Monday, May 28, 2012


I have thought a lot about this post. 
 It has taken me awhile to decide if I should write this so anyone could see it. 
 After talking with Bob I think I will share a little bit about my darling girl Gwyneth.
Today she is 7. 
This year, her 6th year, has been kind of rough and emotional and also really rewarding.
My little girl started 1st grade. 
 (As you can see from my last post.)
Kindergarten was good, she has always been very bright. 
 She gets along with friends and she seemed to breeze through school.  She was right with everyone else academically in kindergarten.
 In first grade she is the size of most 4th and 5th graders, I worry about that alot.  She has gotten called fat more times than I would like to admit.  But my sweet girl just shrugs it off and says "It's okay, there just little."
She is bigger than any other 1st grader.
After a few weeks of being back in school, Bob and I start to notice that she was really behind where she left off in school just three months ago.

I talked to her teacher and she assures me that it is normal that through the summer they will lose this much, and to just not worry about it yet. 
A few more months go by and homework is a fight.  Tears, screaming, and full out tantrums that I have not seen her have since she was three years old, are happening just to get her to read a book. 
She is putting on weight faster than I know what to do.
I keep talking to her teacher at school, and she mentions that perhaps Gwyn is just more worried about how pretty she looks and what is going on with her friends. 
This explanation is not jiving with us.
I help with the kids books on Fridays and can see almost all the kids have moved up drastically in there leveled reading, but not Gwyn. 
 I can see with her reading everyday that she couldn't read anything harder than she is reading. 
In other words, her teacher is not being unfair, she is right where she needs to be.
Before Christmas break we meet with her teacher again.
At this point her teacher is concerned, she is scoring very low on all of her tests and is not progressing.
She gives us some suggestions of how we can help her learn in other ways, more tactile teaching.
Her teacher is shocked when she asks Gwyn about how she feels about her reading and Gwyn's eyes start dripping with tears silently, and whispers "bad".  
None of us knew how much it was affecting her.
Bob and I are incredibly involved everyday in her learning.
I help her in the morning and after school with spelling and reading, then Bob helps her again with spelling and reading before bed. 
Very little improvement. 
I keep thinking to myself, "I've always thought she was so bright."

We do start to notice somethings that we hadn't before.
She can't have anyone else in the room while doing homework with us.
Sometimes even the littlest noise will make her have to start a book over, even if she has read the book 3 times already.
I also start to accept that perhaps some of her behavior is not "just Gwyn's" normal behavior.
For example; While playing Starfall on the computer she writes all over the computer monitor screen in pen.
Why?  She answers "I don't know"
While walking into my room one day I notice it is sparkling, not clean sparkling, but literally SPARKLING.
I walk into my closet and all of my clothes are sparkling too. 
Gwyn had taken a can of hair glitter that we had used for Halloween and sprayed EVERYTHING in my room.
Why? She answers in tears "I don't know." 
None of this is age appropriate.  I could see a 3 or 4 year old Gwyn doing this.

 2 weeks after Christmas break, I go to help with the books and to talk to her teacher about what Bob and I have discovered. 
 I ask her if we can talk after school and she says she would like to talk now.
I tell her all Bob and I have observed, and tried with her. 
She tells me all of the things she has observed too.
She tells me that she is not a problem, but she can't sit still. 
She is always asking to use the restroom too. 
She kindly, but adamantly, suggest that we take Gwyn to the doctor.
  She never says what she thinks Gwyn may be struggling with, but that she will fill out any paper work that the Doctor might need. 
 I beg her to get her into reading recovery, and she tells me she will do all that she can, they can only choose 2 from each class. 
Gwyn has some very challenging and disruptive children in her class.
Her last words to me are, "It's the one's that are not the problem and quiet that I worry about."
I go straight to the Doctors office and with in a week, her teacher and I have filled out all of our 20 pages of paper work. 
Andrea and I talk and she suggest this is ADD. 
All I know about is ADHD, and she does not fit those characteristics.
After reading the symptoms of ADD a light bulb went off in my head.
She fit them ALL.

