Sunday, December 5, 2010

When the Lights Go Out

We got to church this morning to find the power out in the building.  The Bishop had us have a short Sacrament Meeting in the dark- consisting of singing, the sacrament, more singing, and then being sent home. We were home by 9:30 a.m.  How's that for a short church day?!  I actually quite liked singing in the dark, and taking the sacrament seemed more peaceful.  It was kind of a fun experience.  Plus, then we had all day at home to kick back.  I took two (count them, two) naps.  Maybe this is just what I needed to get over this dumb cold I've had for the past 2 1/2 weeks.

When we got home, I decided we should try taking pictures while we were dressed up. I set up the tripod, and tried my hand at using the timer. This is what we got:

 It's not great, but it's something we can include in our Christmas letter.  I badly want my friend Amy to take family pictures for us, but I have yet to get it arranged.  I have issues, like: what to have everyone wear, extra pounds to lose before I want nice pictures taken...
Nathan became the photographer for a while.  He gets a kick out of it.
 Abby is growing up so much, and is so stinkin' cute!
 Here are my handsome guys.
 The cutest picture of my girls just has part of me in it.  Thanks Nathan!

 I have had many failed attempts at getting pictures of all of my kids looking cute at the same time.  Like here and here. Now, here's more to add to the list.
 Ah, Matthew's bored, and Abby's ready to kick back.  I should have found a better arrangement of the kids, but I was running out of fruit snacks, and the kids were running out of willingness to participate.

 Now Abby just wants to eat her dress, and Matthew says, "I'm done here."
Kinda  cute... but Matt closed his eyes.
 Oh well... we'll wait for Amy to catch that magic moment.  (Good luck with that Amy:)
 I wanted to get a picture showing Abby in her pretty princess dress she inherited from her cousin Madi, but she didn't care for my idea.  She just cares about dragons- apparently.
 It ended up being a really nice relaxing day, topped off with snuggling on the couch watching the awesome First Presidency Christmas Devotional.  I'm thankful for my great family, and a chance to spend a nice day with them.  I am especially grateful to have electricity.  This evening we had our lights dim like the power was going to go out.  It didn't, but east of us is pitch black as far as I can see.  Apparently a small plane crashed into a few homes in a neighboring town tonight.  It took out a few transformers, leaving everyone around us in the dark.  I'm thankful to have my lights and computer on, and especially my heater running.