Sunday, October 16, 2011

Big Changes

As most of you already know we have had some big changes in our lives lately. They are good changes but of course all seemed to happen at the same time. In case you missed any of these exciting events... here is a recap.

1. Rob graduates from college with his bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and his Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering. (He walked in May but made it official when he defended his thesis on September 10th)

2. Rob gets a job offer at Arnold Air Force Base in Tennessee. We feel lucky he was able to get a job so quickly in this economy. Even though it is very far from home he takes it. Start date..... October 24th.

#3. Baby Maddie is born September 23rd. We absolutely love her!

#4. Quit my old job....start new job as full time mom! It seems super weird I am not going back to teaching. I have loved working at Woodruff and I have loved teaching. I will miss it a lot!

#5. Move to Tennessee. Rob left today. His sister, mom, and step dad are helping him drive our cars back. I will be flying back in a few weeks.

We are excited to begin our new adventure in life.