Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ray of Sunshine

Emmy looked too cute this morning! I just had to post some pictures...

Emmy brings so much joy to our lives! We adore this feisty little girl.

Monday, March 16, 2009

"China Day" is here at last!

Ethan's preschool is in the middle of a unit called "Around the World in 30 Days." Each family is supposed to present a country to the class including history, culture, food, dress, arts and activities. We picked China. We did the ribbon dance, flew kites, did the dragon dance and more. It turned out to be a fantastic, fun filled day.

I found this adorable Mandarin suit and ordered it online. Ethan looked adorable in it with the frog closures and shiny gold dragons. He was so proud.

Our boy led the dragon dance, wearing the head and bouncing around the room.

Who's that in the dragon's mouth?

The kids sat on the floor and ate fried rice with chopsticks and fortune cookies, too.

At the end of the day, to calm things down after all of the craziness, the kids made dragons with red, accordion pleated bellies and popsicle sticks. They turned out really cute.

I'm exhausted...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The First T-Ball Game

We finally had our first game on Saturday. The kids were all over the place. Our team was hilarious...hitting the ball and running straight to third among other things. My favorite was when Ethan hit the ball and then just stood there watching it roll through the infield. He didn't even consider running, despite the fact that we were all yelling, "Run, run, run!" This age is too cute!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fun at the Park

While we love living in our small town, there are days when we miss the fun of living in our old neighborhood. We still go up there every now and then to run errands, go to the dentist or visit friends. When we do, the kids love to have picnics and playtime at the park.

Emmy wouldn't play on the toddler playground. She followed her brother straight to where the big guys were.

Little Lady sat at the top of the slide and wouldn't come down.

Brother and Sister enjoyed the sunny day while swinging side by side.

Hang on EZ Bear!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Emmy and Alyssa Visit the Library

We had a play date at the library this week. Emmy and Alyssa were so cute together. It was great to see them interacting with each other.

They're not babies anymore!


Emers found a new hiding spot in the succulent garden. When she "disappears", we know where to look!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Opening Day

Today was Opening Day for Little League.
The boys were so excited to get out there in uniform.
Go Padres!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Beautiful Bed Headed Baby

We sure love you Emerson Kate!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Little Miss Stickers

Emmy was so proud when playing with her two big brothers' stickers.
Dad helped her out a bit; then she was ready to say, "Cheese!"

All while sitting in her doll stroller...