Jan 28, 2014

Ray is 9 months old

Raylee Blair
9 months old
My little baby is 9 months old! I'm not going to go into how sad this makes me and that I cry often thinking about how big she is or how is makes my heart ache that my kids grow up too fast because you guys already know all that! but what I am going to do it a little updates on everything she is doing so I wont forget.

-rolling all over the place
-still doesn't crawl even though all the kids her age do. but I'm not complaining I need her to stay in one spot for now. not enough arms
-loves eating food. she eats most fruits and veggies now. she enjoys things like cheerios, freeze dried fruits and baby puff.
-has a fat man chuckle and it's so cute
-loves bath time
-she loves to "bounce" like a crazy person in her highchair if you know my kids this is nothing new
- she loves her mommy
-she hates when rob hugs me she pushes him away
-she "talks" a lot but not as much as my other kids did
-she still has no hair
-she is short and plump
-she is SUPER smart. She is just like mason was at this age. She knows how certain toys work and is so observant. smarty pants
-she is the best sleeper. though the night (nothing new) and naps great. 
-has TWO teeth now
likes to hurt people with her finger nails OUCH!
-has the prettiest blue eyes
-is starting to dance and love music! she shakes her head and laughs when music comes on. going to be just like Roxy
-the best baby ever
-We love her so much

Jan 24, 2014

Day at the park

The weather has been nice around here so we took the kids to a really fun park the other day. When we go to parks people end up looking at us weird because Rob and I are really just big kids who like to play as much as the kids do. We were making a scene but it was so fun! I really love that Rob will be crazy with me and I love that our kids know that we will play with them and have fun. I want them to remember us as fun parents. I think we are fun...hopefully they will too :)

We were going down this giant slide all different ways. The kids were having a blast and so was I even though it hurt a little!

Jan 22, 2014

We like to party

 The other day my good friend Melissa had a birthday and I just  had to throw a party for her! Any excuse to party right? We had a few couples come over and we made Sam's potatoes (maybe that needs a blog post of its own?) and then we made STUFFED BURGERS! My friends Erica got Rob and Toby these contraptions that allow you to stuff a burger. basically you put all your topping that you want on a burger and stuff them inside and then grill it! The cheese melted inside with everything you want heavenly! So we ate talked laughed and then played some minute to win it games which are always a good time! Games alwasy get a little out of control around here but it's so fun!

Happy Birthday Melissa!!!



Jan 21, 2014

nice day

 We recently had our 5 acres mowed down so we can get things moving. it looks really nice when everything is freshly trimmed! We also had a soil sample done on the land and we have rich dark soil everywhere! This is awesome because if you guys know anything about Austin you might recall that Austin is one big bed of limestone underneath the ground. you can't dig 2 inches without hitting solid rock and it's super hard to build or plant anything most of the time because of this. Well it looks like our land was farm land or something because the soil is amazing and I can't wait to start my GARDEN! it might not be amazing for the foundation of our house though....hopefully we wont run into too many problems there?

anyway last sat was so nice we went out to the land to measure out a few things and we brought Rob's Christmas present, a BB gun to play around with. the kids loved shooting bottles down and thought it was really cool. they also had fun playing in the huge holes that were left behind form our soil sample. Such a beautiful day. I love Texas winters!

this has nothing to do with the post but she is checking herself out in the mirror. she is so cute but are we in trouble or what?