more appearances to his packed venues. Hillary didn’t bother much because she thought it was in the bag all along. After all, that’s what her skewed polls told her. She once said (when she thought she had a huge lead) she never even thought of Trump anymore. The Clintons always used their power and crooked games to rig elections in their favor. Why would she expect things to be any different? All Clinton thought she had to do was talk about ‘glass ceilings’ while the globalist deep state-owned mainstream media praised her as being the most qualified candidate in history. CNN constantly talked about the ‘historic’ Clinton and expected the brainwashed masses to vote for her no matter what. 

Yet the MSM had lost its persuasive power. The Internet was the instrument that swayed minds and Hillary was so out of touch that she simply couldn’t understand that. She instead insulted pro-Trump Americans as ‘deplorables.’

So Hillary lost despite her advantages. She flew into a drunken rage and didn’t even bother to address the crowd who had been waiting for her patiently and for many hours. She sent the satanic pedophile Podesta to tell her supporters to go home. She lacked the class and accountability to tell them herself.

Instead of going away and accepting her defeat gracefully, she instead concocted the ‘Russia’ story while claiming she was going to lead the opposition, which wanted to impeach Trump. What she’s doing is quasi-treasonous. 

It’s time for Hillary to go away for good, but her ego and lust for power and control simply will not allow her to do that. Instead she will probably run again in 2020. If she does, she will likely face an even worse defeat. Young voters will see her for what she is—and old, corrupt hag who is firmly in the pocket of the central banker global elite establishment. The Deep State will probably deep six her since they know this, but that remains to be seen. 

Go away, crooked Hillary!

—Ben Garrison

Monday, November 28, 2016

Hillary Won't Go Away:

They say it's not over until the 'fat lady sings,' and Hillary just won't shut up.

Hillary has decided to join with Jill Stein and challenge the election. The globalist meddler and Hillary supporter George Soros is helping to fund it. This after she had earlier lectured Trump about accepting the outcome. She unctuously lectured him because she expected to win.

In the third presidential debate, Trump said he might contest the election if he found evidence of wrong doing. Hillary scolded him and said this: “We’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. I for one am appalled that somebody in a major party would take that kind of position!” Hillary was horrified and got on her high horse to make a big deal of it.

In her concession speech she said, "We have to accept the results and look to the future. It’s time to give Donald Trump his chance to lead.” Apparently she lied. Again. What a shocker!

Hillary, you’re a hypocrite and you LOST. And don’t blame the Russians. It’s YOUR fault. Take responsibility for once.

It’s time for you to get off the stage and into prison.

Ben Garrison

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Standing Up to the Clinton Machine

The Clintons are perhaps the most corrupt political family in American history. The Bushes may be second, but even they maintained a certain decorum in the White House. Neither Bush president would think of cussing out a secret service man or angrily hurl a White House antique at a spouse. The Clintons are at heart common grifters. They’re lying, vulgar confidence tricksters who continue to enjoy pushing the criminal envelope because they’re used to getting away with their crimes. Both should be in prison. Right now.

They get away with their sordid deeds because they have the backing of powerful figures such as Soros and the Rothschilds. The mainstream media are owned by a handful of big corporations, which back Hillary. The central bankers back Hillary. Some of the most leading and influential companies such as Google and Amazon back Hillary. Yahoo backs Hillary. Monsanto backs Hillary. Twitter backs Hillary. Zuckerberg is hedging his bets, but another Facebook founder gave $20 million to Hillary. The Saudis back Hillary and have also given her many millions of dollars. Saudi Arabia is a country that chops off heads, throws gays off buildings and are incredibly abusive towards women. Hillary welcomes their support and money. I can almost hear her say, "Ya know, it’s all about the dough—what difference does it make where it comes from?"

In short, the elite back Hillary. Most of them want globalism and open borders for America. They want endless immigration—especially Muslim immigration. Many will not integrate because their religion demands Sharia Law above all other systems. They won’t want to follow our Constitution. Soros knows this. He wants to promote division and strife to bring down our society to help usher in globalism—with his ilk running the show, of course.