After being really pushy with the Doctors office I get an appointment three weeks later instead of 2 months later.
Dr. Marsden was wonderful with her, (as he always is) and talked really openly with her. 
My sweet girl explained how the boys that sit next to her can talk all the way through there timed math and they are on much harder papers than her.  She told him how she knows all the answers to the math problems but she just can't get them down fast enough. 
 He asked her how she felt, did that make her mad?  She said, "Not mad, just really.....frustrated." 
 He kind of chuckled and then hugged her and told there was no better way to describe it.
The reading test he did on her showed that she maybe could read the words but with the distractions he was making she could not comprehend any of it.
We also explained about her impulsive behavior (like the stories I shared earlier.)
He told us that her paper work from the teacher and I showed that she was a classic case of ADD and also that she was suffering from depression. 
He was happy that we caught it so young and he thought she could be caught up by the end of the year, if we could find a right dose of medication for her and really hard work on her part.  I will admit I did not think that was possible. 
 I knew how far behind she was.

Our doctor held Gwyn's hands and looked her in that face as he explained that she was so smart that her brain wanted to focus on everything in the classroom.
  He said most average people like himself and her parents could only hear and do things one thing at a time but, her brain was trying to do it all.
If you could have seen the weight that was visibly lifted off this little girls shoulders.
I think she was convinced she was dumb.
Her smile was big, and her dedication to learn as much as she could was determined at that moment. 
After a lot of consideration and prayers Bob and I felt that medication was the way for us to go with her. We needed help, and quickly.
We tried many different medications and still worked really hard together with her. 
She got a place in Reading Recovery, and worked one on one with Mrs. Ybright everyday for  30 minutes.

After about a 1.5 months of trying different medications we found the right one, she took off.
Her teacher saw me in the library at school one day and told me she was just a sponge right now....She said
 Gwyn was insatiable for knowledge.
She was not fighting me nearly as much about getting homework done and she was enjoying reading everything to us.  For the most part her personality has stayed the same.  She is a little more reserved about things now, and maybe more socially aware. 
Something else started to happen too.   
She started to lose a little weight.
I knew this would be a side affect, but I think in all of her frustration with life, eating had become the comfort she used.  ( Not unlike her parents :( )
Recess has been hard for her because most of her friends like to cross the monkey bars, something she was not physically able to do.
Guess what little miss can do now....
Cross the monkey bars.
She also says that she likes to play tag now.  She said that she has gotten better at running.
She has now lost a considerable amount of weight as to date and everyone notices.
Sometimes to many people notice.
I have to try to make it not a big deal, and explain she has always been beautiful.

As of last Wednesday, Gwynnie is caught up in almost every subject.
Mrs. Ybright said she hadn't had a student get so far so fast in reading recovery, and that she will not need additional help next year.

My girl did that! 

She worked her little heart out.
We all roll our eyes at every advancing year graduation know what I am talking about: pre-school, kindergarten, 1st grade......
This year we couldn't have been more excited to come and watch her graduate. 
Bob and I sat together and
I cried my eyes out at this 1st grade graduation as she read to everyone in the audience her readers theater.
I cried when her teacher hugged her and whispered in her ear how proud she was of her.
I am sure most of the mothers there were thinking I was crazy.

I am so grateful for a teacher who really listened to us, the parents, and really watched my daughter in class.  I am so grateful she didn't just label her as slow.  Mrs. Woodbury will always have a place in my heart for that.
I am so grateful for a Doctor who not only gave her a way to focus her mind, gave my daughter loving words to help her along.

I am mostly so grateful to understand my little girl so much better. 

I couldn't be more proud of her hard work and desire to learn and catch up to her peers academically.
We will continue to work hard this summer too.

On this 7th Birthday I say she really earned that last year.
I adore this girl, and think the world of her.
I don't know what I would do without her!
Love you Gwynnie Girl!
Happy 7th Birthday!

*For Gwyn's Birthday Party she had a few girlfriends over for a beauty parlor experience and some Glam shots!
Feathers in their hair and done fancy, so glam photos, and making a beautiful frame to hold their Glam shot.
These are some of her before and after pictures.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School...again.

The first day of school is always so exciting.
I am pretty sure Tuck and Gwyn didn't sleep all that much last night.
Too excited!


My baby went to Intermediate School today.


He was so very proud of his new clothes.

Who wouldn't wear a Twinkie shirt the first day of school?


Gwyn and Abe are still at the elementary together.
Miss Priss is going all day.


I have cried in years past when my kids have gone to first grade....It's so long away from me.

But this little girl was so ready to go all day.

She loves to have something to do every minute of the day.

I couldnt' help but just smile and watch her shine in her new classroom.


Abe is happy to be the big man on top.
I am pretty sure he thinks he's kind of a big deal.
I will miss this chatter box at home.


