Wednesday, July 25, 2012

10 Months

We cannot believe that Maddie is already 10 months old. She is so big and seems to be growing and doing new things everyday. Here are a few things about her...
-Maddie is finally sleeping through the night (sometimes she wakes up once to eat)
-Loves to feed herself- her favorite foods include bananas, peaches, nectarines, watermelon, cheese, cheerios, bread, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, and yogurt. She will still eat baby food but would rather have finger foods.
-Is a pro at climbing up stairs
-Tries to sing along to her favorite songs
-Says... Mom Mom, Da da, na na na, and lots of other babbles
-Is getting better at standing by herself... yesterday she stood for 17 seconds
-Likes to play with everything she shouldn't...phones, computers, remotes, cords, blinds, etc.
-She is learning what the word no means
-Still puts everything into her mouth
-Sleeps on her tummy with her butt up
-Loves to play

We of course think she is the cutest baby ever and just keeps getting cuter and cuter! We love her so much!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dayton Air Show

A few weeks ago we went to the Dayton Air Show. It was awesome and we had a really fun time. We were super lucky because Rob got tickets from work and they were great tickets that included food, drinks, an air conditioned tent to cool off in, and our own grassy spot for viewing the show. We got there early and walked around looking at all the planes and then enjoyed the cool air show featuring the Blue Angels. They really are amazing. Maddie was so good and we had a great day! Here are some pictures! (Rob literally took hundreds of photos but I will try to control myself!)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

June in Utah

Maddie and I spent the month of June in Utah to visit family and friends. We had such a blast but we missed Rob a lot! Here are a few highlights from our month!
 - Lots of family time! I was lucky and got to spend time with everyone in my family... Mike & Kimber came from California, Dave was still in Utah, and of course the parents and Nancy. Here are a few pictures from hanging out with them!
Maddie and I ready to go swimming for her first time. She LOVED it!!
        Swimming with Kimber, Tyler, and Daniel
            Drying off with Grandma
 At the park eating mommy's cell phone
    Picnic at the park

- While I was there we got to celebrate a few things as a family. My mom retired from teaching and we were all able to attend her retirement party. She was a great teacher and I learned a ton of things from her. Granite will really miss her. Also, my little brother Dave graduated from pharmacy school. He did so great and we are so proud of him. We took some family pictures after his graduation.

            The whole family (minus Rob)
              The "kids"
   Cousins... Maddie, Tyler, and Daniel

- I was also able to spend time with Amanda and meet little baby Emma. We had such a blast together and I am so sad we don't live close. We would have so much fun.... maybe someday our plan to live next door with come true!
        Best Friends! :)
    Holding Emma... what a cute baby! :)

- I also got to see lots of other friends from Sandy and Logan. It was so fun to see everyone and hang out. I wish I would have taken more pictures. Here is one I stole from facebook... (thanks Avree)

 Spencer, Jack, James, Maddie, &Emma at Costa Vida
- I was able to spend time and hang out with lots of my cousins. It was a blast!

2 of Maddie's Favorite Aunts. Missy & Erin

- We were also able to see Rob's family and hang out with them a few times. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures.

- Maddie had lots of playtime and loved living with Grandma and Grandpa. Maddie was so good and is such a happy baby.  It was such a fun trip to Utah. Here are a few pictures of Maddie playing!

      Playing on the tramp is so fun!
           Discovering the grass

             Big Smiles