Saturday, August 22, 2009

So, a couple of things that I need to state right up front with this blog: First, it's very late, nearly midnight, but I really felt the need to get this blog up and the whole house is so gosh darn quite. Second, I'm spoiled. I'm very lucky and thankful for the life that I get to live.

Okay, now that this is all out of the way, here's the goods and good they are! You may remember a while back I told y'all that we joined a new gym and it had a really great outdoor pool (again you can visit it here: VillaSport). Well that gym recently went through a little growth spurt and they unveiled it to us, the members today - they should really be paying me for what I'm about to share with you, but, unfortunately, they're not. They expanded their pool to include not only my beloved indoor lap pool and the therapy pool to this (bear with me because there are pictures of the kids below it all and a big reward at the end):

The two new indoor water slides - they go almost as high up as what you see in the picture. They have a small atrium area that sticks up to accommodate them.

Here's the best part, they put in a water play structure that we can enjoy any time of year! January? Snow outside? Blowing wind? Yeah, you'll find me and the kids at the pool!

Another side to the play structure, there are 4, count them, 4 water slides! And, my favorite as a mom, the zero depth entry pool! Haley refers to the pools here as the beach. Wonder if she'll ever know what a real beach is like?

This is an indoor/outdoor hot tub, they have windows that open and close according to the weather. Mmmm, hot tubs in the snow, sounds like fun to me!

The burning lava rocks, wonder if they'd let me bring my own s'mores makings? And that bench behind it? It's a warming bench, and we're not talking about that warm Colorado sun folks, that's just a nice place to sit that will always feel like you're sitting on someone else's recently sat on spot.
Kale has decided that he loves watermelon! I can't say I blame him, it was some really good watermelon.
After eating the watermelon the traditional way, he decided "why bring the watermelon to your face when you can bring your face to the watermelon." So that's what he did - seems to work.

Playing with Daddy's shades - he's a really cool kid.

This one's pretty cool too.

He likes to eat rocks. I think it's a boy thing, 'cause Haley never did such disgusting things, but he loves them. You can tell him "UCK" and he'll stick his tongue out and just let them casually fall out of his mouth. 3 minutes later, he's eating them again. I don't get it.

Miss Attitude 2009 right here. The girl is forever stomping it out on her imaginary runway complete with her hands on her hips.

Kale decided today that he now knows how to stand up on his own and walk wherever he wants to. He climbed out of the pool and then walked to the wall all by himself. So proud of my Dude-a-Man!

I just love her eyes in this picture. I thought I rotated this picture, but folks, it's uploaded and didn't I mention above that it's late?!

You're reward for making it all the way to the end of this post... The Dude-a-Man gettin' down with his funky self. The kid has some pretty awesome moves. He's dancing to Celebrate and you'll have to excuse the kid in the background having a Grand Maul Tantrum... I feel for his mom, I've been there.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Lord help me, I have 2 kids that can walk!

Before we get to the much awaited video of Kale walking, here's one of my latest favorite pictures. That's Haley in the basket reaching out for help, to grab Kale's foot or just give herself a bit more room in there. You decide. I think my favorite part of this is that Kale is just looking at the hand like "What? You want out?! I think you can hang out in there for a little while. Karma sis, Karma."

Here it is, the moment we've all been waiting for (except for me - I've been dreading it)! Kale walks, though not directly to anyone. One of the kids' favorite toys is the tripod, what we have the camera sitting on to get the video. He is super frustrated that we want him to walk to one of us, rather than at the tripod (maybe he likes it better than us because the tripod didn't make him the 2nd child).

Thursday, August 13, 2009

He did WHAT?! Yeah, he crapped in my shoe.

