Saturday, December 10, 2011

'Tis the Season

December is here! I love the holidays. Our tree is up and now we get to start baking cookies! Shawn is most excited to decorate cookies. Mikayla loves the lights on the tree. 

We were able to meet with Grandma & Grandpa Head last weekend in Idaho Falls. Had a great time going out to lunch and visiting. We went to Famous Dave's, funny last time we went out to eat with them was to Famous Dave's too but that was night my doctor sent me to the hospital to get ready for Mikayla, all I could eat then was soup. I didn't order soup this time. We would have loved to seen them longer than just the afternoon but we'll take what we can get! Thanks again for everything "Grawma & Grawpa".

We went to our town Christmas Stroll. The buisness have little treats and hot chocolate, they light the big tree on Main St. and have music playing, games and stories for the kids, and everyone is out and about visiting, it's pretty fun.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Spooktacular Halloween!

Seriously, Halloween has come and gone?!? We had a great time.

The week before Halloween we had Grandpa Head here for the whole week to go hunting! Success...the boys got thier deer, cut and wrapped. Rod got a little buck and three does. My freezer is full. Yeah! Then Papa and Granny came up just for a couple days and Papa got his deer too.

At our house we had a Pterodactyl and a Ladybug. We missed Trick-o-Treating with Ryan and Bobbie and the cousins but had a great time with our friends, the Waylands. Granny and Papa stopped in Idaho on their way home to spend Halloween with Ryan, Bobbie, Ashlie, Morgan and J.D.

Shawn was one of the kids in charge of his Halloween party at school. The game that he came up with to play...pumpkin bowling. It turned out to be a hit!

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving. Rod is the Girls Varisty Head Coach now at Whitehall and will be involved with the first parctices of the season so we will be here.

Thought I would include some random pictures of the kids. Mikayla is growing SOOO fast. She cut her bottom two teeth at three months and is working on her top two now. She's sitting up, rolling over, and eating solid food. She hasn't coordinated her knees with her arms to crawl yet but she's working on it.

Shawn did very well in his first year of flagfootball. It ran for six weeks, weather held out and was great every week for his games. Granny and Papa made it to one and so did Grandpa! He's loving 3rd grade, especially the science. There are nine kids in his class and his teacher is awesome, they do a lot of hands on things for their lessons. Mrs. Wicks is one of the teachers in charge of the green house at school and the third graders help out with the project.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mikayla's Blessing

There are several other things that I need to blog about and they will come. I just had to share the pictures of Mikayla in her beautiful blessing dress. What a super cute girl we have! Rod blessed her Sunday, July 3rd,  and it was such a tender blessing. Mikayla has a wonderful daddy!

Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Chris, Aunt Erin, Sam, Max, C.J., Giorgina, and Nathan all came from Idaho to be here! Granny and Papa came from Utah. Thanks for making the trip everyone. We know that other family wanted to be there and we missed having them.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Shawn had a super fun time with Grandma and Grandpa in Boise. He went to the zoo, had sleepovers with his cousins, went swimming at the Y, roasted marshmallows, saw Kung Fu Panda 2, ate at Pizza Hut and Panda Express and played in Grandma’s “hot pool”.

Rod and I were only planning on going for the weekend to pickup Shawn and be there for Maggie's blessing but we stayed a couple extra days. It was so fun to be with family. Maggie and Mikayla are exactly one week apart. It will be fun to have a cousin so close in age.

We also got a new, used, car!!! Yeah! After a year of being just a one car family we now have another car. During the school year it’s not bad. We live across the street from the school where Shawn and I both need to be so that makes it easy, we just walk. For the summer it will be nice to have wheels to get around on our own.

We are looking forward to a trip to Utah for my cousin’s wedding, playing around, and the Henline Family Reunion.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Say Cheese!

I absolutely love Mikayla's little smiles and grins. Getting a picture of them is another story. They are usually at times when I don't have a camera handy. Today I was trying really hard to catch one. Rod had called to say that he needed to be late tonight so he can leave early on Friday (his last day of school for this year!) One sure fire way to get Mikayla to smile big is to have her daddy talk to her. She loves his voice. When he comes home, without fail, she smiles the minute she hears him. Since I had is voice handy I put the phone up to her ear. Bingo! I have to admit the picture isn't a great one but it kinda got her smile. It was tricky juggling my camera and the phone. I love the story behind it. Rod is such a great daddy!

We had Grandma and Grandpa Head here with us for the weekend. Granny and Papa Benner were here too. It was a great time!! Shawn had a chance to go back with Grandma and Grandpa to Boise for a week. He's done it for the past few years and really looks forward to hangin' out with Grandpa while Grandma is at work. He also has a chance to go do some really fun things with his cousins. About a half hour after they left Grandma called to tell me that Shawn had forgotten his MP3 player and to please bring it when we come this weekend to pick him up. No problem, I was a little worried about how he would entertain himself during the 6 hour drive. His MP3 has stories and songs that usually get him through. Well Grandma e-mailed me pictures of how show was able to entertain himself! What a goof ball....I love that kid.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Springtime = Baseball

Shawn is doing baseball again, in between rain showers that is. He loves to bat and be the catcher. When it comes to in-fielding we can say he is very prepared for the grounders. He was so excited that Granny and Grandma and Grandpa were able to see him play while they were here visiting.

Monday was his track and field day at school. He did really well, placing in every event. His favorite was the high jump! It's so fun to go and watch him. Unfortunately didn't get a picture of that but did get one of the 400m relay. He was the last leg of his team and when he was handed the baton was third. He ran his little heart out and made second place! Way to go Shawn!

First Tubby

Finally! Mikayla's cord fell off so we could give her a real tubby. Shawn was very anxious to see how she would react. As a baby he would scream bloody murder anytime he was naked...add getting wet and a little chilled as he was taken out of the water and he was one angry baby. Why Shawn wanted to hear her scream so much I don't know. To his disappointment Mikayla didn't squawk once! Actually, she really enjoyed it. After the let down he went back to finish his game on the Wii.