Jul 25, 2013

Last of the SPI trip

 Every time we go to the beach our kids seem to multiply!

We spent everyday at the beach while we were in SPI. and it still wasn't enough time. here are the last few pics and videos I have. It turns out I didn't take nearly enough pictures as I wanted but I guess that's what happens when you are having fun right!?!

Rob really gets into this whole sand thing

The Fullers wanted a kids beach pic and Roxy totally photo-bombed them! She cracks me up!

Not only does Roxy crack me up but she is a little punk too...

I tried to get this pic now that we added Raylee but it TOTALLY didn't work :(

Lexie, Melissa, and Erica. oh and the babies....Raylee and Hailey. totally not planned but so cute huh?

Goodbye SPI you will be very missed!

These boys would do this ALL. DAY. LONG. they never came out of the water. they had so much fun!

Jul 24, 2013

more vacation

 One night while we were at the beach we decided to go get some ice cream. next to the ice cream place was a little  amusement park with some games and rides. Matt, Rob and Toby decided they wanted to go on the huge "swing" thing they had there. Rob and I have been on this before and it's pretty fun. So all the mom's got the kids and we watched them get lifted WAY up and then fall down! the kids were laughing as they were flying threw the air. but before that Roxy saw Rob getting strapped in and she started crying hysterically. she did not want her daddy up there! and then as they were going up and up and up Jesse says, "Mom I don't want to watch its making me nervous!" poor kid! but then they had a good time watching them!

And then this happened!!!
I have a new app on my phone and when the kids went to bed we had a little too much fun staying up late and laughing so hard at all these "face jugglers"

Jul 23, 2013


this girl...I swear she melts my heart

Here's one day on the beach. I don't really need to do more explaining because it was AWESOME. you guys already know how much I love the ocean. I WILL live on it one day. just wait......(a loooong time) but it will happen!