The 1/10th of 1 percent at the top of the pyramid helps allow The Clinton Machine to continue chuggin’ along and doing what it does--breaking the law as a matter of course. Hillary knows she is above the law. Anyone can see the contempt she has for us all—it’s in her eyes. That’s why very few attend her pathetic rallies. Most people know it’s all fake. She’ll say whatever it takes to get elected and then she’ll carry out what she and the elite want.

It may be hard to imagine, but she will be even worse than Obama. There will be more opacity and abuse aimed at truth tellers and whistleblowers. There will be more police state encroachment on citizens. More false flags to get us to turn in our guns. Worst of all, more war. Hillary loves war. 

Standing up against The Clinton Machine is Donald Trump. He’s a flawed human being like the rest of us, but at this juncture in history he’s the only one capable of standing up to the Clinton Machine. He gave up his risk-free, lavish lifestyle to take them on. He’s had to face assassination threats as well as a parade of insults and false accusations. Why would he subject himself to the Clinton meat grinder? Because he really does want to make America great again. Right now, he’s the only one who can stand up against The Clinton Machine.

We need to stand up for Trump.

Ben Garrison

Friday, October 21, 2016

Hillary's Bunker: Animated .gif:

Take a look at what 'Michael' (he'll remain anonymous) did with one my cartoons (shown below). Amazing! He really made it come to life!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Hillary's Graft

Everyone by now has heard Trump’s lewd locker room comment about grabbing a part of the female anatomy. We know he regrets it. Hillary on the other hand, has committed real crimes and has caused many deaths. She has no regrets. That’s because she’s a psychopath. If elected, it could mean WWIII and death for millions, while she enjoys the safety of some deep underground bunker. She’ll probably get a good chuckle as she contemplates all of the ‘deplorables’ and basement dwellers who will have died.

Trump may like sex, but Hillary's main lust is money. She grabs it any way she can. This includes her rigged cattle futures windfall trade as well as her disgusting Clinton Foundation pay for play money laundering scheme. She knows money leads to power. She has accepted millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia and made sure they got the arms they wanted. The Saudis are also arming ISIS. Obama has admitted backing ISIS in Syria. Criminals are running the show and they want to keep running it.

Yes, it's difficult to imagine a criminal getting this close to the presidency, but that's how perilous it has become. The Clintons are money grubbers who have gladly cashed in their country so they could enjoy ill-gotten gains. I’m paraphrasing here, but I once heard Trump’s son Eric remark, "What did the Clintons sell to have gone from ‘dead broke’ to be worth over $50 million dollars?”

They sold out their country.

—Ben Garrison

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Cuban Style Pickles:

Mark Cuban epitomizes a rabid, front-row sitting Hillary supporter. His anti-Trump argument consists of bluster and insult. Add in a pompous attitude and self-aggrandizement and we see a swaggering billionaire just waiting to get his basketballs popped. Perhaps Cuban’s self-esteem has already lost its bounce. He’s seeing a fellow billionaire one step away from the White House. His jealousy is showing. Why else would he troll media and drop hints of becoming a vice president or even presidential candidate himself?
The corpulent ego known as Mark Cuban has now been trying to inject himself into the upcoming presidential debate. He’s secured a front row seat and he’s ready to glower at Trump.
It’s unlikely you’ll be able to distract Trump, Mr. Cuban. What you need is a real debate of your own. To make it interesting, you'll need a good opponent such as Mike Cernovich. You know him—he wrote the best-selling book, “Gorilla Mindset,” and he’s one of Hillary’s so-called ‘deplorables.’
You’ll need more than braggadocio to compete with such a man. You’ll need to summon up logic and reason—along with some courage and testosterone. Stop hiding under Hillary’s Mao coat, Mr. Cuban. Get out on the court of real debate.