Friday, April 29, 2011

April 29th, 2011

I was informed by my friend today that I need to actually start using my blog! LOL. Yep she is definately right. I have not been scrapping much and that is what my blog was originally for. Since I haven't done much with scrapbooking lately I might as well catch up on all other aspects of life.

While my sister and nephew are enjoying the wonderful weather in Florida we have 3 inches of fresh snow tonight with more comming. Yep, 3 inches and it is the 29th of April. Yippee gotta love living in the mountains.

Bradie turned 8 years old on Monday. It was an exciting day for her and a sad day for me. Its hard to believe how much my baby has grown and as much as I love the young lady she is growing into I miss the younger innocent side of her also. :) I am so thankful to have such a beautiful, kind, loving, and caring daughter. She is such a good helper with her other 2 siblings.

This past week I have sick with pnumonia and Bradie and really helped out when she has been home from school. Even B.J. manned up and helped with Brooke while Bradie was at school to help mom so she could get rest.

I am definately blessed with wonderful children. Maybe not blessed with spring yet but at least I have my wonderful family to make me smile daily.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Washer Pendant and Earings

The necklace and earings are made out of washers from the hardware store. I followed Haley Dryer's tutorial (CTMH consulant) for the necklace and than made some earings to match. I used Silhoutte paper pack from CTMH, liquid glass, bitty sparkles, and glitz. All CTMH products except for the washers.

This is using Let's get together paper pack, liquid glass, bitty sparkles, and little flowers.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mom's Birthday

Happy Birthday Mom! Okay its not until Saturday but she will be camping this weekend. I decided to get this brilliant idea (after watching cake boss) to make mom a cake decorated in Fondant. And I have never made fondant before or decorated a cake with piping before. I called my friend Kayla (she loves to bake) thinking for sure she would have made one before. Nope she didn't but we had a blast working on this cake for 1 1/2 days!! Talk about inexperienced. It was originally suppose to be 4 tiers. LOL. We made all the petal leaves individual and attempted to make daisy's. We also cut out a moose but decided it didn't fit. It was to large for the now only 2 tiered cake. It may not be the pretties cake but we had a lot of fun making it and for the first cake we have ever done I think it turned out pretty good. Can't wait to surprise mom with it at work today. Pictures are at the bottom of the post.

For her birthday this year she has been asking me to make her a bunch of Thank you and Blank cards so here are 3 that I made her.

This first card is made with the CTMH stamp set Forever and Boom Di Ada papers.

These lasttwo are out of Scenic Route paper, using CTMH stamp Set Piece of Cake, and Nestabilities Deckled Rectangles.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ribbon card made out of copy paper

I made these cards after watching Tresa Blacks upstream video last night. I made it with watermelon cardstock from CTMH and Spot on Backgrounds stamp set, Goodness of life stamps, Thank you stamps from CTMH. Tresa's blog is

Monday, August 9, 2010


Here is Brooke's first time getting all of her hair curled.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kiddo's Enteries

Here are the kid's entry's.

Lincoln County Fair

Cardstock purse using Tickled Pink paper from Close To My Heart
Baby card using Topstitch paper and Close to My Heart Stamps
Recipe Box using Box from Close to My Heart and Cherry-o paper

Necklace entered under recyled and reused items