(Yes, I know it’s May. Baby steps.)
Some stuff happened in April. Like this - Jacey’s 4th Grade Utah assembly:
She did a fantastic job! I had to laugh because she was SO serious the whole time – just like the home videos we have of me in my elementary school programs. Don’t dare crack a smile! Although during her favorite dance she did let on that she was, in fact, enjoying herself.
This little girl pretty much spends her time being adorable. And playing in the garbage can.
And Calvin is mostly just silly. No idea where he learns it.
By the way – I apologize in advance if you have recently received a phone call from Calvin. His newest hobby is absconding with my phone, closing his bedroom door and working his way through my contacts until somebody answers and will chat with him.
We also spent a lovely day down at BYU to watch this kid graduate:
We’re super excited that they’re living with my folks for a little while so we get to be nearly neighbors. :)
Lastly, a random picture of my 6.5-years-apart twins.
I take that back – I’ll throw in another, just in case you can’t see the twinage.
Londyn at 13 months:
Just take my word for it. They look a LOT alike.