Happy day! We're pregnant! After a year of trying, we studied a lot and finally passed the test that so many people have passed! :) It was a complete surprise because the day after we found out, I was supposed to go get some blood work done to start a new fertility drug. We were so surprised that we wouldn't let ourselves believe it until an actual doctor told us it was true. We've had so much fun telling everyone, and now we are sending it out there into cyberspace to tell the world! We were going to wait until we got into the second trimester, but we are so excited we just can't wait! We're about 8 weeks along so far. Hooray! Thank you to everyone who has supported us so much, and given us many words of comfort. But don't stop praying for us just yet! We still need your prayers that this baby will be a keeper! :)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
P.S. I'm pregnant
I had asked mom and Mistie to go out to lunch with me "just because". Of course it was to tell them the big news. :) As soon as I told them, all three of us burst into tears. We made such a spectacle, I can't imagine what people around us were thinking. Even our waitress came over and said, "some customers asked me if I had said anything to upset you!" Mom told her that they were happy tears because I was pregnant. 5 minutes later she brought out a big sundae with three spoons. :) How sweet was that?
Monday, September 3, 2007
Norman Rockwell Moment
I'm sure only a few people will have full appreciation for this, but yesterday I had a Norman Rockwell moment. A huge incredible storm hit our house the other day, (you know how much I love storms) and so I sat down in front of the screen door so that I wouldn't get hit by tree branches, but could still feel the wind and smell the rain. Then, Robbie comes out with a bowl of popcorn and hot tamales!!! How sweet is that?!?!?! We watched the storm eating popcorn. And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I got a letter from my best friend Lauryl in the mail!!! It couldn't have been more perfect if I had planned it. I'm sure even Norman Rockwell himself was there in spirit definatley approving of such a classic moment. :)
Homage to Robbie
Isn't my husband amazing? The other day he just sits down at the piano with our ipod in his ears to "learn some new songs". How many people do you know that can learn new piano songs by just listening to how they sound? **I KNOW!!!** 20 minutes after he sat down, he had another song to add to his repertoire. You rock Robbie!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
"Egg"xcellent Point!
During scripture study today, as I was looking up a certain C.S. Lewis quote to add as a scripture insert, I came across a different C.S. Lewis quote which I thouroughly enjoyed and wanted to share.
"It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad." -C.S. Lewis
I often feel as though I am still in my shell. And if I stay there, I will definately go bad. I suppose there is no living the gospel half-way. It's all or nothing. We must either break free of our shell and fly, or stay as we are and go bad. (Another appropraite C.S. Lewis quote: "Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.")
Lord, give me the courage to spread my wings and fly, that I might live thy gospel to it's fullest and not waste that beautiful gift!