Jeff left on Tuesday for a quick TDY (temporary duty for the non military) to Washington DC, leaving me with Kale on the verge of walking and a Haley with a attitude that just doesn't all fit into her little body.
He comes home tomorrow and THANK GOD! The crazy kids have finally turned on their dear mother, the one who carried them in a nice little home, safe, warm and well fed for 9 months. The poor woman who stays home with them every day doing her best to keep them safe, make sure they turn into good well rounded citizens, and continues to keep them well fed.
Haley has done her level best to make sure her brother hates her by the time he turns 2. Someday (soon) Kale is going to do 2 things: get bigger than her and learn to walk. When that happens Haley is going to have some serious Karma headed her way.
Kale is currently going on week 7 of fighting a nasty double ear infection and as such is on some serious antibiotics which gives him a nasty diaper rash. I tell you this so you don't think I've lost my mind when I tell you that the guy was running around naked for the greater part of the evening tonight - he was air drying. I think he had finally had it with me asking him to stand and try to walk because he picked my running shoes to hide a turd in. He didn't hit anywhere else, just square in my shoe. It was time to replace them, but now it's really time to replace them.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

So we've had a pretty busy summer around here. Not long after we got back from Seattle, my Aunt Linda (or Grandma Willa as Haley calls her) came out to visit us. It was great to have her out here and we got to do all kinds of fun touristy stuff. One of the last things we did before she headed home was take the Cog Railway up to the very tippy top of Pikes Peak (or Big Mountain according to Haley). Here are pictures of the kids on top of the Purple Mountain Majesty.

It was really great on the way up... since we bought Haley a ticket we had lots of room (4 whole seats for the 5 of us). The kids were able to hang by the windows and climb all around - it was a little tiring by the time we got to the bottom, but the kids did really great (and handled the altitude well too).

Not too sure what she's grabbing at here but the new phrase to get her to smile is telling her to say "pepperoncini" she give us this natural smile every time. She has a couple of new phrases "No way Jose!" and "Whatever!" The other day I asked her to put her shoes away and she said, under her breath, "What-ever Mommy". She's 2!!! We're so in for it!

This was just today at the Banning Lewis Ranch playground. It's a western covered wagon theme playground and she was on the outskirts looking in.

After Banning Lewis Ranch, we went to Cordova and they have an Alice in Wonderland themed playground. Kale kept hanging under this part of it and thought it was hilarious to "peek!" at us. He has a couple new words - MAN! (pronounced Mahn) for MINE!, and GO! (usually directed at the dogs). He's also getting better at telling us what he wants (or demanding) - he'll point at what he wants and grunt (Uh! Uh! Uh!), the more grunting the worse he wants it.

This was also this afternoon - Kale is starting to stand for longer and longer stretches, here's some proof of it.

We've also been busy hanging out at the pool, and enjoying hanging out as a family. We spend nearly every other weekend at a local farmer's market and hanging out with friends enjoying the summer (because we know there can't be that much more left of it - it could snow next month around here). So there's an update of what's been going on around the Roberson house.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mama I'm Comin' Home

So this summer we were super excited to head home for a couple of weeks - Andy Elliott, one of Jeff's friends since pretty much the dawn of time was getting married to the wonderful and perfect match for him, Katie and Jeff was part of the bridal party! Now, the wedding was excitement enough, but add to that the fact that for two whole nights IN A ROW (yes, italics and all caps, that's just how exciting it was) we were kid free (thanks to Gramma, Papa, Auntie Christy and Agrix) and it's a wonder we ever came back! This is everything that happened on that trip besides Kale's 1st birthday party.

Packing and getting ready is hard work enough, add to that packing for not only yourself but 2 kids and 2 dogs and it's madness. Haley was just helping out. If only the kids could have just traveled this way - throw them in suitcases and then into the trailer (just kidding, but only kind of... 2 days in a car and I would have thought long and hard about it).

Kale, thinking he could fit in his suitcase too. BTW, lately, this kid is never wearing pants! What's up with that?!

On the road Kale is talking on his double foot phone. He thought this was too funny, and so did we.

Let me tell you, when traveling on a budget with a family of 4 and 2 dogs, God Bless KOA! We spent $35ish and got a really great Kabin (yes, since it's K-O-A, it's a Kabin), complete with a bunk bed, queen sized bed and a bathroom not too far away. The best part? If the kids screamed in the middle of the night, or the dogs barked, we were pretty much off in our own little place. Perfect! And the beds were actually comfortable! We did this on the way there and on the way home.

