Jun 16, 2015

The blog is dying

We are still alive! This is the longest I have ever gone without blogging since I started my blog in 2007! It. is. KILLING me! I wanted to let you guys know that I didn't give up on this blog and I plan on recapping everything  have missed. 

that's right, every little thing from the last 6 months. 

the problem is I have no idea when I am going to do it! Let me tell you why. Since we moved to our new house we had to get satellite internet. yeah.... if any of you know what that is you will be shaking your head right now saying I am sorry! We really don't live in the boondocks but apparently every cable company think we do. frustrating! So my internet connection is super shoddy and when I do get a connection I can load one pic at a time and that takes at least 45 min. Aint nobody got time for that!  

The other reason in my computer is DYING! it is pretty old so I guess that's expected right? We just don't want to give in and get a new one. though a lap top seems pretty nice. I would love to sit on a comfy couch and blog my days away for the next little while. but again that involves getting cable internet or anything that goes faster than satellite...I would take dial up at this point!

Anyway I wanted to let you know I am here. I do post regularly to Facebook and even more to Instagram and I pretty sure the only people who read this blog follow me there too. but I do turn this blog into a book and I love it so I don't want to give up on it!

Dec 22, 2014

Christmas Card 2014

So you all know I don't do Christmas cards. I don't know why because I LOVE getting them. so one day I promise I will do them but not sure when that day will come? in the mean time I do blog pretty regularly so I figured you guys all know what's going on with us anyway! but just in case here is a brief updates on the Hogge Fam

things are going good here! We had a lot of exciting changes this year, the biggest one being we built and moved into our new house! We are loving it. We love the house and having land and the kids are having a blast. With a new house and so much land come tons and tons of projects. I don't think Rob has ever sat still since we moved in. It's good though since he can't handle being still. The boys changed schools and they are really liking it. They love school though so the change wasn't so bad. We also moved Wards (church congregations) it's been fun getting to meet new people and make new friends. I really do love change so it's been nice. And we still live so close to all our old friends so I feel like I didn't really move away!

Also this year we found out we are expecting our 6th baby and it's a GIRL!!! This is beyond excited news...for me anyway :) Rob is still getting used the fact that we are going to have 6 kids! I say once you have three it doesn't matter but I think he thinks differently! So far the pregnancy is going good. I am getting out of the nasty sick stage and onto the big and uncomfortable one. the baby is super healthy right now and we are truly truly blessed! 

Rob's practice is doing well and he sort of enjoys being a dentist. Not all the time though! But that comes with any job right? He deals with a lot with owning the business AND also being the  dentist. Not sure how he does it but he's the hardest working guy I know. The kids are doing great Reven is 9, Mason just turned 8, Jesse is 6, Roxy is 3, and Raylee is 20 months. they are all so fun and such good kids. they boys will be starting basketball soon and Reven and now Mason are in cub scouts. I am going to put Roxy in a dance class this next year too and I am excited! That girl was made to dance! Raylee is a super sweet WAY too smart little girl who makes me laugh every second of the day. Rob and I are 2 weeks away from celebrating out 11th anniversary! That is just crazy in itself! And we couldn't be happier. sounds so cliche but really we have an amazing life and I love him so much! 

We have been very blessed this year and hope that 2015 will be just as great. We appreciate all our friends and family out there who support us and love us and just have fun with us! We wouldn't be anything without you guys. We hope this year has been good to you and happy holidays!

Dec 11, 2014


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving like we do every year! We had friends come over and we got to enjoy the company and play games and have amazing food! I love love Thanksgiving because it's so easy! Plus I am starting to like the food more now. I used to never eat anything but now I am loving it. Plus it helps being prego and hungry all the time!

Dec 10, 2014


 My mom made a real quick visit out here before Thanksgiving. She has been trying to come out here for months and things kept happening. My grandma wasn't able to come since she was going to Kansas city for TG so we missed her a lot. But we had so much fun with my mom. We didn't do much but shop and eat and talk and play games with the kids but it was the perfect visit. I had been missing her so much and I am super hormonal and needed my mommy!

We had some good laughs, including when this Racoon got stuck in our garage!

Dec 9, 2014

Jersey Girl

When we moved away from NJ I moved away from some of my very best friends. We made lasting friendships there and I will always want to go back! One of those is this girl, Maria! We became good friends when we lived there and since I have moved away we talk at least once a day! Whether it's text or calling we are always chatting! I miss her so much! Well stars aligned and she was going to be come Huston for a few days and she got to drive up here to see me for a day! I was so excited. though one day is not nearly enough time at all! I am already trying to figure out when I am going to back to NJ to stay for a while (girls weekend!) But we got to visit and talk forever and she got to see my new house and I am still trying to convince her to move here. one day she will I just know it!! Anyway I miss Maria!

She got to bring her daughter but her son stayed in NJ and he was mad she was coming to see us. Isaac and Reven were the best of friends!