We love his teacher Mrs. Simkins.

She taught Tuck last year.

It's going to be a good year.....I can feel it.


Monday, July 18, 2011


While we were at Allstar Baseball in Cedar all week Sully decided he would try walking....

He didn't want any help.

He just simply walked away from the couch and start taking steps.

We all giggle wactching him walk and all of the neighbor boys think he is the bees kness.

He is Julie Drive's mascot......mascot of adorableness.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

May Re-cap

Now I know that I haven't posted in quite sometime but I need to stop feeling guilty and just start where I can right?
So May it is!
(There may be a few pics from April too.)

This baby is loved by everyone! Gil adores him and always wants a little snuggle.
It is pretty rare that Sully is co-operative.


Tucker is my unsung hero.

He is such a self motivator. He finished the rad reading program first in the school (September).
He was the choir president and on the year book.
He also finished his Give Me Liberty program.
This picture shows him receiving his honors. There were only a handful of kids that actually did this. It required alot of time and energy.
He also finished the book Black out program and finished 9 book projects.
He adored his teacher Mrs. Simkins and was sad to say good bye to her.
I would be lying if I didn't tell you how excited he is to be at the Intermidiate school.
Not to mention he is a great babysitter.

We are always so proud of our boy!
I can't believe he is out of Elementary.
He is getting so old.


That being said.......See my sand box?
We built that when the boys were so little.
As you can see it still gets used frequently.

What you see there are Tucker's friends all 12 and 13 year old boys playing for hours in our sand box.
I hope they never grow up!
Gwyn is also playing in there too.)


Miss Gwynnie had the lead in her musical theater class.
She was the mouse in "Welcome to the Jungle."
She was Panya who is caught by the Lion and then saves him from the hunters.


We were so lucky to have my parents come to see her perform.


Lawn, garden, and yard care happen a lot around here.
This is Sully's favorite place to be when work is to be done.
That little pack he is in is so ghetto but it has been around since Tuck was a baby.
It happens to be really handy and I think I have a picture of everyone of my kids in it.



Don't feel bad that I have only neglected blogging....See this party at my house?
This is Abe's birthday party a month and some late.
I still threw him a party....Better late than never right?


Then we come to Gilbert...
Words cannot describe this kid.

Okay I have a few words that come to mind; crazy, funny, pathalogical liar, coordinated, loving, hungry, sensitive, and beautiful.

This was his 3 year old pre-school graduation.
He is 4 almost 5 but his birthday is in September, so he truly is the oldest in his grade.
My children take performing VERY seriously.


His best buddies Kayson, and Grant.


Miss Debbie and Gil.
(She is amazing, and has taught ALL of my children.)


Gil and Grant
Buddies since they were in the womb.
They are 3 weeks apart....


I can't really talk about this yet....
Grant and Mary Ann have moved to Idaho.
Many tears have been shed by Gil and I.
We will miss our buddies.


Gwyn and Abe had there dance and Hip hop performances...
Gwyn being Gwyn.


A couple of her friends with her.
Gwyn, Piper, and Adde.


Abe....aka Beiber.


Gwyn graduated from Kindergarten!
We also cut 7 inches off of her hair.
(big Step for Gwyn)




This is Gwyn with her teacher Mrs. Heger.
She will miss her but I think that she is very ready for 1st grade.


It has consumed our lives.
Every night of the week.

This is Abe on first base.
His team took second over all in little league.


The peanut gallery cheering on his favorite team.


Tucker played on the Major leagues.
Bob was his coach, and it was a learning year.
He did well and Bob was very patient with his team:)


Miss Priss turned 6 on the 28th and we celebrated!

This is her opening her most loved gift ever...
Her i-pod.
The girl LOVES music.


Abe watching....really I just wanted to show off his haircut.
I also wanted to say that he is also amazing! He was the vice-president on Student council and also in the choir. He was also a rad reader. This year his love a reading caught on fire. He read all of the Harry Potter books this winter and now can't go anywhere without a book. He also joined Tucker's Competitive soccer team and improved a ton. I am really enjoying my older boys!


Bob is still tough!
Just in case you were wondering.


Gwynnie opted for no party this year and to have a girls day.
Andrea and Piper joined us and the girls got gel toes and finger nails.
We then ate at Samuri 21, where Gwyn loved the Sushi.
Then I took Piper and Gwyn to see Disney's Prom.
Then ended the day with a little Orange Peel smoothie.