I'm pretty sure now that I look at this picture that it's upside down, but it's uploaded now and you get the idea so it stays. Kale passed out in his pack and play in the Kabin.

Haley passed out on the lower bunk of the Kabin. One day I'm going to blog about all of the crazy ways that Haley has fallen asleep. We must have 100 pictures of Haley sleeping in all kinds of silly positions - the kid is a nut, even when she's sleeping.

Jeff and Haley hanging out on the porch swing in front of our Kabin.

Kale, awake on his 1st birthday - too bad the poor guy had to spend it in a car, but is that not the cutest groggy face in the world?

They even had a Haley sized broom to sweep in the Kabin - she was all too happy to help out.

Once we made it to Gramma & Papa's house we did a lot of swimming in the hot tub...
...and the pool, where they ate Popsicles (thank goodness the weather was nice while we were out there).

Haley (in the cutest pj's ever) helped to clean Gramma's sink. It's her new favorite activity and a great way for her to keep occupied for about 20 minutes (like forever with a 2 year old).

Both of the kids could have spent all day in the backyard swinging in the maple tree. I could have too I think.

The kids spent a lot of time jumping on the trampoline too. Kale really liked to hang out by the exit and on the ladder (this is one of the rare times he was actually in the trampoline).

Haley got to go on her first fishing trip with Daddy and Papa. They caught something like 6 fishies and she had fun till one got too close. You'll notice her "Ga-Ga" in the picture, that wasn't her only comfort item on the boat. This trip back she decided that she was going to potty train so her potty also got to go with in the boat.
Haley got to spend some time with GG (Great Grandma). Now every night when we say our prayers, we say "and bless GG" and Haley says "I love her!" in the sweetest voice. GG really made an impression and they had so much fun hanging out and going through her knitting and sewing basket.
We were really happy to be able to be out there for the 4th of July so I got the family the whole Old Navy set up. It was great. But of the 6 or so pictures we took with our camera, this was the best one... guess this is how it will be for a while.
We spent part of the 4th up at the Knoll's house and got to spend some time with our Best Friends Sonny and Krystal and their new baby (and Kale's pre-determined BFF) Luca. We know that Luca and Kale are going to be best friends because their going to be the only kids their age that will be the size they are (these boys are beefy).

Like I said before, the whole reason for this trip out was for Andy & Katie's wedding. I'd love to tell you that I have tons of pictures of everyone at the wedding, including the bride and groom, but I left that up to the photographers. Mainly, our camera got busted out not long after the drinking commenced, and with no kids in sight for 2 nights, there was some partying goin' down!
Let me tell you, these crazy kids know how to throw a wedding. Katie's family has a ranch a stone's throw from the Snake Rive in Patterson, WA. They brought us down there, let us throw a trailer up in their pasture and stumble home to it in the wee hours after really great time. They had "The Erection Part Deux" (complete with Coug flags up on top) put up to hold the reception under and it was beautifully decorated (for those of you that don't know the Elliott's "The Erection Part One" would be at the farm in Kent - you can see the barn when flying over in an airplane - I know first hand).
Jeff was most impressed with the father of the bride's keg-a-rator trailer. He said, "you know it's a good party when you run out of beer and you had 10 kegs!" Anyway, it was a privilege to be a part of this really special occasion and as you'll see from the kooky pictures below, we had a great time!
So two things about this picture. First, I'm so excited to finally be a part of one of Krystal's notorious self portraits - these things are legendary! Second, things are going down hill fast. You'll know this because I look high (promise just drunk - count my teeth) and Jeff is walking around with an unlit cigar and an unusual vacant look on his face.

Two parents without kids - look out! Oh, and yet another appearance by the unlit cigar and lots of my teeth. Hey we were having fun (and for record this is the first time since May of 2006 I was neither pregnant nor breasfeeding). I remember doing the dollar dance and telling Andy not to spin me too much because it wouldn't take much to drop me on my ass! Or something like that anyway.

