Robbie walked in today and saw me sitting on the couch. Just sitting. With all my fingernail polish stuff out on the table, I told him about how leaning over to paint my toes made my stomach hurt and gave me heartburn. I know I'm only 6 months along -but it seems like I already have to sit down after every time I bend over. :) So, being the SWEET man he is, without even blinking an eye he said that he would paint them for me! Did I not marry the best husband ever?! He kept asking me how to do it, and what comes next, but then he eventually got the hang of it. When he was done, he was acting really dissapointed like he didn't do a very good job. But then I told him that it looked great from up here - and he was excited again. Good job sweetheart!! Thank you! XOXOXOXO
The finished product...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
And "Husband of the Year" goes to...
Holy Snow!!!
I know the picture is a little blurry (I'm starting to figure out that I won't be a photographer when I grow up...) but this is a picture of our crazy snow fall that's been happening lately. You can't read it, but the ruler says 5 inches of snow. And since then we've gotten another inch on top of that! I don't remember the last time we got this much snow. I think the last time must have been when I was away at college. Anyway - just wanted to give a shout out to all of you who miss the crazy weather her in Idaho! Love you!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Nesting Phase???
So...This all started last week sometime. Robbie had to leave in the evening to go to a meeting and so as he was going out the door, I started to clean up dinner...and I haven't stopped since! I was still cleaning 2 hours later when Robbie got home. The dust buster is my new best friend. I find myself cleaning all those random places you never get to - like spring cleaning in JANUARY! :) I've organized tons of drawers and cupboards, and I've made up a list for all the other places I'm hitting next. What is going on with me?!?!? I mean, I've always enjoyed a clean house, but this... Not only that, I've started 6 different projects. I was so excited and motivated about each one that I couldn't decide which one to start first. So I started all of them! :) Is this what the nesting phase feels like? And what's weird is that usually I have really low energy at certain times of the day, and now I just think about all my projects and all my cleaning and I have this new burst of energy! :)
My now clean and organized laundry cabinet...
My now clean and organized medicine cabibinet...(with labels) *said in Chandler Bing voice*
This is simply to show you how many projects I've gotten myself into...(I'll be posting those as I finish them, and only because it's a big accomplishment for me to finish something that I start. Yeah for me!)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Fun Weekend
It isn't very often that we have 4 or 5 fun things to do in one weekend - so this one needed journaling. Robbie and I had a date night Friday night where we went to Rick's basketball game, out to dinner, then over to my sisters house for games. Saturday we had our first clogging performance of the year! (I was running around like crazy and forgot the camera. Boo.) The kids did really well, and we ran out of business cards, which is a good thing. On Sunday, Robbie and I went over to Greg and Stephanie's house for dinner and games. Robbie won - which explains the look on Greg's face. :) Then on Monday, it was my birthday (turned 24!) and Robbie had lots of surprises for me. It was a fun day. I only got pictures of one part of it, but my mother in law, and my sisters in law and I meet every Monday at our favorite coffee shop, and they threw a little surprise party for me. Thanks again girls! (The reason they are all wearing red in the picture is because we have an ongoing joke that my favorite color is red, even though I will not claim this is true.) Then, we went out to lunch where my mom and sister surprised me there with my favorite treat (scotch-a-roos) - thanks again girls! And the rest of the day was just Robbie and I. It was fun, and relaxing, and I got a really good massage at the end of the day! That was probably my favorite gift! :) And since then, I have been trying to get back into "get things done" mode. **sigh** Here's to those little moments in life where you get to escape, forget about the dishes, and the laundry, and the bills, and just enjoy the company of those around you. Cheers!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Where has all the time gone?!?!
Well, Christmas and New Year's came in an extremely authoritative mode this year. It just came right in, didn't even ask, and told us where to be, when, and for how long. And was fun. :) The season was extremely busy. We visited 4 houses in two days over Christmas and had to jump right back into work after New Year's. We were extremely spoiled with all the fun things we were able to do. We received some very thoughtful gifts, and experienced a special time of year remembering the birth of our Savior. Luckily, that overshadowed the fact that our rental property had malfunctions over the season and we just barely finished putting it all back together. **sigh** The joys of being a Landlord... But now, we are back into the swing of things, decorations are put away, house cleaning is caught back up, and our to-do lists are back to normal : a mile and a half long. :) Thus, looking at my blog and realizing it's already half way through January with no new posts. CRAZY! The important thing is, all is healthy and well in the Walker household. We have plenty of fun things coming up, so we will be posting like crazy again soon. Speaking of fun things coming up -- is anybody else having to be extremely creative with Valentine's Day due to lack of money? Anybody have any good ideas? It's Robbie's turn to plan Valentine's Day this year, and he's wanting it to be fun, but frugal. We would love any suggestions! Until next time!