Monday, February 4, 2013


It has been way too long since I have blogged so here are some highlights from the past few months!!!

October- My family (Mom, Dad, Mike, Kimber, Tyler, Daniel, & Nancy) came to visit us. We went to the Smokies for a few days which was beautiful and so much fun! We also visited Chattanooga, a battlefield, and The Space Museum in Huntsville. It was so much fun to be together as a family! I really miss living close!

November- Thanksgiving- Rob's Mom and step-dad came and spent Thanksgiving with us. It was great to be able to spend Thanksgiving with family! Unfortunately Maddie got sick with her first throw up illness and passed it on to me by the end of the weekend. Rob, Marlene, and Neldon were still able to go do some exploring!

December- Christmas!!! We had a great Christmas with just our little family. Maddie was so cute and she made Christmas a lot more fun. She loved her new toys and we enjoyed spending time together as a family.

January- Maddie and I took a trip to Utah at the end of January. It was so fun to spend time with family! It was freezing cold in Utah so we pretty much stayed in doors. I LOVE watching Maddie interact with Grandma & Grandpa and it was nice to be able to do a few things without Maddie. I got to go to the temple, go to dinner with some of my cousins, and spend a day with Amanda & Emma!

 In other news... baby number 2 is due Aug. 1st! We are excited and can't wait to find out if Maddie will have a brother or sister.