A rare picture of the two of us, and we actually look presentable. Love it, I should find a frame.

Oh... the night took a turn now I have the unlit cigar (and a really devilish look on my face). Look out! I started to drink a lot of water not long after that.
And I guess this is the picture we leave you with for this vacation. We had a wonderful time hanging out with friends and family, Happy Birthday to Kale, Congratulation to Andy and Katie and Thank God we're back home in Colorado again! Could we do this again next year?

Kale's 1st Birthday!

This year we were on the road home to Seattle for Kale's actual first birthday so we celebrated it a day later up at Grandma Linda's house on the Party Deck! It was a great day, except for the weather and everyone had a really fun time watching Kale attack his cake.

We ordered one of these for Haley's first birthday so it was only natural that we'd get one for Kale. The lady on the phone was all "WHAT is his name? How do you spell that?" and I'm all "Kale, K-A-L-E, like the lettuce"

The birthday man rockin' the hat like it's his job, but on your first birthday, it pretty much is.

The Party Deck, mind you this is only about a quarter of it. You really can't grasp how big this thing is through pictures. It was perfect! Grandma Linda really should rent this thing out and hold events at her house.

The 1st Birthday Throne. Clean, waiting and ready to be destroyed by cake!

The Dude-a-Man and his real cake. The Albertson's in Auburn totally jacked this thing up - they did it up to match his napkin, then found my totally awesome picture in the envelope. Rather than scraping the frosting up the just laid the picture over the bright green frosting. By the time I went to pick it up the frosting had bled through the picture. They had to re-print and re-lay the picture so there ended up being 2 layers of that nasty edible picture stuff there - oh well, we just scraped it off ourselves and you'd never know to look at the pictures.

His first handfuls into the cake. We thought this is what we would get with Haley (I don't know why, she's such a bird when it comes to eating - maybe we were hoping).

This kid dove in by the fistfuls! He loved it (although it's not like he's ever met a food he didn't like)! I think his first experience with birthday cake is exactly what every kid should do and look like. Perfection!

You'll notice in the top left side of this picture, there is just one small piece of cake - he wasn't about to let anything his the floor! It was just that spotless when we finished. I think he may have dropped that for my benefit - I had just got the camera to take a picture of the spotless mat.

It wasn't long after the cake infused eye rubbing that we decided to cut him off. Something about having cake in your eye makes you cranky I guess. Either that or the sugar shock had finally set in. He might be my son, but he's got some tolerance building to do when it comes to sugar (or more importantly chocolate).

The official video of Kale's first dive into cake. Beware, it's a 10 minute flick. I don't really know why I included this - all of our family (the only people that I believe would actually want to see a 10 minute video of my kid eating cake) were there. However near the beginning there is a description/discussion of the most delicious bacon I've ever made or ate (it's like bacon flavored candy).

The aftermath - good thing Grandma Linda has a bathroom at her party site - we needed it big time. This kid was a MESS!

The handsomest guy to ever rock a Mohawk (don't know what his face is about, but I love it).

Now it's on to present opening! We had so many people show up to celebrate with us (especially considering we did this on Father's Day) that we were just in awe. Oh, and we opened presents for like 45 minutes - Good Lord!

I think this is the coolest backpack! It has a dinosaur face on the back and he looks so stinkin' cute carrying it around! It's become his new diaper bag for now and as much as I want him to stay my little boy - I can't wait for him to wear it off to preschool!

Grandma and Papa got him this sweet ride, so now he can quit hanging out on his sisters pink and purple one!

And this is the ride home. We didn't make it down Grandma Linda's driveway before he was OUT cold. Can't say I blame the guy, we were all pretty tired. Oh, and we went to the doc the next day only to find out the poor little man had an ear infection the whole time (you'd never have known by his behavior though, such a trooper). Thank you so much to everyone who came, it really was a special day.