Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Kitty

Something has happened to Peanut. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the cat who was never really that interested in us thinks she belongs in the house. She sits at the front door and sneaks in the moment the door is opened. Usually, she takes off for a bed, but today she cuddled up under the Christmas tree.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Present Delivery!

Our Little Angel in the Preschool Play

Emmy looks guilty as she piles on the frosting and candy after the gingerbread baby play.

Emmy has been singing her little heart out, and practicing her lines in preparation for the preschool play. She was so excited and fluttered and twirled down the aisle perfectly. She was just a blur as she zoomed past my camera, and these pictures were the best I could get.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Farmer E...

Ethan is quite the little farmer. He loves his chickens, collecting eggs is a pleasure (not a chore), and his bell peppers keep producing despite the fact that we have done very little to care for them!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Our cute little small-town team really "showed up" at the tournament. They did so well!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our Little Soccer All-Star!

Just when you think the season is over, it's time for All-Stars! Randy's team (Ethan's team) came in first place this season, so Randy became the All-Stars coach! This means there is a TON of things that need to be done! It'll all be worth it in the end. The kids are so excited.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Back to Bates

We had a fun little outing to Bates Nut Farm today. We bought unique and yummy snacks, fed the animals, and, of course, bought some candy. I love that we have an adorable old-fashioned candy and nut shop here in town.

Little Miss Cutie Pie

What a doll!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Girls are Layin'

We were all excited to learn that our chickens are finally laying eggs. The boys love checking the hen house (and checking around the yard) each day (sometimes multiple times a day), and they insist on only eating eggs from their own hens! No more "store bought" for us!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

First Egg!

Someone is excited!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Annual Halloween at the Desert Trip

We had a great time with the gang...Howells, LuBiens, Ottonellos, Larsens, etc. The weather was gorgeous and everyone was excited about the first trip of the season. Unfortunately, the only pics we had were those taken on Saturday night. It was great, and we had saw some really awesome costumes.
Seth looked awesome, once again.

The whole group waited patiently for the news of who one. No winners in the Rockwell family...instead, the gum girl one! She was pretty cute! Another big winner was Margaret, the washing machine...photo missing.

Emmy and Drew were "cute witch" sisters.

The clown was rad!

Who wouldn't love these two cuties? Marc and Heather were, by far, the best duo.

Seth is always posing!

Gavin and Ethan were showing their stuff!

Kids were ready to trick-or-treat!

Our family

After the Desert...

...someone lost her candy...

...straight into the trash...

...and she wasn't very happy about it! Apparently, Dad got tough!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Costume Party

The boys were so excited to be able to wear their Halloween costumes early this year. It was nice to have them used for more than just a few hours. This is our first round of Halloween fun. They celebrated at a Halloween themed birthday party for the Kishi boys. Surprise, surprise...BOTH boys won their categories in the costume contest (thanks to Mom's face painting skills!).

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hair Cut!

We finally did it! So cute, but...Yikes!

Silly Boy!

This is what I was greeted by when picking the kids up from Grandma's house today!
Happy October!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Love Her!

Emmy was so excited to show me how she prays. I sure love this little lady.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Seth was whining about Emmy "touching" him on the drive home. When we got home, opened the car door and the light went on, I understood what he was talking about. So cute!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tree Climber!

Tonight, after reciting the Pledge of Allegiance on video, Emmy wanted to have pictures taken of her, too. She was being such a show off...climbing the tree for the first time.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Kids Being Kids!

Tonight was a perfect summer evening in Southern California!
Warm, but not too warm, and absolutely beautiful.

The kids took advantage of the weather and played outside until dark. It all started, just after dinner, with skateboard creations and wagon races.

All they need is a skateboard, a cardboard box and dog leash!