We celebrated Halloween by attending two parties, our ward party and our family party. Both were fun. The kids got to play lots of games and enjoy lots of treats!
Hadlie 80's work out girl!
Hadlie & Cambrie "workin' their workout's"
Daxton, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!
Paizlie, our sweet watermelon.
Dax and Tage, "Turtle's in a half shell!" Aiden, the Power Ranger. These three make quite the team.
Paizlie loving uncle Ryan.
Lady bug Maezlie, Cave girl Emma enjoying our family Halloween party.
Andrea was a witch and Bobbi dressed like a black widow. We all thought that was creative, since Jerry just passed :( They are the only sports that dress up in our family!
Way to go ladies! You look fabulous!