When we got home Grandy and Grandpa where there and we all had cake!
It was a wonderful day with my little lady!


Glad it is over, it was a very busy month!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Hi....long time no see


Hi....My name is Robyn.

I have a few things to say:

1.) I am thinking about coming back to the blogging world.

2.) 5 kids are kicking my trash....

3.) My baby is almost one....ahhhhh

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Mr. Sullivan started crawling on the 13th of Februaury....

About a week before he turned 8 months.

He is growing up way faster than I would like.

He waves bye bye and can find us whenever he wants.

Cute little scuttle bug!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Here is the thing....I love my son.
I think he is very handsome.
He is my first born.
He has lovely lips and big eyes.
Don't even get me started on his kindness.
But we have reached a stage,
and it's a little


The teeth....


He visited the Orthodontist in January and we got right on his Ortho work. He got an expander that has made his once gapless teeth very gappy.

Andrea often tells me how she can't post so many pictures because her kids look goofy in them....Well I will for the next 2 years be posting pictures of my metal mouthed, goofy looking kid.

Can you imagine how gorgeous his smile will be in 2 out ladies.

The best part of all this is that he just doesn't care how goofy he might look. He thinks it's cool and likes when kids notice his big gap.

To be 11 again.....

He especially likes that he can put 1 quarter and 1 penny in between his front teeth. His cousin Hunter could fit 5 quarters in between his so he has big goals to catch up.

He got his braces put on yesterday so more pictures to follow.


I think I should leave you with a lovely picture of my first born looking devilishly handsome. It's amazing what 2 months can do to an 11 year old.


Monday, February 07, 2011

Von Lamoreaux Family Singers

The last weekend of January my four oldest children sang in Sacrament in front of everyone.


I may be prejudice but it melted me.

Gwyn sang a solo in her very sweet voice and the boys backed her up with their loud voices on the chorus.

My parents came down for the weekend to help support them.

Its always nice when they come to visit.

They sang He Sent His Son here are the tender words:

How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness?
He sent his Son, a newborn babe, with peace and holiness.

How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go?
He sent his Son to walk with men on earth that we may know.

How could the Father tell the world of sacrifice, of death?
He sent his Son to die for us and rise with living breath.

What does the Father ask of us?
What do the scriptures say?
Have faith, have hope, live like his Son,
Help others on their way.

What does he ask?
Live like his Son.

Von Lamoreaux Singers

Very proud....that's what we are!

Thursday, February 03, 2011


He's cute....even though he is about to crawl and it makes me want to cry he is growing up so fast.

He's Cute

He's cute even though he probably faked being sick and stayed home with me...
and then convinced me to fly kites.


He's cute even when he is telling taller tales than anyone should.


Just a whole lot of cutness around here...

Friday, January 07, 2011

6 months old...


At 6.5 months your stats are these:

17lbs. 14 oz (49%)

27 inches long (66%)

This month was HUGE for you. A week before you turned 6 months you discovered rolling. Now you have rolled many times before but not knowingly. But one day you really wanted a toy and you really rolled, and then you just kept going and going and going. There was never a moment of just rolling once....I set you in one place and when I turn around you are in another.

I haven't really worked on sitting with you, until one day I thought we might see where you were with the whole balance thing. Low and behold you could sit for at least a minute. Luckily for you, you always have a fan club waiting to help you if you fall. Now you sit all the time. You are one tough little man with all those big brothers and sister who like to tote you around.


You are a very happy little fellow. No one has to see your mouth to see whether you are smiling or not, those eyes just sparkle and crinkle across a room. The Doctor put you on reflux medicine at 4 months and it made all the difference to you. You still spit up like crazy but it doesn't bother you much anymore.


You say dada and very occasionally do you say mama. ( I don't think you know what you are saying)

You know your name well and turn to whoever is calling to you. You still love me ALOT! Amazingly enough you just caught your first lasted a lot longer than I thought you would with all the love that everyone gives you.

We all still think you are the best thing around and we all run to your room when we hear you are awake! We love you baby boy.

Happy 6 months....

Sorry if we missed you.....

Here was our Christmas Card for 2010...
I got them out kind of late, what do you do?


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Play Date

I am flying out to Northern Cali in a couple of hours so Brig and Sully can have a play date.....



Just me and Sully :)

Can't wait to see my sister and brother and their families!